Category Archives: Inflammation

Holiday Traditions Blend with the Science of Memory

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Holiday Season Meets Science of Memory_CPD, PixabayHoliday traditions are not just festive in spirit; they are memory in action. From decorating the tree to singing carols, from gift shopping to laughter echoed from the dining room, these rituals strengthen the neurological pathways that hold our dearest memories.

But for millions affected by neurological diseases, these pathways are disrupted; this specifically happens in the hippocampus, the neocortex, and the amygdala—areas where our memories are stored in the brain. During a conversation about memory decline, a friend of mine asked me if there is any relationship between dementia and brain cancer. This is a great and complex question!

I’d like to share some key scientific insights here by clearly detangling various layers of information, while bridging oncology and neurology.

A memory deficit and/or cognitive decline is a common denominator in dementia and brain cancer.

Surely, dementia and brain cancer share more than a commonality of memory impairment, including some genetic background and an increased risk of the two diseases with age. Various lines of research evidence indicate a direct link between dementia and cancer, though the exact mechanisms remain unclear.

But we are going to focus on memory. Pathophysiological processes in memory are both complicated and closely intertwined, but their disruption can have detrimental consequences. Dementia and brain cancer are separate conditions; each has a distinct pathology. However, in these patients, symptoms are overlapping, with shared impacts including:

  • Episodes of cognitive decline and memory loss: I’m sure that you know or have heard how cognitive dysfunctions affect the daily life of people with dementia. Depending on the location and size, brain tumors and chemo- or radiation-therapy-induced brain injury can also impair cognitive function, memory, and decision-making.
  • Changes in behaviors and personality: Both conditions can cause significant changes in mood, behavior, and personality, which mimic symptoms of neurogenerative disorders.

Dementia results from dysfunctions of neurons and their connections in certain brain regions, whereas brain tumors may distort and destroy the brain, leading to dementia. Chemo- and radiation-therapy for brain cancer can also induce cognitive impairment. After all, these diseases alter brain functions and cause brain damage.

What causes memory decline or loss?

Both dementia and brain cancer share some cellular and molecular pathways involving neuroinflammation—i.e., inflammation of the nervous tissue in the brain and spinal cord. Neuroinflammation is a driver of neurotoxicity; it has been linked to memory loss and cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia.

When neuroinflammation occurs after infection, injury or stroke, it can elevate levels of pro-inflammatory markers. Subsequent inflammation may set the brain “on fire”, which slows down neurons’ connections, resulting in symptoms from brain fog to profound and prolonged memory deficit or loss.

Furthermore, inflammation itself predisposes the growth of cancer and promotes all stages of cancer development. Tumors themselves also negatively impact brain functions.

Of course, what we mentioned above are complex diseases that are caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

How can we protect and preserve the memories that matter most?

In brief, a healthy lifestyle matters. Here are 10 cost-effective strategies:

  1. Eat an anti-inflammatory, nutritious diet. In particular, Omega-3 rich foods help lower neuroinflammation and inhibit brain cell death. Its neuroprotective effect can contribute to better brain health.
  2. Engage in physical activity, and keep moving, as exercise can boost memory.
  3. Reduce stress and enhance mindfulness to ensure your mental well-being.
  4. Minimize exposure to air pollutants, toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and pesticides.
  5. Spend more time in natural environments, which can help support your immunity.
  6. Make the quality of your sleep a priority.
  7. Prevent gastrointestinal infection or gut inflammation, as pathogens—via the gut–brain axis—alter the blood brain barrier (BBB) to favor neuroinflammation.
  8. Avoid traumatic head injury, as such injury often disrupts BBB and increases the risk of brain inflammation.
  9. Limit alcohol consumption.
  10. Quit tobacco smoking.

As you can see, living a healthy lifestyle is critical to preserving our memories while we can!

An extra note –

Because of the association between cancer and dementia, we need to screen early for dementia in cancer survivors. Likewise, the onset of cognitive symptoms in older adults may initially be misdiagnosed as dementia. However, imaging results often reveal brain tumors as the underlying cause; therefore, it’s important to differentiate between the two conditions.

To sum up and raise greater awareness –

This holiday season, let’s explore how science, love, and compassion can offer hope to those who struggle with memory or cognitive challenges. Meanwhile, please provide the above strategies to others to help them protect their memories of joyful and happy moments.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and the best of 2025!

Image credits: Pixabay; CancerPreventionDaily

Melatonin: Beyond Inducing Sound Sleep

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Melatonin in Blue Words_BaptistHealth.comHow would you like to learn more about melatonin? Better yet, what if I showed you how it can defend against cancer?

As you may have known, the human body produces melatonin naturally. Melatonin is a hormone synthesized and released by the pineal gland, and also from other sites including the immune system, gastrointestinal tract, brain and skin. Melatonin is well-known for its sleep-inducing benefit, and mostly used as a sleep aid for insomnia or improving sleep quality under various circumstances.

But its usage for sleep is not the attention here.

There are numerous novel insights into the actions of melatonin, based on credible evidence from experimental and human studies. I summarized them in three areas as follows:

1.      Antioxidant properties

There is a causal relationship between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and many chronic conditions including cancer. Particularly, research reveals that ROS levels are higher in cancer cells than those of normal cells.

Melatonin is a bioactive molecule and ubiquitously distributed in the cells. It has remarkable antioxidant capabilities through direct detoxication of ROS, indirect stimulation of antioxidant enzymes, resulting in a decrease in cellular ROS. In addition, Melatonin may chelate transition metals involved in generating harmful free radicals. So, antioxidant effects of melatonin can prevent potential oxidative damage.

2.      Anticancer effects

Compelling evidence shows that melatonin exerts inhibitory effects on cancer development through multiple mechanisms.

First, melatonin mitigates cancer at the initiation, progression and metastasis phases. The inhibition is attributed to suppressing tumor growth and promoting apoptosis (i.e., cell death) of many cancer cells. Importantly, melatonin also targets at blocking angiogenesis, thus cutting off nutrients and oxygen supply to cancer cells. This is of significance because increased angiogenesis is a key feature of cancer progression and metastasis. (Note that in tumor, angiogenesis implies the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow.)

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Third, melatonin inhibits a molecular process associated with metastasis by limiting cancer cells to enter into blood stream, and preventing them from establishing secondary growth at distant sites.

Lastly and clearly, although the influence of melatonin is mediated via the activation of its receptors (MT1 and MT2, proteins located on the cell membrane), many actions of melatonin can be receptor-dependent and receptor-independent. The later involves indirectly through alterations in intracellular events; for example, directly detoxifying ROS and promoting apoptosis by melatonin.

Because melatonin is generated and distributed in a variety of tissues, it may provide a defense against diverse types of cancer, including lung, breast, prostate, gastric, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer.

3.      Synergetic advantages with chemotherapy

While increasing efficacy of chemotherapy, melatonin has the ability to attenuate acute and chronic drug toxicity, therefore, it can improve patients’ well-being.

Intriguingly, co-administration with melatonin can enhance the sensitivity of cancers to the inhibition by conventional chemo drugs, and reduce cancer’s previous or total resistance to the treatments. Many types of cancer are susceptible to melatonin-induced inhibition.

In brief, melatonin can cheer you up with cancer fighting spirit and shell while it calms you into a good night sleep.


References: Here 

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Go Beyond Knowing Obesity Is Bad (Part 1)

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Stop Obesity by CPD_2018As you no doubt know, obesity is a condition of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. The condition results from genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. Virtually everybody knows that obesity is bad for you; but in this post, I want to elaborate further. In particular, I’m going to emphasize FAT, the adipose tissue in our bodies.

Adipose tissue is not only an inert fat-storage tissue, but an active endocrine organ, being accountable for synthesizing and secreting several hormones and inflammatory substances – from angiotensin, leptin, TNF-alpha and IL-6 to adiponectin, just to name a few.

Let’s take one of them, angiotensin, as an example to explain the link between obesity and hypertension.

Fat tissue has a local renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which is well-known as an important regulator of blood pressure and a determinant of cardiovascular homeostasis. One of the components is angiotensin II (Ang II) generated from angiotensinogen (AGT). Ang II causes vasoconstriction, reducing the lumen of blood vessels, leading to elevated blood pressure.

Yiannikouris et al’s study (2012) provided compelling evidence that fat-derived AGT contributes to circulating AGT levels and blood pressure regulation.

Under normal condition, while most AGT in the blood comes from the liver, AGT produced by fat cells contributes significantly (~26%) to the circulating pool of AGT. Noticeably, in obese state, fat mass increases fat-derived AGT, which may become a major source of circulating AGT, leading to stimulated RAS, increased Ang II and elevated blood pressure. So, you can see how obesity is linked to hypertension through fat-derived AGT.

Now, what needs to be addressed is how fat mass is expanded. Well, increased caloric intake, a sedentary lifestyle, and/or various endocrine disorders can all promote the development of fat mass, leading to an increase in AGT gene expression and a high level of circulating AGT in obesity. Furthermore, with an increase in fat tissue and circulating AGT, increased Ang II initiates fat cell growth and thus enlarges fat mass. On the whole, RAS activation results in not only hypertension but also weight gain.

Next, let’s look at how the presence of fat on various tissues and organs impacts your health.

Fat on/around Blood Vessels

Under physiological condition, vascular endothelial cells, the inner lining of blood vessels, synthesize and release endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) and/or other relaxing factors that induce endothelium-dependent vasodilation, increase blood flow, and play a critical role in the regulating blood pressure. We now know that functional changes in endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells contribute to the initiation and progression of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis.

There is also fat tissue that structurally and functionally surrounds blood vessels.
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How could fat be involved in pathological changes?

Fat tissue around blood vessels can produce inflammation-promoting chemicals, subsequently promoting vascular diseases. Under conditions of hypercholesterolemia, high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS, i.e. free radicals) can rapidly destroy NO and impair endothelium-dependent vasodilation; the abnormality is evident in various disorders such as diabetes, coronary artery disease and hypertension.

After feeding mice with a high-fat diet for 2 weeks, researchers found a reduction in anti-inflammatory factors and an increase in pro-inflammatory chemicals in fat tissue around blood vessels (i.e. perivascular fat), but not fat surrounding abdominal organs (i.e. visceral fat) and under the skin (i.e. subcutaneous fat) in these animals. Consistent with functional studies, these data suggest that pro-inflammatory factors derived from perivascular fat play a key role in the development of vascular dysfunction, and vascular dysfunction is likely an early sign of cardiovascular diseases.

High fat mass can also raise your LDL (i.e. bad cholesterol) and blood pressure, and cause insulin resistance – a risk for type-2 diabetes. My research has demonstrated that bad cholesterol (especially its oxidized form) can cause endothelial dysfunction and reduced blood flow in small brain arteries. Other researchers have also found that fat diet, together with overexpression of oxidized LDL’s receptor, can cause vascular dysfunction in small mesenteric arteries.

It is worth mentioning that obesity reduces adiponectin, a substance that is secreted from fat tissue and protects blood vessels against endothelial dysfunction. Clinical data show that lower levels of blood adiponectin are correlated to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

How about fat inside blood vessels?

You have probably heard about the “plaque”, a combination of cholesterol, fat, calcium and other substances. In atherosclerosis, plaque builds up inside your arteries, grows larger due to chronic inflammation, and can eventually rupture. When this takes place, blood clots clog up the lumen of arteries, blocking blood flow and depriving oxygen supply. Consequently, heart attack and stroke may occur, depending on a clot’s location in the coronary or brain arteries.

Overall, as fat expansion outside and inside blood vessels, increased oxidative stress and chronic inflammation promote cardiovascular aging and diseases.

Please stay tuned to learn hidden fat on intra-abdominal and vital organs (Part 2).

References (including Pt. 1 & Pt. 2) Click here  

Image by CPD

Why It Is Dangerous to Ignore Infections

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Pathogens_comboWith the arrival of warmer weather and summer, people get active, and so do lots of bacteria and pathogens. This is important to remember whenever you are on vacation or just enjoying the outdoors. And it is why I want to emphasize the danger of infections and the value of prevention.

Infections are everywhere and occur in many types, including flu, food poisoning, tick-borne Lyme disease, and any form of -itis (e.g., meningitis and hepatitis). The consequences of infections vary too, from a temporary harmful or sick condition to long-term diseases and disorders.

Evidence is mounting that infectious agents (e.g., bacteria and viruses) can lead to cancer. Here I’d like to highlight the role of infection in cancer and, to some extent, in chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Role of bacteria in cancer

There is a significant association between bacterial infection and cancer. For example, the following bacteria are responsible for an increased risk of certain cancers:

-          Helicobacter pylori is linked to stomach cancer

-          Chlamydia pneumonia, to lung cancer

-          Chlamydia infection, to ovarian cancer and cervical cancer

-          Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, to bladder, ovarian, and prostate cancer

Notably, some bacteria strains—specifically, Bacteroides fragilis and Escherichia coli—are involved in developing colon cancer, especially the hereditary type. This is because the two strains can bypass the gut barrier, which acts as an intestinal guardian, and reach the epithelial cells (cells that line the insides of organs, including the gastrointestinal tract), turning these cells cancerous.

Role of viruses in cancer

A growing body of knowledge indicates that viruses can cause cancer. Here are some well-documented examples:

-          Hepatitis B virus, can lead to liver cancer

-          Hepatitis C virus, to liver cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma

-          Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), to anal and cervical cancer, Kaposi sarcoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma

-          Human papillomavirus (HPV), to cancers of mouth, pharynx, anus, cervix, vulva, vagina, ovary, and penis, as well as lung cancer.

-          Human herpes virus type 8 (Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus), to Kaposi sarcoma

-          Epstein bar virus (EBV; Herpesviridae family), to lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, gastric cancer, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Cancers occur when the genetic material (DNA) within the cells develops mutations that lead to uncontrolled cell growth. The mutations may result from damage in DNA structure or errors in DNA replication. However, viruses can insert themselves into the cell’s DNA, causing the same mutation and consequence.

An estimated 12 to 20% of human cancers are caused by viruses. Because there is no vaccine available for some viruses, prevention is critical to protect you from cancer risks.

Role of pathogens in Alzheimer’s disease

It is intriguing that increased bacterial populations and different proportions of specific bacteria are found in Alzheimer’s, compared with healthy brains. These findings suggest that bacterial infection and neuro-inflammation in the brain may contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.

Lyme disease is caused by a bacterial infection and is a tick-borne disease. Ticks infected by spirochetes bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) transmit Lyme disease through a bite on hosts such as humans, deer, mice, and pets.
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Interestingly, spirochetes bacteria that are linked to Alzheimer’s disease are the same type that causes Lyme disease. Coincidental or not, both diseases display brain inflammation and memory loss.

Although two hallmarks, amyloid b plaques and neurofibrillary tangles with protein tau, are considered the major contributors to Alzheimer’s disease, the Amyloid b-Tau-Inflammation pathway might provide a closer fitting to pathogenesis of this neurodegenerative disease.

Role of Inflammation

Inflammation is a reaction to bacterial or viral infection. However, when chronic immune-stimulated inflammation persists, it becomes a toxic driver of chronic illnesses, causing cells in vital organs to dysfunction or degenerate.

Again, infection may be gone, but the inflammation may remain.

Consider that H. pylori—a bacteria causing gastritis, gastric ulcer, and cancer—infects the gastric ecosystem in 50% of all humans. Once H. pylori settles in the gastric environment, it stays for the lifetime of a host.

Another example: An association between the spirochetes bacteria (carried by ticks to cause Lyme disease) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma has been observed, though the findings are inconsistent. However, the point is – as seen in Lyme disease, chronic inflammatory response plays a part of cancer cell signaling in lymphoma.

Collectively, it’s evident that a variety of infectious agents are linked to numerous chronic diseases. Infection and subsequent chronic inflammation can increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, it is crucial to eliminate the cause of infection when it arises by getting timely treatment. The best measure you can take before infection occurs is to prevent infection in the first place.

Finally, some main preventive strategies and tips

1.      Be hygiene-conscious. Wash your hands—a very important health practice. Sounds simple, right? However, not everybody does it. Let me elaborate a bit more, because good hand-washing is very effective for blocking a contact-oral or fecal-oral route of infection.

First, wash frequently, especially after the bathroom, handling trash, or touching any dirty surfaces, and before eating food. Wash thoroughly, with soap over the entirety of the hands, not just a quick rinse of the palms.

I always recommend to wash hands after touching cash. The concern with cash is not how many people have touched it, but who, i.e. whether pathogen carriers have handled it—a huge unknown that makes cash potentially contagious.

Equally important is to teach kids to do so; it takes time to develop habits. Cultivating this heathy habit provides them considerable lifelong protection.

2.      Maintain food hygiene. One way germs enter a human body is by mouth. So carefully watch what you eat and drink. For example, wash fruits and vegetables before eating, and cook meats, fish, and seafood fully. It’s also better not to share utensils.

Intake of contaminated food or water can result in salmonella infection or becoming infected with other pathogens such as hepatitis virus (HAV). And it takes at least boiling, i.e. 100oC (212oF) to kill the hepatitis virus. That’s why chewing ice cubes is not always “cool” unless you know the exact water source that made the ice.

3.      Become vigilant on the hygiene of your surrounding area. This includes from keeping clean the kitchen area where foods are prepared, to preventing hospital-associated infections, etc. When traveling, be aware of germy surfaces such as door handles and keypads used for many cashless tasks or transactions.

4.      Practice sex hygiene. Sexually transmitted infections can lead to cancer and death, and not all of them can be cured. Get immunized, get to know your partner, and apply safe measures to reduce the risk of infections.

5.      Get vaccinated. Vaccination is important because it helps protect not only you, but also the people around you and communities.

6.      Support your immune function and minimize inflammation. Your immune system is the front line of your body’s defense against toxins and diseases, including cancer. See previously covered solutions and tips for effective immune-boosting at CancerPreventionDaily.

In brief, practicing good hygiene and developing habits that foster strong immunity are beneficial for your long-term health.


Image credit:; PetMD


5 Reasons for a Higher Awareness of Zika

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Zika_Pt.2_CPDZika virus continuously poses a public health threat in the U.S.. Since my last post “Zika Virus Infection and Cancer Care Indication”, as of August 24th, 29 people in Florida have been infected with Zika virus through local mosquito transmission, along with 2,487 travel-related cases across the country, according to the CDC.

This is a more alarming reality than that presented three months ago when all 544 Zika cases in the U.S. were travel-related. Regions along the Gulf Coast are at an elevated risk for Zika outbreak, especially Louisiana, because of recent devastating flooding.

Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to the Zika crisis. Of importance is to avoid traveling to Zika outbreak areas and stay self-protected to prevent mosquito bites. I won’t get into details here because plenty of information or guidance is available elsewhere.

Based on some new research and clinical findings, I’d like to emphasize FIVE reasons why we need a higher alert and responsiveness to Zika infection. Here goes:

1.      There are various ways for Zika virus transmission.

A person who has acquired the Zika infection could pass virus along through mosquito bites, maternal-fetal and/or sexual transmission. Unmistakably, blood transfusion also becomes a major concern as Zika-positive blood donation is evident. That’s why the FDA recently recommended nationwide screening of blood donations for Zika virus. Thank about it – why is it necessary to run such a costly and time-consuming testing for a massive blood donation system? Remember that people infected with Zika virus could be symptomless.

2.      Zika virus can damage not only a baby’s brain but also an adult’s brain cells.

Painful scan images have shown that Zika infects a fetus, causes brain calcification, and destroys a baby’s brain. Severe brain damage may bring about long-term developmental problems or neurological complications affecting vision, movement and epilepsy. On the other hand, new research reveals that Zika virus impacts a different area of adult mice’s brain, such as a specific neural cell, and it could affect long-term memory in some adults.

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Infections by viruses can suppress the immune system. Moreover, a person’s inflammatory response to mosquito bites may augment the severity of arbovirus infection (e.g. Zika). Studies suggest that mosquito bites, especially in individuals hypersensitive to mosquito bites, may be linked to cancer development through activating cancer cellular pathways by mosquito-feeding, and/or through influencing human metabolic pathways leading to the initiation of cancer.

4.      It’s challenging to control mosquitoes.

Mosquito population is measured in the millions, and usually in the hundreds of millions. There is no way to distinguish Zika-infected mosquitoes from the rest uninfected. It’s virtually impossible to eradicate them all. But it doesn’t mean we should give up our effort.

Aerial spraying and backpack fogging carried out by the professionals can help reduce mosquito populations in epidemic areas. There are also effect measures that individual citizens can take right at home or the backyard with little or no cost. For instance, the best ways to control local mosquito population is to eliminate the places where mosquitoes breed, such as water-filled buckets, flowerpots, containers, puddles or pools of standing water outdoors.

Using pesticides to kill mosquitoes is delicate. Be cautious about unintended consequence, because pesticides often contain some toxic chemicals that can be harmful to human health if inhaled or ingested. 

5.      Finally, keep in mind those young women whose newborns suffering from microcephaly, neurological abnormalities and birth defects. What would their hardship be? – raising their ill babies, caring for the infants with various disabilities, and likely dealing with their own stress, anxiety, depression or quality of life.


Image credit: and CPD

Foods to Stop Abdominal Obesity and Inflammation

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Big Belly-and-diet-1349596-mAre you a woman with a waist measurement of over 35 inches or a man with a waist of over 40 inches?

If so, you need to keep reading and engaging in this topic. There is an increasing concern about abdominal obesity, which has been identified as a risk factor of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

How bad is it?

Abdominal obesity, so-called “big tummy”, is the accumulation of excess intra-abdominal fat tissue, which promotes the release of inflammation-causing chemicals and subsequently causes inflammation. On top of that, chronic inflammation is harmful to your body and a root for many chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. So, “big tummy” should not be taken lightly.

Several factors might contribute to increased abdominal fat, including sex hormones, growth hormone, and local production of cortisol, a “stress hormone”. Dietary fructose is involved too. So, you cannot shrink your waist size overnight, and there is no a magic pill for it. However, you can simply start with modifying your diet.

How can you do it?

Is there any food that can improve your belly towards a healthy, active anti-inflammatory way? Yes. Here are the topmost eight approaches you can focus on:

1.      Oily fish: salmon or tuna

Fatty fish like salmon, tuna and sardines, are not only good proteins but high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. To rip most benefits, eat these fish a few times a week, and cook them in healthy ways, such as grilled or baked, not deep fried, dried or salted.

2.      Healthy fats: olive oil and avocado

Let’s face it. Fat adds delicious taste, but not all fats are created equal. So, sprinkle olive oil and avocado over your salad, or mix them with your dishes.

 3.      High fiber foods: whole grain, oatmeal

A diet study on nearly 90,000 people in 2010 found that those consuming at least 10 grams of fiber daily (especially the kind in whole grains) had waists about three inches smaller than those eating very little fiber.

4.      Tomatoes
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Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C and lycopene, known to reduce inflammation throughout the body, along with supporting the immune system. Cooked tomatoes contain even more lycopene than raw ones, so does tomato sauce.

5.      Kale and other green leafy vegetables.

Kale is one of the stars among green leafy veggies, which can make up key components in an anti-inflammatory diet. More than forty-five individual flavonoid antioxidants have been identified in kale, including quercetin and kaempferol. Quercetin has been shown to possess a strong anti-inflammatory property. Moreover, kale facilitates the body’s detoxification processes, which are crucial in flushing out inflammatory substances, such as those built up from processed foods.

6.      Nuts and nuts-based fiber bars

Nuts such as almonds and walnuts, are wonderful snacks, and a great source of inflammation-fighting fats and antioxidants. There are so many good things about them — rich in fiber, calcium, vitamin E, and alpha-linolenic acid (a type of omega-3 fat).

7.      Low-fructose food: lemon, prune, and cranberries

These fruits contain little fructose. Research findings demonstrate that reduction in fructose improves several risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. In addition, low-fructose diet may be an effective intervention in cancer development.

8.      Spice like garlic, ginger and onions

Garlic and ginger have been used since ancient times, as powerful punches to combat inflammation. Garlic can help ward off a range of chronic illnesses, attributing to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory nature. Ginger is rich in antioxidants too. Onions are loaded with antioxidants, particularly quercetin. Many people tend to ignore them, but these foods do add an appreciable taste to your dishes.

Overall, diet can play an important role in lowering the risk of various cancers, and in reducing the hazard of chronic inflammation. A diet with the above beneficial foods helps shrink your waist size; in the long run, it can boost your anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer force.

What else can you do to speed up the progress?

Regular exercises, drinking more water or tea instead of coca and sweet beverages, reducing stress level, and a good night sleep as well, can all add up to burn your abdominal fat.


Image credit: By julosstock

Chronic Inflammation: A Common Root for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Do you know that the effect of inflammation can be two-fold?

Under physiological conditions, injuries or infections can trigger natural, healthy immune responses, and acute inflammation is an important part of the healing process.

However, chronic inflammation can act as a trigger for some deadly illnesses; contributing particularly to cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Today I help you understand more about it.

How can inflammation lead to deadly diseases?

1.      Compelling evidence from research shows that chronic inflammation in fat tissue plays a key role in insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to respond to the normal actions of insulin, leading to further increase in blood sugar and type 2 diabetes.

2.      Obesity is considered a chronic inflammatory disease. Furthermore, abdominal obesity is a risk factor for various diseases linked to inflammation. Fat cells around the belly are much more biologically active than those under the skin, and release some hormones and inflammatory chemicals. Obesity has been linked to several types of cancer.

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4.      Chronic inflammation caused by a variety of infectious agents can promote development of cancer by the release of immune modulating factors/substances, the production of DNA damaging free radicals, and the suppression of immune functions.

What can trigger inflammation?

1.      Poor diet: Baseline nutrition is critical, at least, to maintain necessary levels of anti-inflammatory nutrients in the body.
2.      High fat, high sugar and high salt foods: They’re tasty, but the silent fuel to set your body on fire.
3.      Chemicals and toxins: Environmental pollutants from tobacco to asbestos to dangerous chemicals in our home or work place, in the air we breathe and water we drink can be inflammatory sources.
4.      Stress: Emotional or physical stress can cause immune system over-drive or imbalance, followed by chronic inflammation.
5.      Physical inactivity: Exercises can produce beneficial changes in circulating level of insulin or insulin-related pathway, and in eliminating inflammatory mediators.

Collectively, a significant role of chronic inflammation in some killer diseases is clear, and the information here can empower you to control inflammation in various ways.