Category Archives: Healthy Lifestyle

Cheering You on to Immune-beneficial Exercises

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Exercise n Immune_Trainer.aeWe are at the beginning of March. If you made a New Year’s resolution about health and have made some progress, cheers! If you don’t have a resolution or it fell off the wagon by the end of February, it’s time to get back on track. I’m here to help you by breaking down how a few types of exercise may boost your immune function.

Note that we are not talking about strenuous physical exercise (e.g., an Ironman race) performed by well-trained athletes. We will examine doable exercises for ordinary folks like you and me. The key is that you need to choose types of exercise that are appropriate for your particular situation.

Let’s start with moderate regular exercises.

This can be walking 20-30 minutes a day, yoga or pilates, stretching, dancing, and even badminton—physical activities that can be easily incorporated into your daily life. Moderate, regular physical exercise is considered to be associated with many health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, reduced weight gain, improved glucose tolerance, better sleep, and increased immunity to fight infection.

A few studies by the Kagawa group showed that walking at a forest park increased human “natural killer” cell activity and the level of anti-cancer proteins, with the effect lasting at least seven days. Because “natural killer” cells are a part of the immune response to cancer, the research provided an intriguing perspective despite the small samplings of human subjects in the studies.

Resistance exercise (weight training)

Resistance training ranges from push-ups and squats to weight lifting and weight machines in order to build strength. Maximal resistance exercise increases the acute immune response, which is measured by changes in circulating levels of leukocytes and inflammatory molecules (i.e. cytokines).

To avoid impairing the immune system, allow your body and your immune system the time to recover. For instance, give your muscles 48-72 hours to rest between resistance trainings.

Endurance exercise (aerobic, cardio training)
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Aerobic exercise can stimulate the immune system. At the cellular level, research reveals that acute aerobic exercise greatly enhances a cellular signaling protein (G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2) that is involved in the regulation of hypertension and heart failure. The protein also regulates an inflammatory response, measured by activities of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (e.g. lymphocytes, a critical component of immune system), which was also stimulated by the aerobic exercise.

In a human study, eight weeks of endurance exercise also changed the blood levels of some inflammatory cytokines in a beneficial way in an elderly population and people with certain inflammatory diseases. In contrast, poor exercise capacity in patients even without heart failure is independently associated with markers of chronic inflammation, which may lead to infections following surgery.

Overall, how exercises improve immune function can be explained in the following ways: 1) Exercise may facilitate to flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways, which may help prevent upper respiratory tract infection (e.g. cold). 2) Exercise may make disease-fighting antibodies and immune system cells circulate faster so that they could detect illnesses earlier. And 3) Exercise may reduce the release of stress-related hormones, by which the power of immunity is enhanced and the chance of illness, lowered.

Study note:

The issue of exercise and its benefits in regard to alteration of the immune system is a complex one and a matter of delicate balance. It depends on whether the population is healthy or diseased, and even within unhealthy groups, the effect on cancer patients may differ from that on diabetic individuals. It also depends on types and workloads of exercise, parameters measured (e.g., hormonal, chemical factors, or proteins), transient versus sustained change, age groups studied, size of sampling, time-bound periods, and other factors.

To sum up –

Despite the fact that too much exercise can have a contrary effect and reduce immunity, exercises in various proper forms at all ages are AAA (triple A) – Actionable, Advantageous, and Awesome!! Therefore, keep doing exercise or getting more physically active one day at a time, and you’ll reap the benefits toward transforming your health and life.


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Inspired by World Cancer Day

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

WCD_WeCan n ICanWorld Cancer Day (February 4th, each year) is a global observance and initiative to fight cancer. The theme of 2016 World Cancer Day is “We can” and “I can”, being selected by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).

We can and I can – clarity, simplicity and forcefulness.

Much focus of World Cancer Day goes towards raising awareness of cancer, reducing risks of cancer, and learning how to prevent, detect and treat cancer early. To help achieve this goal, I’d like to bring one thing to the spotlight: Lifestyle modification.

Why? Only 5–10% of all cancer cases are attributed to genetic or inherited mutation. 35- 40% of cancer can be prevented by a major lifestyle change.

Next, how can you modify lifestyle to a healthier, livelier one? I’ve given a lot of information and strategies through Here are 7 quick and effective tips:

1.      Quit smoking, period. This is not only for the individual but also for your loved ones and many, many others.

2.      Avoid or limit alcohol. Have we seen enough how alcohol takes a toll at physical, mental, emotional and social levels?

It also improves immune system and safeguards you from lung cancer. levitra buy levitra Fortunately before that thought had even begun to speculate about cialis online overnight the possibility of crossing my mind she gathered her self up and delivered her management philosophy. Kesar has gained wide acclamation for its enhanced sildenafil generic cheap benefits for hair, skin and health. However, the most effective of all to get out of this predicament. cheapest cialis prices take a look at the web-site here 3.      Get physically active! Walk, run, jump, play or gardening … do whatever you can at where you are to move each day.

4.      Eat smart. Diet is intimately linked to diseases, as English Proverb cautions, “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork”. In developing cancer, processed meats and foods speed it up, while a plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits slow it down.

5.      Maintain a healthy weight. It is well-accepted that obesity is a significant risk factor of several types of cancer. Taking the above actions will benefit weight loss.

6.      Avoid over-exposure to sun.

7.      Remember early detection.

Cancer is preventable disease. With hope and love, we all can do our own part and contribute to prevention or cure of cancer, ultimately making a difference in saving lives.


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Love and the War on Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

2016 Love & Hope_iStock+CPDCancer causes much sadness, pain, fear, and anger. It has enormous effects by impacting the quality of life among those with cancer, as well as the lives of their loved ones, and too often by shortening life spans.

As we enter 2016, one New Year’s resolution for is to bring a theme of love and hope to cancer prevention and care. Today I’ll make a start by talking about nurturing your body.

When in good health, we may tend to take that fact for granted and pay little attention to our physiology. But we shouldn’t do that. Instead, we should love ourselves, and that means loving our body.

Loving your body begins by nurturing your precious little cells – the fundamental building blocks of your body. You let love penetrate to each of your cells by taking in nutritious food. By doing so, you boost cellular energy and send grateful signals to each cell. And you let love go in or welcome love by exercising your body in an appropriate way for your condition and age.

Let love penetrate your immune system, too, because that’s your first-line defense to ward off cancer. The good news is that you can harness the power of your immune system as an effective immunotherapy to cure cancer. Former President Jimmy Carter is one patient who has benefited from such cancer immunotherapy.

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Love is communicated in different ways and is easily integrated into a healthy lifestyle. Generally speaking, love can be exhibited in a kind act, in understanding and offering needed support, and in self-care. Love can mean openly talking about cancer in related to one’s fears and anxieties. By letting love rule your body, you develop beliefs and values that help drive positive healthy behaviors.

In our quest for cancer cure and care, let’s embrace something beyond the torture, something beautiful and a deep human need, both biological and physical – LOVE – and let that love nourish our well-being.

Let’s make 2016 a year of love and hope to defeat cancer!


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Top Five Sharing Tips for Holidays 2015

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Holiday Greeting w-Label_Hui 2015Holiday time can be both joyful and overwhelmingly stressful. What is on your mind? Consider the following TOP FIVE thoughts and tips:

1. Gratitude It’s the best attitude!

Gratitude implies both the thankfulness to others for their aids in any way and a conscious, habitual focus on all positive aspects of life. Many Americans are stressed over traveling, gift shopping, cooking, disappointing (for various reasons) and debt. Counting blessings has a proven favorable effect on the human well-being.

2. Family and friends – Bonus is Fit!

Forget about work, stress, and any negative feelings, let your heart and spirit go with those of your family and friends, enjoy love, laughter, happy memories and fun time. One of the big challenges is health. Unhealthy diet and large portions of food, time on the couch, drinks and comprised sleep can all add up to a toll on your weight gain. Finding a way to move or boost your physical activities is very beneficial. For those weight-loss enthusiasts, how about losing 1-2 pounds over the holidays instead of gaining more?

3. Cancer care family
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Individuals who are diagnosed, suffering or survived cancer, and those who want to fight or prevent cancer are all in one family. If you are a cancer patient or a cancer survivor, take it easy and enjoy simple pleasures or people around you. If someone close to you has cancer or you are a caregiver, take care of yourself and delegate more. If you have lost a loved one, the holidays can be understandably more difficult. Feel free to express your emotions and work through grief slowly. Remember, you’re not fighting cancer alone and you don’t have to cope with your loss alone either. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

4. Time for yourself

This should genuinely apply to everybody. Loving what you do is a blessing, whether it is your career or your pleasure or leisure. So, make sure to set aside some quiet or alone time for yourself, relax, recharge and re-energize or renew yourself.

5.  Heartfelt thanks for our military and their families.

Remember our military soldiers and families as well as veterans for their sacrifice to protect our country and our safety. While it’s understandable that Americans get concerned and anxious over national security, let’s transform fear and restlessness to gratitude and goodness by showing appreciation and helping them in any way we can. We can also contribute to peace and help end all forms of suffering of mankind.

Best wishes for a warm, wonderful Holiday Season & a healthier, happier 2016!

A Genetics and Energy View of Breast Cancer Prevention

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

BRAC genes illustration_Rev_CPD 2015For breast cancer awareness, it’s important to do something beyond wearing “PINK in October.” So today, I’d like to focus on two factors related to breast cancer: genetics and energy.

First, let me use a simple diagram (as seen here) to illustrate how a mutation of BRCA genes is linked to breast cancer.

BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are cancer suppressors. Their function is to protect a cell from developing cancer, thereby helping you fight cancer. When either of these genes becomes mutated, it no longer functions properly. As a result of unrepaired DNA damage and impaired genetic integrity, cells are more likely to grow uncontrolled to develop cancer, like a car racing on the highway without brakes.

Each of us has BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, both women and men, because BRCA is not a sex-linked gene. The mutation can be inherited from either parent. For women with a BRCA mutation, the lifetime risk of breast cancer is approximately 80%, and the chance of ovarian cancers is 54%. Men may carry the BRCA mutation, but have a lower risk.

Among approximately 200,000 breast cancer cases each year, BRCA gene mutation accounts about 10 percent of them. So, clearly here there is a promising area for treatment and prevention.

Next, let’s approach the topic from the viewpoint of energy.

“Energy” in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is termed “Qi.” Everything is energy at both the physical and spiritual levels. Essentially, the root of cancer is Qi related. There is a principle in TCM – “Flow of Qi makes flow of blood; Qi stagnation causes blood stagnation,” which implicates clots, masses, tumors, and illness.
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How can we use positive and healing energy to prevent or cure cancer? Here are 8 ways:

  1. Makes our immune system strong. Our immune system is our powerhouse to fight cancer. That’s why scientific innovations tap into the body’s immune system to destroy cancer cells. When cancer overwhelms your body’s immune capacity and healing power, it is a tragic ending.
  2. Take care of your emotions. Keeping a positive outlook on life will boost your positive energy, because stress is one of risk factors for breast cancer. Anger, fear, sadness, and worry affect your Qi negatively, but happiness and socializing build up vibrant Qi.
  3. Foster gratitude. Devote time (at least a few minutes a day) to appreciate what you have, even the “small things”. Doing so will boost your positive energy!
  4. Go for a nutrient-packed diet. Consume fruits and vegetables and other foods with high fiber, low fat, and low sugar, because nutrition boosts both level and quality of your energy. Alcohol, animal fats, and processed foods do not.
  5. Exercise regularly. Be physically active, because it keeps Qi moving and blood flowing!
  6. Maintain a healthy weight. The key to weight management is energy balance. Obisity is energy imbalance and contributes to the risk of breast cancer. Healthy weight plays a role in lowering the risk of cancer and that of cancer recurrence.
  7. Be vigilant about early detection! Get a genetic screening to identify BRCA gene mutation, and start treatment early. Doing so will help protect your vital energy.
  8. Prevention, prevention, and prevention. Preventive care keeps your energy moving in the right direction. We all know that prevention is better than cure.

To sum up—

Breast cancer prevention is for both women and men, and is a year-round practice. We cannot control our genes, gender, age, race, or family history. However, each of us can promote a healthy lifestyle to boost vibrant, positive energy to reduce breast cancer risk.

Eight Aspects of Childhood Cancer’s Unique Challenges

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Kids in red_bedes.orgChildren are our treasure, and children’s health is our nation’s wealth. Don’t you agree? Today, I briefly summarize why childhood cancers create unique challenges for us, for kids and their families, despite great progresses in the development of innovative or healing therapies. Here are 8 aspects of the “why”:

  1. The common cancers that develop in children and adolescents differ from those that occur in adults. The most common types of childhood cancer are leukemia, brain tumors and lymphoma, whereas cancers of lung, colon, skin, breast and prostate strike most American adults.
  2. Cancers in children and adolescents vary among ages. So, each age group needs its own target treatment and care.
  3. Young kids are still in their developmental stages and vulnerable to cancer treatments. For instance, treatment like radiation can harm their organs and tissues.
  4. Each childhood cancer needs its own set of treatments – although some cancers that seem different can be treated similarly. One-size-fits-all is not an effective approach.
  5. Lifestyle-related risk factors (e.g. smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity) play seemingly little role in childhood cancers, unlike many cancers of adults. Very few environmental factors, such as radiation exposure, have been linked with childhood cancer risk, although it might be unavoidable due to cancer treatment need.
  6. Prevention is challenging too. Pediatric cancers are generally caused by some key genetic mutations or changes. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything about it.
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  8. Childhood cancers are rare, complex and aggressive in nature and in a small population; thereby posing challenges to research and development of new therapies.
  9. Survivors of childhood cancers face a life-long risk of developing another cancer. First, the treatments themselves have the potential to cause cancer. Second, young survivors also have to live with health problems (so-called late effect from cancer treatment) for the rest of their entire life. Sometimes the late effect can seriously affect body and mind.

While we’re embracing the heartbreak of childhood cancers, we should also care about the quality of life for young cancer patients and their families. One important thing in fighting childhood cancers is to cultivate in your children a healthy lifestyle at an early age, so that you can lower your children’s risk of getting cancer later in life.

So, knowing the unique challenges of childhood cancers, what will you do to be a part of a fighting force? Remember: a little effort adds up! It can be as little as spreading the word!


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Most Common Diseases of Which Many Men Are Often Unaware

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

food-healthy-man-w-blueberries_PexelsMen, in general, are “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” kind of guys, and they believe that they can fix anything by themselves. This is true many times in life. But when it comes to medical or health conditions, this could be a common yet dangerous misconception.

Sometimes, those “annoying” symptoms (e.g. snoring, bad breath, enlarged prostate, and unexplained weight gain or loss) show up and even persist, but a lot of guys would rather tough it out or put off a visit to the doctor with various excuses. I get that.

To help you strengthen your health and live a vibrant life, I’m calling attention to the most common diseases that affect men and necessary actions you can take to prevent potentially grave consequences.

Do you know top 10 diseases that kill men? Here they are:

  1. Heart disease
  2. Cancer: cancers of lung, prostate and colon. Testicle cancer is commonly seen in younger men.
  3. Accidents and injuries
  4. Stroke
  5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  6. Diabetes
  7. Influenza and pneumonia
  8. Kidney disease
  9. Alzheimer’s disease
  10. Suicide

The good news is – Most of the killer diseases that affect men are potentially preventable by living a healthy lifestyle. So, stop smoking, maintain a healthy weight, keep physically active, and eat a healthy, nutritious diet.

Furthermore, here are a list of things you or loved ones can do for men’s health:

  • Check out critical numbers such as blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar, keep them in normal range.
  • Schedule a routine medical care or physical examination.
  • Schedule recommended screenings for prostate and colon cancer.
  • Acquire a routine testicle exam.
  • Keep mentally active, e.g. taking new classes or playing brain games.
  • Continue forging a close relationship with a circle of friends.
  • Never ignore some seemingly common symptoms such as snoring, bad breath, and enlarged prostate. If the problem persists, consult your physician to rule out any medical conditions.
  • Seek professional help if you have symptoms of depression.

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Seven Novel Strategies for Spring or Anytime Cleaning to Prevent Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Spring flowers-fly-garden_PexelsFlowers are blooming and birds are singing as spring arrives after a long winter. Spring cleaning is a buzzword now. Some people are excited about cleaning for fresh and renewed homes; in contrast, others see spring cleaning as a daunting task and feel overwhelmed even just running down a long checklist. Either way is understandable.

Here is the point: spring cleaning doesn’t have to be one-size-fits-all, and you can gain cancer prevention benefits out of different kinds of spring cleaning. You will know why after reading the novel yet actionable ideas and strategies I outline here.

1.     Manage spring cleaning with a workable goal.

It’s desirable all rooms and corners of your house spotless, but it’s not a must. So, setting a priority (e.g., the kitchen or bedroom) can be very workable, especially when time is not on your side. Furthermore, your goal is more achievable when you make spring cleaning a family function. A bonus is that working together as a family helps foster responsibility for kids. It’s of course important to do chemical-free cleaning (e.g., e-cloths, baking soda, and vinegar) if you can.

2.     Clean out junk foods to optimize your heart health and for cancer prevention.

Go to your refrigerator and your pantry and you will likely find foods or drinks containing some cancer-causing ingredients such as:

  • Trans fat: it increases your bad cholesterol (LDL) and at the same time lowers your good cholesterol (HDL). Therefore, it is not only a double whammy on your heart, but also a fireball for inflammatory diseases such as cancer.
  • Sweeteners: commonly used aspartame causes various illnesses from birth defects to cancer.
  • High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) or refined sugar: cancer cells have sweet teeth!
  • Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs): both GMOs and the chemicals used to grow them have been shown to promote tumor growth.
  • Processed meats: they contain cancer-promoting agents like sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate.
  • Canned food containing BPA.

When used about 4-5 times a day, it can improve natural erection by opening the penile arteries and the smooth muscle of the corpus cavernosum. tadalafil 20mg Others can already ride a bicycle without training wheels but may not yet know viagra properien their colors. The pain is viagra samples cheap most prominent along the base of the thumb and radiates to involve the wrist or even radial aspect of the forearm. If you are tired of levitra pills infertility treatment, ivf is the best option.
3.     Clean mental clutter to lower stress and enhance immunity.

  • Get rid of stress.
  • Get rid of negative thoughts, worries, and self-doubts.
  • Take a yoga class, a bath, or a walk; treat yourself to a massage or go out for lunch or dinner with a friend; whatever works best as a stress reliever for you, just do it.

4.     Clean your mouth to reduce oral cancer risk.

  •  Quit smoking.
  •  Avoid alcohol.
  •  Make a daily habit of brushing and flossing your teeth.
  •  Schedule a dental cleaning and oral cancer screening.

5.     Clean the fat in your body to gain long-term health.

Obesity is a risk factor for certain cancers, in addition to increasing the risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. So, by promoting fat breakdown, you may compensate certain aspects of obesity that cause diabetes. Certainly, you cannot gain a healthy weight overnight, but you do have options to modify your diet and lifestyle starting with cleaning out junk foods and taking actions such as:

  • Stay away from high-fat and high-sugar foods.
  • Start or continue a balanced diet rich in fresh veggies, fruits, proteins, and fiber.
  • Burn some fat by exercising and being more physically active.
  • Drink more water or tea instead of sugar- or sweetener-rich drinks.

6.     Clean the air to remove pollutants that cause cancer and allergies.

  • Check for and remove asbestos, a lung cancer-causing agent.
  • Test for radon level while increasing ventilation in your house. Radon is a radioactive but colorless, odorless gas.
  • Install an air freshener, which is a great aid to cleaning indoor pollutants.

7.     How about “digital cleaning”?

In this digital age, our lives are influenced by digital devices in many ways. “Digital hazards” can affect your health more than you may realize. You can help detox yourself from them simply by doing the following:

  • Clean your inbox. This can be a jump start of a “digital detox.” Eliminate all junk mail, and if possible stop those pesky unwanted emails from arriving in the first place. Delete old and useless email, and organize your inbox in more efficient ways.
  • Clean out all electronic wastes, such as old cell phones or other electronic devices, and take them to a safe disposal location designated by your local government. Donate your old computer to a cause if it’s still functional.
  • Clean viruses, spyware, and malware that may be in your computer. Backup your files and organize your passwords – whatever you do to make your computer run faster and less vulnerable to cyber threats, it will make your stress level lower and your life easier.
  • Keep your bedroom free of iPads, iPhones, and other digital devices as much as you can, because they are hazards to your snoozing, and consequently your health.

Of course, you can do more beyond these lists, but you get the idea.

I hope these strategies provide valuable insight into some small, easy, and quick steps you can take towards lowering your cancer risk. Spring or anytime cleaning of the areas outlined here can be a great strategy for cancer prevention and other health benefits.


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Make the Most of Your Sleep: For All Your Health, Including Cancer Prevention

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

alarm-bell-clock-338-524x350Here’s a troubling statistic: An estimated 60 million US adults have sleep disorder, making insufficient sleep an increasing public health issue.

How about you? Do you sleep too little or too much? Do you toss and turn at night?

Even if your answer to one of these questions is Yes, you may, like many people, consider trouble sleeping at night to be No Big Deal.

But that’s far from true. And that’s why today, we focus on how sleep can have a significant impact on keeping cancer at bay.

Let’s look at some facts:

  1. Both too little sleep and too much sleep are associated with higher mortality from all-cause illnesses.
  2. Working night shifts with long exposure to light at night disrupts circadian rhythms and has been found to contribute to an increased breast cancer risk.
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  4. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA, often indicated by heavy snoring) is a condition in which the human body is temporarily deprived of an adequate oxygen supply to the blood.  Recent studies show that patients with OSA have a higher prevalence of cancer and cancer-related death than those without OSA, suggesting that OSA promotes cancer development and progression.
  5. One publication (by Matthews’ group, 2014) reported that people living a sedentary lifestyle (sleeping less than 7 hours/day, with moderate-to-vigorous physical activity less than 1 hour/week, viewing television more than 3 hours/day, and with a BMI greater than 25) had significantly higher all-cause cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality.
  6. Individuals with a sleeping disorder are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as depression, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
  7. Sleep disturbance is among the top 10 key health issues in menopausal women.
  8. Sleep disturbance and/or sleep deprivation can critically harm your health based on a reciprocal link between sleep and inflammatory biology. Sleep disorders can negatively affect your immune functioning, including antiviral responses and proinflammatory responses.

In sum, accumulating evidence has demonstrated that getting adequate sleep has a significant positive influence on your health, including preventing development of certain cancers.

If you have trouble sleeping, it’s best to seek professional advice to help determine whether it is due to a psychological or a pathophysiological issue. Adequate duration and good quality of sleep absolutely go a long way toward securing your optimal health, a lowered cancer risk, and an increase in your quality of life and productivity.

In brief, sleep is very important and valuable for your health; so, make the most of it!

Image credit: by Pexels

Resolve to Get Healthier and Happier

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

2015 HappyHealthy_CPDWe all love a fresh start in the new year, right? It’s time to expect great things and to make various refreshing resolutions. So, let’s jumpstart the 2015 with some New Year’s Resolutions for Health.

What’s your top health resolution? Lose weight? Get in shape? Eat healthier? Whatever health challenge you face, whatever fitness goal you set, this year can be your year and your victory!

Unfortunately, it’s also easy to fall down the slippery slope with your New Year’s Resolutions, which happens to many by the middle of February and is often referred to as “falling off the wagon.” One of the primary reasons for this is that many people set unrealistic goals without including specific and attainable actions within a time frame. So, I’m here to help you stay on the wagon throughout the year with a lighthearted yet fully conscious approach.

Here are some suggestions that you can start with and then develop into whatever works best for you.

1.      Stick to a fitness routine. Sounds boring? Well, keeping healthy doesn’t have to be boring. Find a way to set a fixed time, implement a novel technique, alternate your regimens, or create some new motivations. But by all means, keep things interesting!

2.      Try something new. That’s always fun! Take up a new sport, start a new habit, or read a new book on health. Engaging in volunteer work is one way you can keep physically active.

3.      Say YES to kale. And certainly, you can also say YES to other green leafy vegetables. As for kale, it’s rich in health-promoting compounds; it’s also an anti-cancer agent because it can protect DNA from damage by free radicals. Personally, I’ve made this resolution and have already had a couple of dinners with kale this new year.
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4.      Give a second thought to genetically modified (GMO) foods and fast food. These foods are characterized by too much salt, refined sugars, and saturated fat. They damage your heart, kidney, other organs, and immune system. Impaired immune function means a weakened natural defense against cancer. More dangerously, any poor dietary choices are encoded into our gut, our genes, and passed on to our offspring.

5.      Reduce stress by practicing a screen-smart solution (i.e., a “Digital Detox”). We are in an age when internet addiction is a real and serious problem, and it affects the health and social connections of many people, especially kids. Things you can do to reduce stress include – but are not limited to – not bringing your cell phone to your bedroom or having your iPad next to your pillow. You can also reduce email checking, as well as Facebook and Twitter time. By spending smart-screen time, you can make more time for your family.

6.      Get a health screen and/or cancer screen. Check your critical numbers and be aware of your body. For example, know your blood sugar level to prevent diabetes. If you’re over 50, get a cancer screen to detect any pre-cancerous growth early.

7.      Give yourself a pat on the shoulder, a treat, or a high-five as a reward.

It’s important to remember: Look up, look forward and move on, but don’t look back and look down. Resolve to get healthier and happier. You can do it!


Image credit: partial contribution by ba1969