Category Archives: Healthy Lifestyle

How to Protect You from Prostate Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Imagine how this may apply to you — about 1 man in 6 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, and estimated about 29,720 men will die of prostate cancer in 2013 (statistics from American Cancer Society). It’s quite somber. I’m here to help you stay away from it, and today I provide top 10 ways to prevent prostate cancer.

1.      Watch your PSA for early detection, esp. at age 40-75, or having a family history or being an African-American. Age is a major risk factor of prostate cancer – as you’re aging, the risk of prostate cancer increases.
2.      Keep a healthy, balanced diet, which is in your control. Avoid SAD (Standard American Diet) leading to imbalance of nutrients and hormones, and go for PAD (Promising Anti-cancer Diet). Learn more on How to Replace SAD with PAD for Cancer Prevention.
3.      Stay physically active.  Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to cancer risks.
4.      Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity itself may not increase the risk of prostate cancer; however, it has been linked with a higher risk of getting a more aggressive type of prostate cancer.
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6.      Steer clear of toxic metals in your body, such as mercury, aluminum, lead, and other heavy metals, which are deep roots for fatigue and illnesses. Unfortunately overlooked by many folks, drinking water could be a main source. Tap water may not be safe to drink because of hundreds, if not thousands, of chemicals, metals and contaminants.  Again in reality, it makes up 40% of bottled water. That’s why drinking filtered water is critically important.
7.      Avoid or minimize your exposure to environmental pollutants.
8.      Limit radiation exposure (except necessary therapy), e.g. CAT scan (containing 50% more radiation than conventional X-ray), some mobile phones and radon. Radiation is a known carcinogen.
9.      Quit smoking and limit alcohol. Research supports that lifetime alcohol consumption may pose an increased risk of prostate cancer.
10.  Ensure enough sleep. Recent studies show that sleep loss and circadian disruption may have a potential impact on prostate cancer risk. Furthermore, shift work resulting in disruption of circadian rhythm is a probable human carcinogen, according to IARC (The International Agency for Research on Cancer of World Health Organization). So, dream sweet dreams.

Image credits: By cienpies and Weight Management NYC

How Feng Shui May Inspire Your Sun Protection

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

FengShui c_image004Despite that many outdoor adventures or summer activities are exciting, have you ever had a dreary reaction or unexcited feeling towards sunscreen or other “sun accessories” before heading out the door? I have to confess to it myself.

Well, next time it happens, try this new sun care strategy, i.e. to get inspiration from Feng Shui. Here is how:

First, what is Feng Shui? What does it have to do with health?
For those who are unfamiliar with Feng Shui, let me explain it briefly. If I translate it exactly from the Chinese language, Feng is “Wind” and Shui is “Water”. Originated in ancient China, the principles of Feng Shui are based on inner peace, serenity, energy, harmony, and joy. Good Feng Shui promotes good health, and bad Feng Shui signifies poor health.

Now we focus on how to practice sun protection from Feng Shui’s perspective.
If you go out to enjoy nature or the beach, cheers! Chinese favor mountains and water, and view the natural beauty as good luck. In Feng Shui, the East, where the sun rises, has good energy, and the rising sun represents a new beginning or new opportunity.
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Prepare your outdoor journey by getting your sun glasses and hat ready, applying the sunscreen to all areas of your body where will be exposed to the sun, and then massaging them in … the process can be a stress-relief. As a result, the sunscreen can prevent you from sunburns and enhance your experience of outdoor pleasure. After all, Feng Shui helps you become calm.

Next, when you are out, minimize the direct sun exposure. While the sun has very strong energy, according to Feng Shui, remember the balance and/or harmony. Too much strong sun and heat could make you feel tired or exhausted. Staying in the shade helps reserve your energy. Also remember that sun does cause skin damage and skin cancer does happen.

See, Feng Shui is about taking care of you, even when it comes to sun protection and skin cancer prevention.

What’s your insight or tip for sun protection?

Image credit: By

Top 5 Foods for Oral Cancer Prevention and Why

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Upon looking at the following numbers, you can see why oral cancer should not be taken lightly.

·         Cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx cause more than 350,000 deaths each year worldwide.
·         35-45% of all cancers can be prevented by lifestyle changes.
·         20-25% of oral and throat cancers have been linked to a poor nutritional diet.

Human studies reveal that a higher fruit and vegetable intake is associated with a lower risk of oral cancer. So, let’s focus on how a healthy diet can help your oral health and prevent oral cancer.

1.      A diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Green vegetables (bok choy, broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, watercress, etc.), citrus fruits and red grapes are rich sources of polyphenols such as resveratrol and quercetin, you can benefit from their cancer protective effects based on their anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antitumor properties. Antioxidants found in these foods can also fight cancer by neutralizing free radicals, preventing DNA damage of cells, and improving your immune system’s response.

2.      A diet high in plant-based foods (those beyond fruits/veggies)
Foods like whole wheat, whole grain breads and cereals, brown rice, legumes (beans, lentils), nuts and seeds are high in protein, high in fiber, but low in animal fats, which can lower the risk of oral cancer. Animal proteins from red meats and some dairy products can mess up hormonal functions, modify enzyme activities, and induce inflammation, consequently creating an acidic environment for cancer to grow.

In addition, plant-based foods are also low in calories, which can help you maintain a healthy weight. Research has shown that a plant-based diet not only reduces the risk of developing cancer, but also improves survival after the diagnosis.
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3.      Olive oil
Intake of olive oil (rich in monounsaturated fatty acid and antioxidants) can facilitate the absorption of fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D and E, which is why your veggie salad provides more nutrients and benefits for your body when topped / mixed with or sautéed in olive oil. Studies reveal that olive oil intake has been associated with lowered risk of oral cancer.

4.      Water and/or tea (unsweetened) as the best beverage to drink.
Water, especially filtered water, is critical to your health, diluting any toxins and sugar intaken with your food. Avoid alcohol intake and limit sugar-rich soft drinks. Sugar is fuel for cancer, a supplier for bacteria, and a decay-causing provider for your teeth, leading to poor oral health.

5.      Nutritious but low-sugar snacks
Snacks such as raw vegetables, dried fruits, plain yogurt, low-fat cheese, nuts, or a firm fruit – an apple, offer nutritional, anti-cancer values by adding more antioxidants and fibers with less fats and calories.

Overall, a diet high in fruits, vegetables and plant-based foods has profound benefits for reducing the risk of oral cancer and for oral health. These foods can help prevent cancer, as well as help fight cancer after you have been diagnosed.  

Remember: Of equal importance are good oral hygiene (daily brushing and flossing your teeth) and early detection by routine dental exams.

Image Credits:  nkzsAlexandru MitreaDaniel Gilbey, and lockstockb

Top 7 New Year’s Resolutions for Cancer Prevention Fans

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Resolution-new-year-250x187Have you made your New Year’s resolutions? What will you resolve to further cancer protection for you and your family? A new year is always exciting, because it gives us all the opportunity to make changes to better our lives. The following New Year’s resolutions focus specifically on cancer prevention and involve taking concrete measures in attainable ways. By breaking down your goal into small yet effective steps, this list will help you make big changes over time. Here goes:

1. See your doctor.

Early detection by cancer screening tests has saved many lives. Nowadays there are advanced non-invasive and minimally invasive diagnostic technologies to detect cancerous cells in the body. Mammogram, colonoscopy, PTA, dermatology skin check and other cancer screening exams are all important diagnostic procedures. If the results show pre-cancerous cells, your doctors can develop a treatment plan for you from early on. According to the experts, regular checkups with your doctor are a must.

2. Assess your cancer risks.

Take the WebMD personalized health assessment. In just a few minutes, you can take a major step toward cancer prevention as well as a healthier lifestyle. Based on your personal health, lifestyle, and family history, this cancer risk assessment will identify your risk factor(s), and guide you with specific actions to lower your chances for developing cancer. This tool is accessible from our site for your convenience.

3. Downsize fat, salt, and sugar in your foods and drinks.

Dairy fat, salt, and sugar are culprits for cancer. They sneak into our meals in hidden amounts under numerous fancy names, and many folks don’t even realize it. For instance, it’s counter-effective to pour a fat- and salt-rich dressing over “the rainbow” (veggies and fruits on your plate). Over the years, we have provided some effective tips to enhance the value of your rainbow.

Research indicates significant correlations between dairy fat and/or saturated animal fat intake and risks for breast, prostate, colon-rectal, and lung cancer. Too much salt is terrible not only because it is a risk factor for cancer, it also has an adverse effect on blood pressure, which can promote heart disease and stroke. Furthermore, sugar is the fuel for cancer cell growth. An advanced version of “Downsize fat, salt, and sugar in foods and drinks” would simply be this: “Ban junk food from your diet.”

4. Upsize your physical activity.

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5. Take control of weight, and maintain a healthy weight!

Whether your aim is to lose weight, get fit, or both, a healthy weight is critical for your optimal health. Research suggests that overweight and obesity are implicated in approximately 20% of all cancer cases. Convincing evidence shows an association between being overweight and/or obesity and mortality from many types of cancer including non-Hodgkin lymphoma, myeloma, esophageal, pancreatic, liver, colorectal, gallbladder, prostate, breast, endometrial and kidney cancers.

6. Stay Smoking-free

Smoking cigarettes has been linked to an increased risk of developing many types of cancer. For smokers, it is essential to quit smoking to lower cancer risks. For non-smokers, stay away from others smoking as even passive smoke is a proven risk factor for developing cancer.

7. Turn to Green

Add more green vegetables to your plate, use more chemical-free products in your household, and take more actions to reduce indoor and outdoor pollutants in your community. These solutions can enhance your immune functions and reduce cancer risks.

Overall, there are many ways to stay healthy on a daily basis and ultimately reap the benefits of cancer protection. To resolve is to embrace change, which is thrilling and fulfilling yet requires commitment. To make your New Year’s resolutions stick, check out 10 simple things you can do to get back on track. By making your resolutions into reality, you may very well turn this year into your best year ever!


Image credit: by thedbz

10 Joyful Moves to Boost Your Physical Activity during This Holiday Season

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Skating people_3203723978_6ae227e970_nIt’s the holiday season. We all tend to eat a lot and watch TV a lot, especially for football fans or other sports fans. To avoid physical inactivity, and consequently weight gain, here are 10 practical moves that benefit a healthy lifestyle and cancer prevention:

  1. Take a family walk, whether it is long or just around the blocks, or add extra walking by parking a little further from the stores or malls.
  2. Stretch frequently or move during TV time, or walk up and down the stairs as often as you can.
  3. Play a game with kids. It’s absolutely fun and invigorating!
  4. Dance at parties.
  5. Practice yoga together as a family activity. It’s fun and everyone can do it. Your body can tell you what’s the best or the most natural position. Inhale to breathe in joy, happiness and peace, then exhale to breathe out stress, hassles and worries.
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  7. Go to a gym or local recreation center to engage in any physical activity.
  8. Go ice skating outdoors or indoors.
  9. Bike, if possible.
  10. Visit a museum, walk more.
  11. Keep up your daily exercise routine. Yes, it’s a challenge during the holidays, and my husband sets the best example!

Still feel less interested or less motivated? One secret – connect your activity with something greater than yourself. It could be for getting healthier to see the grandkids’ graduation, or being happier around the family, or more energetic to help others, etc. you get the idea.
Photo credit: By Let Ideas Compete

25 Unbeatable Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s natural defense against diseases. Its functions range from fighting off harmful bacteria and viruses to destroying potentially cancerous cells. However, our immune systems are under attack in our daily lives from a variety of sources such as free radicals in the body, bacteria, UV radiation, environmental pollutants, and stress. It’s critical not only to ensure your immune system is always healthy but to maximize its natural defense function. Luckily, there are actions we can take to achieve this goal. This post shows you how.

1.  Eat a healthy diet. Mindfully include immune-boosting foods to everyday meals.
2.  Exercise and be physically active, from all-body workouts, running, walking, and dancing to gardening. The key is to keep moving.
3.  Cultivate a new hobby that’s physically demanding, makes your heart beat faster, and your blood circulate better. As a result, you’ll become more fit.
4.  Practice quietness. A quiet mind may promote inner peace and relaxation.
5.  Take a hot bath or shower. Soaking in a warm bath is another way of relaxation.
6.  Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep or sleep deprivation can impair immune system function.
7.  Reduce stress. Everybody gets stress from different areas of life. There can be a long list of stress management tips, but not all work for everyone. Have fun discovering and developing whatever works for you.
8.  Be kind. According to a good friend of mine who is an experienced oncologist, my dad’s prolonged life was certainly attributed to his extraordinary kindness, which made this doctor want to learn more about my dad’s kindness.
9.  Appreciate the “little things” in life and always maintain a positive and grateful attitude. Research found that individuals who have a negative frame of mind have difficulty properly recruiting their immune response and thereby pose a higher risk for illness compared with those with a positive attitude.
10.  Get outdoors. Whether you walk, ski, bike or hike, the combination of enjoying the beauty of nature and a dose of exercise boosts the immune system.
11.  Maintain a clutter-free home and workplace, because clutter is a stress-trigger. Clear those mental clutters, too.
12.  Laugh and smile often. Laughter boosts your immune system at no cost. The more folks laugh, the less depression they experience. If you have any difficulty laughing, seek “Laughter Yoga”, by checking out a local group that practices it.
13.  Have a sense of humor. Yes, some people have more of a funny bone than others. Yet, many people just don’t foster their funny side, a dimension that almost everyone possesses in some ways.
14.  Practice deep breathing and stay calm. Count 1,2, 3… before any anger takes over.
15.  Nurture your emotional well-being and be happy. If you don’t promote emotional health, your physical body will pay the price. Emotions are intimately involved in the initiation and progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and HIV.
16.  Take time off, and take breaks during the day.
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18.  Take whatever it takes to maintain a healthy weight. Remember, it could be a fun marathon, rather than an overnight remedy.
19.  Stop eating sugar. Sugar suppresses the immune system; even a teaspoon of sugar can reduce the activity of your body’s natural killer cells for hours. There are many wonderful foods that help boost your immune function, explore them and replace sugar.
20.  Eat more soups, especially chicken soup.
21.  Drink a lot of water. If possible, filter your drinking/cooking water.
22.  Drink more tea, especially green tea.
23.  Get plenty of fresh air; in particular, keep your indoor air clean and fresh.
24.  Deal with any health concern even a pain or an unusual spot as soon as possible. Fix any small problem for the optimal function of the big machine – your body.
25.  Develop good relationships around you. A strong family bond, a happy marriage, and good friendships can help you during good and tough times.

Bonus: Take multivitamin and mineral supplements to ensure an adequate supply of the essential nutrients that are needed by your body yet lacking from your diet. However, make sure you take a quality-controlled supplement rather than “just another supplement” or “cheap supplement” (see the tips on our website).

Our immune system is effective most of the time. Following the above tips will remarkably boost your immune system and promote your happiness.

If you like this post, please share.

Photo credit: By thephotographymuse

A Cancer-protective Salad ─ How to Combine Beneficial Foods I’ve Discussed

Creative Cancer Prevention Salad_CPD2A Cancer-protective salad is a colorful salad on sight, composed of immune boosting foods and cancer-fighting antioxidants. Here I show you how to prepare it:

  1. Use green leafy veggies as basis: Spinach or Romaine lettuce or combination.
  2. Build on colors: Broccoli, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, or carrots. Fruits such as peach, orange or grapes are welcome mixers.
  3. Include protein: Chicken or fish (e.g. salmon). In addition, beans, eggs (hard-boiled then sliced or diced), nuts and seeds can be good choices for vegetarians.
  4. Mix with cancer-fighting ingredients: Avocado, olive oil, minced garlic, or even lemon. Red wine vinegar or freshly-ground pepper can also be used.
  5. Garnish with healthy herbs: Basil, chives, rosemary or your favorites, fresh or dried. They go with the above salad components easily. Don’t have herbs? Sprinkle a few pieces of green onions.
  6. Don’t forget raisins ─ a tasty trick! Alternatively, add grapes for natural sweetness, much healthier than synthetic sweeteners and sugar.

You might say, oh, I know this … I eat them… Surely, many people know it, but amazingly many more people load their salads with processed red meat, cheese, unhealthy fats/dressing, and much worse — salt. Knowledge without action is powerless.

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  1. Cancer-fighting synergy from various foods
  2. Rich fiber diet ─ an aid to reduce risks of cancer and heart diseases
  3. Wise substitutions in ingredients
  4. Healthy cooking and preparation

Bonus ─ a lunch to dinner recipe: By adding whole wheat pasta into it, the colorful dish turns into your time-saving dinner with heart-healthy and cancer-protective benefits!

Photo credit: by & CPD

Sleep Disorders, Immune Suppression, Cancer Risk

When an old saying tells you should “sleep like a baby” or “sleep like a log”, modern science is backing it up, especially when insufficient sleep can suppress your immune system. The human immune system plays an important role in protecting the body against the development of cancer. The cells of the immune system are our defenders, constantly destroying and eliminating any cell in the body that initiates or undergoes a malignant change. When this natural defense mechanism is weakened, as malignant cells increase and then overpower the immune system, cancerous growth takes place.

View from the real world:
I’m sure everyone can relate to what inadequate sleep can cost in our daily lives. Sleep deprivation and/or disorders are linked to an array of health issues from fatigue, lacking mental alertness, and depression to more serious problems such as heart failure, hypertension and diabetes. Insomnia certainly contributes to road or workplace accidents. Of significance, sleep disorders are commonly associated with chronic inflammatory diseases, and can lead to immune suppression. Some studies suggest that shortened/reduced nightly sleep is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer development.

View at the cellular level:
Sleep is a key factor for supporting a functional body defense system. During deep sleep, our bodies work to strengthen our immune system by producing and releasing potent immune-enhancing substances, such as cytokines. In contrast, there are cancer-stimulatory cytokines, which may be switched to dominance when sleep is deprived. It seems that cytokines are a group of critical players in the sleep-immune interaction.

When sleep is deprived, the immune T-cells go down and inflammatory cytokines go up, as shown by many studies. This alone may post a potential risk for a suppressed body defense. When your immune system is weak and not functioning well, germs or pathogens can easily penetrate the body and commit destruction to the cells, thereby you are susceptible to colds, flu, and even more serious diseases including cancer. In addition, sleep deprivation may lead to a higher level of C-reactive protein – an inflammation marker. Inflammation plays a role in heart disease, atherosclerosis and cancer.

How to get a good night’s sleep:
We all have had experience how it feels after a good night’s sleep. For those who are unable to sleep well, don’t be depressed. Here are a few practical, time-tested tips – in I-b-e-d:

I-b-e-d techniques help you have a restful sleep:

Individualize sleep hours.
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Eliminate distractions.
Discover the cause (of sleep disorders).

1. Individualize your sleep hours, and get what you really need, whether is 6, 7, or even 9 hrs. Of course, more than 10 hours of sleep doesn’t make you healthier.

2. Best is to maintain so-called “sleep hygiene”, i.e. go to sleep at the same time every day and wake up at the same time.

3. Eliminate any distractions. These range from bedroom TV, computer, too much food before bed to thoughts and emotions. If necessary, discipline yourself: no coffee, no alcohol or smoking 6 hours before bed.

4. Discover the cause of sleep disorder, don’t rely on “sleeping pills”. There are various reasons responsible for sleep disorders: from stress, health complications to side effects from medication – including drug use or abuse, and drug withdrawal as well. Consult your physician, explore it and receive effective treatments.

How did your sleep impact your health? What’s your practice to get enough sleep?

Photo credit: by sean_mcgee

Top 3 Reasons To Think About “A Healthy Breakfast” Instead Of “A Breakfast”

Do you eat breakfast every day? What do you usually eat?

Fruit4Breakfast_3181820721_5185f6303fToday, I’d like to focus on the second question — what to eat for breakfast. Most people have breakfast, and there are many reasons why kick starting your day with a meal is crucial. However, a lot of folks overlook the difference between simply “eating breakfast” and “eating a healthy breakfast”. The latter is more important.

Whether you realize it or not, a healthy breakfast is your cancer-fighting investment. Eating breakfast itself doesn’t guarantee protection from cancer or heart disease. Yet eating a daily, healthy breakfast does provide you long-term health benefits, and aids you in building the body’s defense to prevent cancer. Here are the top three reasons why a healthy breakfast is a smart choice:

1. A significant link between eating a healthy breakfast and minimizing cancer risks is maintaining a healthy weight. Research shows that skipping breakfast can cause you to gain weight. Obesity contributes to common types of cancer. People who successfully maintain their body weight usually eat a healthy breakfast every day.

2. Some breakfast products may contain vitamins/nutrients in amounts going beyond the recommended daily allowance (RDA), or food by-products that virtually increase your risk for developing cancer and other health problems. For instance, bacon contains certain levels of known and possible carcinogens, cereals often contain too much folic acid, and there are drinks that contain far too much vitamin C. Remember the golden rule – “Excess of anything is bad.” Just as a drug at a higher dosage can have potentially adverse consequences, so can too much of any vitamin.

3. A sugar-rich breakfast is the worst way to start your day. With our modern lifestyle, it’s so easy to let too much sugar sneak into our breakfast…. Again, sugar doesn’t cause cancer directly. However, too much sugar intake (esp. refined sugar), hence high blood sugar level becomes problematic, which not only initiates diabetes and heart disease but also has been linked to increased risks for breast, colon and pancreatic cancer.

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1. Breakfast should be primarily liquid or contain liquids, while solid food plays a secondary role. There should be 3-4 different types of food with a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fibers and healthy fats. Milk intake can provide a high nutritional value.
2. It is important to drink water in the morning, which helps replenish liquid lost during the night, eliminate waste, and promote blood circulation.
3. Middle-age people should control the amount of sugar and carbohydrate intake.
4. Old people may eat more easily digested yet nutrient-rich food such as soups or noodles.
5. Take caution by reading labels! Familiarize or inform yourself with the upper limits of essential vitamins/nutrients.

After all, what do you usually include for a healthy breakfast?

Photo credit: by Just a Temporary Measure

Maximize Summer Fun and Minimize Cancer Risks

Summer danger_3202500746_71aef09d3b_mSummer is a wonderful season for just about everybody. We love to have fun! Whether you are on the beach to soak up some sun, taking a vacation trip with your family, enjoying playing with the kids outdoors, or barbecuing in your back yard, hidden hazards could take your joy away.

Raise your awareness of potential summer dangers

First, the acronym SAFETY can help you become aware of the following potential dangers:

Sunburn and sun over-exposure with its related risks
Allergies and infections (caused by insects, poison ivy, chiggers, etc.)
Food poisoning
Extreme heat, heat stroke, sitting in a hot car
Travel and roadway hazards
Youth-related risks (Children out of school are prone to outdoor accidents.)

6 Unforgettable tips that add to your summer fun!

Now, let’s revise the acronym SAFETY for 6 tips to prevent the above hazards.
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Sunscreen SPF >15 to prevent sunburns, sun-retreat strategies to limit sun exposure
Avoid insect bites by using necessary bug sprays, without over-using insect repellents
Food safety procedures, from storing, cooking and clean water to hand-washing
Enough water to prevent dehydration, and little or no alcohol
Take responsibility for car maintenance, trip preparations, and road hazards.
Youngster’s supervision, babysitter instructions, and emergency readiness.

Being aware of these six kinds of hazards and being able to respond appropriately can help make summer a safe and enjoyable season.

How do you prevent summer hazards and keep safe? We love to hear it! If you like this post, please share it.

Photo credit: by Metal Cowboy

Sharing is caring! More tips on Cancer Prevention Daily