Category Archives: Heart & Vascular Health

Heart Health Goes Hand in Hand with Cancer Prevention

Yesterday, my friend and I were talking about the relation between heart disease and cancer, since his father has a history of both heart disease and colon cancer. After all, heart disease and cancer are the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States, actually much of the world too. And I was thinking about how to protect yourself from both heart disease and cancer at the same time. You know, it’s the “kill two birds with one stone” strategy.

Heart coronary artery saphenous vein graftsCancer_4253583419_f2fd5a7a24_mFirst, I had to ask myself, “What do heart disease and cancer have in common?

4. Heart disease and cancer all have a genetic factor. Well, that’s true, yet the genetic factor only affects small percentage of population, and is beyond our control.

3. Heart disease and cancer are associated with aging. While aging is inevitable, how you age inside and outside is really up to you nowadays.

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1. Heart disease and cancer are significantly influenced by poor lifestyle factors, including obesity, dietary, and other behavioral habits. Everybody knows that smoking can cause lung cancer, but not everybody is aware of smoking as a common causative factor of several other types of cancer. Many folks don’t know that smoking also damages your arteries — the pipelines of your life! Excess body fat contributes to ~100,000 cancer cases in U.S. each year, which we can control, we can prevent!

Are you heart-healthy and breast/prostate healthy?

Photo credits: Heart by Patrick.lynch; Cancer by GE Healthcare.

Do Flamingos Celebrate “Valentine’s Day”?

Heart formed by 2 Flamingos_Flickr and noted sitePerfectly captured by Kjunstorm, the heart is perfectly created by two beautiful flamingos dancing along the way. Whether the flamingos celebrate “Valentine’s Day” or not, the superb shot reveals that love is elegantly expressed and cherished in the animal kingdom.

While February makes many folks automatically think of “Valentine’s Day” or “Lovers’ Day,” or for some of you guys out there, “Football”, I’d like to share my thoughts about February here.

Love and be loved. Flowers, pinkies, candy, gifts, gourmet dinners, and romance are all wonderful things around for your loved one, or for yourself if you are single, on Valentine’s Day. This is a time of showing special love, and more important, showing appreciation. Love and appreciation are the best gifts with a long lasting effect. Flamingos forming heart_Flickr

Love is more than just romance. Every day I think of my father, who passed away last summer. His legacy is about kindness and love. He had so much love, not only for my family, but also for others, for what he was doing and for life. The Chinese New Year is approaching, yet this year is going to be tough for my family. I’m passionate about my new endeavor to prevent cancer, and also have cancer friends to care for. And yes I, too, plan on enjoying the festivities of Super Bowl Sunday, accompanied with Super Snow — the winter blizzard 2010 in DC area!

Love your heart and enjoy chocolate! Circle “Your Heart” day on your calendar. Never ignore your own heart health. Fortunately, chocolate is not only for lovers but good for heart too, as scientific studies show that chocolate (dark chocolate >70% cacao) is rich in flavonoids antioxidants. But don’t eat too much!

May your February and your 2010 be filled with LOVE!

What’s your thought? What’s your favorite memory or experience of the month?

Image Credit: also Flickr