Tag Archives: Diet & Fitness

Top 3 Reasons To Think About “A Healthy Breakfast” Instead Of “A Breakfast”

Do you eat breakfast every day? What do you usually eat?

Fruit4Breakfast_3181820721_5185f6303fToday, I’d like to focus on the second question — what to eat for breakfast. Most people have breakfast, and there are many reasons why kick starting your day with a meal is crucial. However, a lot of folks overlook the difference between simply “eating breakfast” and “eating a healthy breakfast”. The latter is more important.

Whether you realize it or not, a healthy breakfast is your cancer-fighting investment. Eating breakfast itself doesn’t guarantee protection from cancer or heart disease. Yet eating a daily, healthy breakfast does provide you long-term health benefits, and aids you in building the body’s defense to prevent cancer. Here are the top three reasons why a healthy breakfast is a smart choice:

1. A significant link between eating a healthy breakfast and minimizing cancer risks is maintaining a healthy weight. Research shows that skipping breakfast can cause you to gain weight. Obesity contributes to common types of cancer. People who successfully maintain their body weight usually eat a healthy breakfast every day.

2. Some breakfast products may contain vitamins/nutrients in amounts going beyond the recommended daily allowance (RDA), or food by-products that virtually increase your risk for developing cancer and other health problems. For instance, bacon contains certain levels of known and possible carcinogens, cereals often contain too much folic acid, and there are drinks that contain far too much vitamin C. Remember the golden rule – “Excess of anything is bad.” Just as a drug at a higher dosage can have potentially adverse consequences, so can too much of any vitamin.

3. A sugar-rich breakfast is the worst way to start your day. With our modern lifestyle, it’s so easy to let too much sugar sneak into our breakfast…. Again, sugar doesn’t cause cancer directly. However, too much sugar intake (esp. refined sugar), hence high blood sugar level becomes problematic, which not only initiates diabetes and heart disease but also has been linked to increased risks for breast, colon and pancreatic cancer.

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1. Breakfast should be primarily liquid or contain liquids, while solid food plays a secondary role. There should be 3-4 different types of food with a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fibers and healthy fats. Milk intake can provide a high nutritional value.
2. It is important to drink water in the morning, which helps replenish liquid lost during the night, eliminate waste, and promote blood circulation.
3. Middle-age people should control the amount of sugar and carbohydrate intake.
4. Old people may eat more easily digested yet nutrient-rich food such as soups or noodles.
5. Take caution by reading labels! Familiarize or inform yourself with the upper limits of essential vitamins/nutrients.

After all, what do you usually include for a healthy breakfast?

Photo credit: by Just a Temporary Measure

4 E’s Weight Loss Tips

Wt. Loss_PixabayWhen it comes to losing weight, there is really no so-called “secret”. It all comes down to 4 E’s: Eat, Exercise, Energy balance, and Enthusiasm. Here is why:

Eat a healthy diet
A healthy diet is not just a part of your weight management. It may protect you against various health problems ranging from arthritis, to heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Exercise regularly
Exercise and diet are two key components to good health, they go hand-in-hand. You don’t need to eat like a rabbit or live in a gym, but you do need to find ways to move. Physical inactivity has been linked to some types of cancer.

Energy balance
This is how you measure your result. To put it in a simple formula:
Calories in = Calories out. But make sure to take in smart calories.

You need to get excited about it, and enjoy your journey to ultimate health. “Lose the fat, not the fun”. I love this tagline!

I understand that there are so many challenges to your healthy eating, exercise and weight control, let’s turn challenges into fun and solutions.

I’m having “Link Fever”, which will connect you to some great sites. So, whether you want to drop pounds, lose fat, or just maintain healthy weight, my labor may help you find additional information, resources and supports on your journey for weight management. Here goes:

1. Does your busy lifestyle hold you back?
Well, there is every day food for busy people — and you can eat at home. Alternatively, you can have fresh prepared, healthy, delicious “eDiets” meals delivered to your door.

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They don’t help, and it’s frustrating. You may learn something from a person’s real life story and journey for weight loss. Hopefully lose that tyre/tire. In addition, rediscover the pleasure of natural, authentic food, fresh, seasonal fruits/vegetables such as summer tomatos, and incorporate them into your diet.

3. Are super-sized portions hard to resist?
Manage your portions. Have FREE Diet Analysis on what you really need.

4. Do you have too little time for physical activity?
Get inspiration from FatLossMama’s Quick Mom Workouts. If you are serious about “the burn”, and develop self-discipline, get help from Amelia, a health and fitness coach.

5. Are you confused about information when it comes to what really works for weight loss?
I hear you. Choosing a weight loss program could be a difficult task. However, the best weight loss program is what fits your case the best. In order to get the right information you need and help you make a well-educated decision, the best link I can provide is the link between you and your doctor.

6. Do you need more motivation? Are you ready to “work”?
It’s all about perspective. The important thing to remember is — Lose the fat, not the fun! For your TGIF, visit tasteful and healthy living; it makes me want to taste the Adam and Eve Martini !

To have fitness, food and fun altogether, join a veteran TV health reporter, who has a place available where there are not only news, tips, and interviews with top health professionals, but also contests, quizzes, and fun factors — stuff that can make diet and exercise more enjoyable.

Bonus: Here is an inspirational resource of creative home cooking, with hundreds of healthy recipes, esp. if you have a special diet need.

What experience or tip would you like to share? And if you like this post, please share it.

Photo credit: by Pixabay

Are You Heart and Breast/Prostate Healthy?

Heart, Breast & Prostate Health_CPDToday let’s talk about some KEY strategies for heart health and cancer prevention, i.e. the “kill two birds with one stone” approach.

Okay, first thing first. Take simple, small lifestyle actions day by day, which is what will help you win the battle of fighting cancer and heart disease. Rome wasn’t conquered in a day, and probably not in a week either.

To reduce risks of cancer, you need to incorporate lifestyle changes, as WHO’s message on the World Cancer Day 2010. These changes can also benefit your heart.

Here are 9 simple, healthy strategies:

1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. I know that ice cream is appetizing, but fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as foods low in saturated fat but high in fiber can serve as cancer-fighting and cholesterol-fighting agents.
2. Exercise regularly. Best suggestions are about 30 minutes a day. Find various ways to stay physically active, which will help you lower cholesterol, maintain healthy weight, and prevent cancer.
3. Maintain a healthy weight with a body mass index (BMI) lower than 30. Overweight and/or obesity increases your risks for heart disease and cancer. Need help? You can get a FREE diet profile here.
4. Stop cigarette smoking and avoid second-hand smoking. Cigarette smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, causing an estimated 1 out of every 5 deaths each year, according to National Cancer Institute (NCI). Noticeably, research reveals a link between elevated CRP and obesity as well as smoking.
5. Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol consumption is linked to increased risk of various types of cancer including breast, colorectal, mouth, esophagus, larynx, and liver cancer. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to high blood pressure and heart failure.
6. Reduce inflammation and cancer-causing infection. Stay away from factors that make us susceptible to infection and inflammation, such as toxic chemicals, pollutants, stress, inadequate intake of nutrients, a diet high in sugar, fat and animal proteins. Strengthen your immune system.
7. Avoid or minimize your exposure to air pollutants. Air pollutants mediate inflammation, thereby contributing to cancer and a troubled heart. It’s difficult to control the air in our outdoor environment, but we can control the air in our homes. Pay attention to occupational hazards, take preventative measures in workplace too.
8. Relax! Reduce stress. Stress can weaken the immune system, trigger inflammation, subsequently leading to heart attack, stroke and cancer. Have a positive outlook and find your own “secret” stress reliever.
9. Know your numbers. Regular health checkup can help you monitor your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. Consult your physician on cancer screenings.

Finally, a Bonus for Valentine’s Day and chocolate lovers.

Substantial research suggests that flavonoid-rich food could help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer based on its anti-inflammatory effect. Cocoa is the richest source of flavonoids, but current processing reduces its content considerably. Dark chocolate is flavonoid-rich (with at least 70% cocoa). So, what’s the catch? In comparison, milk chocolate is sugar- and fat-rich. To learn a few quick tips on how to consume chocolate wisely, check out our “Tip of the Week“.

What’s your thought on fighting cancer and heart disease? If you like this post, please share it.

Photo credit: by CPD

10 Simple Things You Can Do to Get Back on Track


Are you falling off the wagon? Whether it’s a “New Year’s Resolution”, a “Weight Loss Diet”, or a “Fitness Program,” you are not alone. Do you want to get back on track and reach your goal? If you are serious about it, you can do it. Here are 10 ways to help you reconnect with your New Year’s Resolution or health program, and gain your momentum back.

1. Believe in yourself. It’s about your mindset. Attitude is small thing that makes a big difference. You have your goal, and you can achieve it. Remember it’s a journey, and set-backs are just challenges along the way. The main thing is, don’t give up. As a Japanese proverb says, “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” All you have to do now is to get back up, dust yourself off, and move forward again.

2. Acknowledge your setbacks, and realize it’s normal. Don’t feel bad or practice self-sabotage, and don’t use excuses either, because none of them help. Laugh at yourself, or at me. Hey, I fell off from my blog wagon! Now I’m back on it, typing away.

3. Re-visit and revise your written goal. First, a written goal is a must. It’s so simple and has proven to be so powerful. A goal without being written is simply a wish. If you have written it, great! But don’t forget, you’re not writing it on a stone tablet. Re-examine your goal to see if it is realistic and the steps toward it attainable. If not, revise it.

4. Take action. Start today. Starting is not always easy, but in the end, your actions will be rewarded. Just by driving to the gym you will be more likely to hop on that treadmill; one step will lead to more, and you’ll feel great as your brain releases endorphins. Just remember: Small steps count, even if it’s just a walk to the local grocery store or around the neighborhood. Movement brings joy.

5. Dig for the causes of falling off, target it with solutions. What exactly holds you back? Time? Overloaded work? Boredom? Laziness? Be honest with yourself, be reasonable, and take responsibility.

6. Set a time for it, no matter how long or how short, whenever it is. By scheduling time, you make it priority. Then meet your “appointment”. This is not only about self-discipline but also a solution to “finding time.” By not having a schedule, it’s easier to fall into the excuse-trap of “I have no time for it”? No time for your goal? Well, squeeze 10 minutes, if not more, from your daily life.
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7. Make a switch, change your routines. Sometimes people stop or get stuck simply because of boredom or repetition, or worse, lack of progress. A change can bring excitement, momentum, and even results. Challenge yourself to do something completely different.

8. Have fun! If you dread the idea of working in the gym or eating something you aren’t enjoying, just don’t do it. Create a variety of ways to achieve your goal, whether it’s diet or exercise. You’ll be amazed with the results. For example, try a new recipe, do 5 minutes of squat-jumps, or put on some energetic music to cheer you up while exercising. Alternatively, learn something new.

9. Find connections, get support. Whether it’s a family member or friend, a fitness buddy, a club, or online resources (forums, blogs, favorite sites), you have someone to share experience and get inspiration. At least, you have me here on your journey.

10. Reward yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back or a treat for the progress you make.

In closing, by practicing any of these 10 strategies, you can keep moving forward and achieve your goal!

What else would you add to the list to share your experience and help others?

Photo credit: mckaysavag