Category Archives: Healthy Lifestyle

Transform Your Wellness in Uncertain Time

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Colorful Shapes for Ideas_CPD-Pixabay_2021A new year always marks a new, better beginning. we have new hopes in renewed energy, expecting new accomplishments and new happiness. Yet, 2021 is still an uncertain year; at least for sometimes, we cannot anticipate to return a full sense of normality.

The COVID-19 outbreak, the economic crisis, as well as racial tensions and consequential violence all bring a profound change in our daily life and affect our overall well-being. I’m concerned and wonder, just like many of you, when will most of us get vaccinated? what is the job and finance outlook for many folks experiencing economic hardship? How can our nation’s deep wound be healed? The challenges are in all shapes, but so are solutions.

Whatever you view our situation as a nation in turmoil or in transformation, a welcome opportunity to transform ourselves presents itself in front of us, especially for our health and wellness. I’m going to highlight a few important points.

First, lay the foundation for your health and well-being with three pillars—physical, emotional, and mental—and foster each support. The three pillars function like a tripod that establishes stability and connection. So, personalize your vitality and preventive care around each support. I won’t go through more details, as you can get some ideas from COVID-19 Era Wellbeing and Beyond: Perspectives for Year 2021.

Second, I’d like to talk about a circle of love and support as reinforcers for mental health. Mental health problems are not something new, but the pandemic lockdown and social distancing have exacerbated previous concerns of depression, loneliness and social isolation. This is one of the urgent and critical public health issues in 2021. An underpinning point is that loneliness and social isolation are linked to poor health outcomes, not only in elders but in people of any age. So, developing a circle of love and support is a great promoter of sustainable mental well-being. Even you have a very small family or are alone, you can still make a new friend or re-connect with old pals and your community. Seek for professional help when in need.

Don’t forget school kids and teenagers who are increasingly struggling with distance and disruption created by the pandemic. Their anxiety, loneliness, and social isolation may affect their grades now and result in potential trauma in the long-term. We need to steer them away from an avoidable drive down to a dark path as early as possible.

At this vulnerable time, one area of mental health involves how well your mind processes information and understand facts and data, which is an issue that has been too often overlooked or overwhelmed by disinformation in recent years. However, opening or shutting that flood gate is under your control. So, challenge your ability to detect and assess misinformation and falsehood. Remember that negative beliefs or perceptions influence your behavior and condition physically and emotionally. Consider gaining a fuller or richer understanding of another culture(s), maybe reach out to someone and exchange different worldviews, and maybe find a new meaning in your life.
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My point is that your worldview, spirituality, and personal growth can be an important element in lowering a risk for various diseases and in facing either physical illnesses or psychological sufferings. In other words, the mind and body are closely connected. Therefore, it is essential to illuminate the unattended dark and dusty corners of your mind with newfound knowledge, joy, laughter, and appreciation. All is an integral part of your well-being.

Third, strategize and manage by applying a series of squares/boxes (or areas). One can use boxes and bins for storage or office organization. We can also use them metaphorically to help in the quest for good health. You can do this by envisioning boxes that carry several risk factors of a specific disease, then tackling those areas through resources or actions. Alternatively, target lifestyle factors or areas that you want to improve. For instance, risk factors (boxes) for susceptibility to, severity of, and death due to COVID-19 include old age, obesity, pre-existing chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, lung disorders, chronic kidney diseases, and smoking, to name a few. Do you know—conversely—how COVID-19 can be a risk factor for other health problems? Research and clinical evidence show that this contagious virus can enter the cell and subsequently the body, damage the heart, brain, or multiple organs, causing lung injury and hypoxia as well as systemic inflammation resulting in overreactive immune response (or cytokine storm). There are things you can do to avoid or minimize these damages, and to prevent the transmission of infection, especially from the new coronavirus variants.

Finally, beyond doubt, with heightened fear and stress, some used-to-be top killers are sneaking into our lives. When most of us likely remain homebound for some time due to the pandemic, various health perils are prone to elevate. Unattended yet subsequent components could be high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and harmful cholesterol levels; all damage blood vessels and lead to increased probability of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke. So, pay attention to and prevent noncommunicable diseases (NCD), because people with NCD are vulnerable to the devastating impact of COVID infection. Also, climate change is evidently an imminent threat to our well-being in several ways; as detailed in The Climate Crisis Is a Health Crisis and in Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention.

Understandably, change is often not easy or comfortable. However, if you’re determined, you can embrace the process of change. Start with baby steps. The new year could be a nice, fresh point to start. So, gear up!

To your renewed health, happiness and well-being in 2021.


Image credit:  PixabayCancerPreventionDaily 

Hypertension Can Be Asymptomatic but Potentially Fatal

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

BP Measure & Heart_pixabayWhen is the last time you checked your blood pressure? How is your child or children’s blood pressure?

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a multifaceted issue, and I’d like to address why it matters in several brief, yet key points.

In case you are not aware, high blood pressure is redefined at a reading of 130/80 rather than 140/90 mmHg, according to 2017 guidelines from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology.

It’s important to pay attention to the new normal—i.e. the reading should be lower than 120/80 mmHg, because when systolic (top) number is 120-129 and diastolic (bottom) number is lower than 80 mmHg, your blood pressure is referred to “elevated status”. So, if your reading exceeds 130/80 mmHg, read further.

Hypertension a common risk factor for various cardiovascular and other chronic illnesses. It often remains overlooked in the absence of symptoms. However, hypertension is a silent killer.

Hypertension is a primary risk factor for cardiovascular mortality (heart attack and stroke), and can bring about end-organ damage including chronic kidney diseases and renal failure. Even if people survive a life-threatening emergency, many face challenges of disability and complications that reduce the quality of life.

Hypertension is positively associated with some types of cancer, specifically renal cell carcinoma and breast cancer.
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Hypertension is becoming more common in children and adolescents but is under-diagnosed among this population, including those with a normal weight without a family history of hypertension. This is not surprising given the obesity epidemic, which presents alarming statistics—more than 1/3 of youth are overweight or obese and nearly 20% of children/adolescents has obesity. The relationship between hypertension and obesity has been clearly established; both can cause severe long-term health consequences.

As we live at a moment of crises, the compounding effect of COVID-19 reached an out of control point. A recent research published on European Heart Journal (2020 June; 41:2058-2066) reveals that patients with hypertension have a two-fold increase in the risk of dying from COVID-19 compared to those without hypertension. Antihypertensive treatment has lowered the mortality risk significantly compared with those left untreated.

The good news is that high blood pressure is a modifiable risk factor, and many hypertension-associated problems are preventable! So, focus on prevention.

The top strategy for preventing hypertension is lifestyle modification starting from a young age. Treating primary hypertension in children is almost exclusively a matter of an improved dietary and behavior regimen, including a more nutritional diet with reduced sodium intake, increased physical activity, and healthy weight. Pharmacological intervention is secondary strategy if your physician indicates it is needed.

A take-home-message: Watch your blood pressure, control your blood pressure to prevent acute cardiovascular events and help reduce the COVID-19 burden.


Image credit: Pixabay

Rethink Obesity and Reshape Your Health

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Raised Garden Beds_A.H.steadI had a conversation with a friend regarding the pandemic and weight among other topics. My question is—How is your weight affecting you physically, emotionally, or medically?

If this sounds relevant to you, read on.

First, I’m highlighting three quick facts about obesity:

  1. The prevalence of obesity in U.S. adults reaches 42.4% (pre-COVID), based on the CDC.
  2. The obesity rate of young adults aged 20-39 is 40%.
  3. Obesity is an established risk for chronic diseases (e.g. heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, stroke, etc.), and has been linked to severe complications and clinical outcomes of COVID-19.

Now combine the reality of the pandemic. The lockdowns or self-quarantine and teleworking—by less exercise and more stress—exacerbate obesity epidemic, at least weight gain becomes increasingly common among many folks.

Let’s focus on one of the weight control solutions right at your home.

If you have been living in a confined world, getting less active in the outdoors or gaining “lockdown pounds”, you may wish to create your own “little paradise” in your garden.

The health benefits are abundantly clear, just mentioning some of them:

  • More movement to get physically active for weight control
  • Family activity to prevent the kids from overweight and obesity
  • Stress relief and mood enhancer
  • Close contact with soil that benefits the gut microbiome.
  • Eat nourishing veggies or fruits of your own without chemical toxins.
  • Connect with nature and enjoy your surroundings.

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Let me add a critical note on gut microbiome.

We know that the gut microbiota can contribute to human metabolism, immune defense and so on. Disturbances of gut microbiota not only disrupt your gut barrier and immune function but also have an impact on your weight and obesity.

Due to a modern lifestyle, most of us leave behind the contact with soil (plainly the “dirt”), hence causing the loss of diversity of beneficial microbiota in the human gut, which has led to some negative health consequences including obesity and diabetes. In contrast, research showed that our ancestors had the highest richness of the gut microbiome because of their hunting-gathering lifestyle.

Flowers & Plant on hands_Sm_PixabaySo, what actions can you take to reshape your health?

In August to early fall, you still have time to plan something green and healthy, with benefits of getting physical activity, fresh air, and the gut microbiome as players in your team.

Whether you have a big or small backyard garden, you have many ways to do so including but not limited to the following:

  • Select your favorite seasonal veggies, fruits or flowers and plant them.
  • Use elevated / raised garden beds or planter boxes , if you need more space or more variety. They look fantastic and this site offers a lot of great information too!
  • Add other varieties such as a little fountain or water flow, providing serenity.
  • Include a bird feeder or bath for bird watching, which is really joyful and meditative. As an article in New York Times puts it—“The birds are not on lockdown, and more people are watching them.” Certainly, you can also adore eBird.
  • Any other favorites, lawn chairs, a table under a tent, etc.?

Now that I threw a few ideas based on my “playing with dirt” and experience, but I’m not in any way near a gardener. So, if you ask a Pro gardener, you’ll get an ocean of suggestions or options for sure.

But the point is —

Whether you’re planting veggies, fruits and flowers or watching birds chanting and water flowing at your backyard, you are in touch with nature, thereby escaping from the pandemic anxiety or quarantine fatigue to enhance your well-being.

Not only can you indulge in your little paradise anytime, but you keep moving because gardening is not one-time labor.

So, take a few minutes from your busy or demanding life, appreciate nature, the tranquility, the beauty of greens or colors, the sound of water, the singing birds, along with healthy weight, beyond harvesting nutritious crops.

Is it a small joy of your life? I bet it’s the unique rewards of your “little paradise”!


P.S. If you don’t have your own garden, participate in nearby community garden.

Image credits: Aaron’s Homestead , Pixabay

Reopening but Not a Relief – Thus Boost up Resilience

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Together in Pandemic_PixabayMemorial Day is a somber day because it is for remembering those people who have died while serving our country, although it also marks the starting of summer with beach vacations and backyard barbecues. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has added serious concerns to the upcoming holiday weekend. So far, more than 95,000 lives have been lost to Covid-19.

First, let’s grieve jointly for those who lost their lives during the pandemic no matter what the cause, and honor their lives collectively.

Because this novel coronavirus suddenly turned the world upside down, life in the past months has been very tough for millions of people suffering from deadly infection, tragic loss and financial burden to emotional distress and “quarantine fever or fatigue”.

Together, we followed the “stay-at-home” order and applied social distancing to prevent spread of the disease, among various hygienic measures. Despite the recent lifting of some restrictions and reopening selected businesses, most of us remain anxious and cautious.

Now, it’s about the next phase—slowly moving on, and hopefully a post-pandemic life and beyond. Here I’d like to share my thoughts and key preventive measures as follows.

  • Shared challenges and Covid-19’s impact
  • Serious health issues and perspectives
  • Safe measures when reopening

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Where are the challenges and what can we control?

I’m certain that your challenges are unique, even overwhelming. For instance,

         Maybe you are an essential worker to provide central services daily while others are staying at home;

-          Maybe you or your loved one fought through the Covid-19 for survival;

-          Maybe you lost your job and stood in a food line for the first time in your life.

-          Maybe you have underlying health issues that made you vulnerable to coronavirus infection, but fear about going to hospitals deterred your medical attention;

-          Maybe you have cancer and had to undergo cancer therapy during the pandemic with no choice to avoid hospital trips;

         Maybe you work remotely in the comfort of your home while juggling child care in the household;

-          Maybe you’re a college graduate, stuck at home with a canceled graduation ceremony and celebratory parties, and without a clear perspective for future jobs due to the Covid-19 crisis;

         Or maybe you are a victim of domestic violence but during the pandemic forced to shelter with the abuser.

The stories can go on and on… all impacting our life and wellness.

One thing we shared in common is that we were all affected during the Covid-19 outbreak though the extent and magnitude of challenges varied. And now, we’re all coping with a new normal.

We also know that this virus is highly contagious. However, positivity is contagious too. So, let’s maintain a positive outlook, care with compassion, and help one another go through the hardships.

Existing health conditions collide with the Covid-19

More than half of US adults have at least one chronic condition such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension or obesity. These conditions increase the risk of becoming critically ill if infected.

On top of that, the “stay-at-home” order also did not make things better in the following ways.

          Eat more for convenience

More time at home means more access to the refrigerator and food, less consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, or more packaged/cooked food delivery to your doorsteps. And the worse, drinking more alcohol.

          Sit more and exercise less

Remote working or online learning, entertaining and shopping all create more screen time, more sitting time, and less movement. Limited outdoor activities and work-related labor and reduced shopping trips, along with gym closings, all cut down the amount of physical activities – if one is not self-disciplined on regular exercise.

          Feel more stressed

Anxiety and fear of coronavirus infection, unforeseen life change and financial drain from unemployment or business closures are common triggers initially. With the US Covid-19 death toll approaching 100,000 and unemployment claims looming 40 million, stress from emotional disarray and financial loss is undeniable.

          Have more trouble sleeping

It’s self-explanatory due to the above factors compounding together. The pandemic accelerated vicious circles.

In addition, public health crises such as opioid addiction and Covid-19 collide too, which posed a threat to individuals with substance use disorders, and deserve our attention.   

Key safe measures when reopening

Covid-19 can be fatal, so can other life-threatening medical events such as heart attack and stroke. Coronavirus will linger, and other pathogens or toxins will stick around too. So, first and foremost is to protect yourself and your family as best as you can.

As new infection cases are still rising in some regions or areas, a potential second wave of outbreak is not behind us.

Here are six key steps to your safety:

1.  Prepare for a new lifestyle, and embrace the new normal.

Alongside a healthy lifestyle and good hand hygiene, whenever you go to a public place – WAITS (wait for a minute and do)

Wear: a face mask.

Avoid: touching eyes, ears, outer side of your mask and shared surfaces. No handshaking.

Isolate at home: if you feel sick, and take the virus test as advised.

Take:  hand sanitizer and a disinfectant wipe (placed them in a small plastic bag/container)

Stay: 6 feet apart from others as much as possible.

2.  Know your risk factors and vigilance is key.

Remember that risk factors vary individually. In addition to existing health and environmental risks, indoor isolation life also amplified some diet and lifestyle problems.

3.  Strengthen the immune system – your all-time protection.

It’s about nurturing yourself and your most potent defense against any pathogen and illness. Boosting your immunity involves multi-front approaches from diet, physical activity and weight to lowering stress, adequate sleep and a healthy lifestyle. This is the time to foster your wellness, so follow the guidance from Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention in details and preserve your health—your most valuable asset.

4.  Manage stress.

Enjoy more family time. Relax your mind and body using array of stress-relief techniques, resolve to focus on things you can control rather than worries that you can’t, and let your creativity takeover your anxiety. In post-Covid era, many jobs will undergo dramatic changes, and many workers will return to a fundamentally different workplace. So take time to reflect and create your new future.

In the meantime, don’t hesitate to seek help.

5.  Take care of your own health or medical issues.

Never ignore your health problems – if there are any unusual changes, go for Telemedicine first if it’s a non-emergency issue. Even if it’s a non-Covid related emergency, the hospitals try their best to assure your safe visit, so don’t delay your necessary medical attention.

6.  Stay well informed, stay away from disinformation overload, i.e. “infodemic”.

As new information on this virus and disease is emerging remarkably fast, new understanding continues to change weekly, if not daily, misinformation and confusion evolved too. Please trust science especially when it comes to your health and life.


Unlike other viruses, the novel coronavirus is both highly contagious and lethal, and still lingering around. There is no room for us to become complacent at least before a vaccine and treatment are successfully developed. Keep taking all safe measures to protect yourself and your family.

Ask yourself how important your health is to you.


Image credit: Pixabay

Rekindled Sense and Attention to Cancer Amid COVID-19

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Calm & Care Flowers_Blog useBefore Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) rises as a foremost source of mortality in front of our eyes this year, heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of global death.

Both COVID-19 and cancer do not discriminate (any age, race/ethnics or gender), and cause great global public health concern.

In March, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic, after the disease spread to more than 100 countries leading to tens of thousands of cases within a few months worldwide.

Strictly speaking, a pandemic is defined when an epidemic spans various continents and affects a large number of people. Although the scientific community has not adapted the pandemic label for noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer, cancer certainly reaches pandemic proportion and severity (regardless of speed).

To be clear, my focus is not about terminology but about the brutality of a disease. However, if we view cancer morbidity and mortality through the lens of pandemic, without disputing the terminology or the precise term, we can implement protective measures and save more lives, especially from preventable cancers.

Here I examine what dire similarities COVID-19 and cancer share and how they differ.



(Communicable disease)




(Noncommunicable disease)

Characteristic Sudden outbreak, quickly, and highly infectious Slowly developing over decades, noninfectious
Origin & Cause Natural or animal origin, caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Cells of origin, i.e. cellular mutation, due to a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors; <10% of hereditary cancers
Person-to-Person transmission Yes No in general, but some cancers can be passed from person to person through viral transmission.
Speed & Severity Deadly in days Deadly in years
Global death & mortality rate (MR) 145,500+ as of 4/16/2020

MR: *projected 2-3%, presently ~4% in US

Nearly 10 million annually;

MR: rose by 17% since 1990, with age-standardized 0.05-0.15%

Human immunity


Nobody is immune to it at present and it can strike virtually everybody Can strike virtually anyone
Effective treatment No evidence yet Yes, if at earlier stages.
Best weapon Containment and mitigation to reduce community transmission Risk factor prevention, early detection & treatment
Emotional difficulty, fear, anxiety, and powerlessness Yes Yes
Say Goodbye or celebrate a lost life in person No Yes
Public health urgency Yes ? (ask ourselves)

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*At this time, it is impossible to reach a precise MR of this outbreak.

Because of the complexity and multifaceted mechanisms underlying cancer development, doing one or two things won’t be sufficient in beating cancer. We must take multiple actions with integrative approaches—some of the same protective measures can be put  in place to prevent cancer amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, strengthen the immune system—the most powerful defense we have. However, during physical distancing or home-bound time, stressful emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger; sleepless nights; as well as unhealthy behaviors (e.g., poor diet, more alcohol consumption, less physical activity) can provoke the burden of noncommunicable disease (heart disease, diabetes and cancer) through weakening the immune functions.

COVID-19 will pass just like any other pandemic; it’s only a matter of time.

Unlike COVID-19, cancer persists as another health crisis and many are living with it now, which should not be forgotten. Compromised immune systems and complicated cancer treatments for cancer patients become more challenging at this troubling time, and personal stories should also not be forgotten. Thus, the battle against cancer should keep on. The book Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention details how cancer is developed, as well as what you can do to prevent cancer and optimize your well-being. So, remember to pick up a copy for yourself or your loved ones.

Like COVID-19, cancer demands our rekindled attention and care. Behind the numbers are human lives.


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Readers’ Favorite 5-star Review

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Readers’ Favorite announces the review of the Non-Fiction – Health – Medical book “Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention” by Hui Xie-Zukauskas, currently available at

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“Reviewed By Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite

Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention: Options to Help You Stay Healthy and Happy by Hui Xie-Zukauskas Ph.D. gives insights to readers who want to know how to prevent cancer. The strategies in the book will help readers to empower their actions towards reduced cancer risk and enhanced well-being. Cancer can strike out of nowhere and takes away life. The author speaks about taking preventive measures and living a healthy lifestyle – to have a healthy heart and body that will remain cancer-free so that one can live a healthier, happier, and longer life. The author also addresses how cancer risk factors influence daily lives and the roles of these risk factors in specific cancer development.

Reading this book will encourage mindful self-care so that readers can enjoy a better life with healthier bodies. The author’s combination of medical background, research expertise, and experience works well in dealing with the topic and she speaks about it extensively and expansively, giving readers good insights in a way that they can understand easily. The author speaks about diet, lifestyle, and psychological factors, and encourages readers to examine their lifestyles to see where necessary changes can be made. Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention: Options to Help You Stay Healthy and Happy by Hui Xie-Zukauskas Ph.D. is a good tool to help readers realize that a healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. This is the perfect book to read on cancer prevention and develop healthy habits so that the body can be kept mentally and physically active.”

You can learn more about Hui Xie-Zukauskas and “Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention” at where you can read reviews and the author’s biography, as well as connect with the author directly or through their website and social media pages. 

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How Small Measures Matter to Your New Year’s Resolution

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Hiker steps to Mt. peak_happy-hiker-winning-reaching-life_366801260Are you surprised? – Most people who set New Year’s Resolutions already fell off the wagon sometime between end of January and end of February. Nonetheless, statistical rates on the failure can top 88%.

Improving Health has always been one of top New Year’s resolutions for most Americans. One obvious question is – why can’t such a worthy resolution last? Also, what’s the gap?

I’m going to help you explore it by focusing on one gap, that is a lack of measurement.

There are various reasons people failed their goals, often including unrealistic or immeasurable goals (too big to reach), and/or unmeasurable goals (somehow unable to be measured objectively).

So, let’s move to your measures for health resolution on following topics.

  •        Why are measures important?
  •        Define your measure with small steps in mind.
  •        Contemplate and compart specific components or areas with small actions.
  •        Three musts for winning health results

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Why are measures important?

Talking about measures, one can immediately connect to numbers or numerical values.

Measures are ubiquitous in life. In science, rigorous measurements are critical for accuracy and precision of the findings. Business (e.g., sales) needs measures or calculations to evaluate its performance, quality, profit or loss. Similarly, the NFL has its measures for success too, including time of possession, execution of players (e.g., passing yards, rush yards, speed, etc.), among others. Likewise, personal health is examined or determined through a variety of measurements.

Therefore, if you want to improve your result, you need to measure from the beginning. If you measure, you can repeat whatever you do well, and refine if you want to mend or do better.

Define your measure with small steps in mind.

It’s desirable to “improve health”, “lose weight” or even “lose 30 pounds”, but these goals are vague and sometimes unrealistic, especially when pursued without measurable actions.

Dramatic changes rarely turn out well. Consider how realistic it is changing from a “couch potato” to a “gym rat” or from a meat-lover to a vegan? In fact, I didn’t jump from white rice in three daily meals to my breakfast with whole grains, nuts and fruits, sometimes proteins, overnight or over months.

Small steps are critical to measuring your health improvement, and closely connected with concrete measures. Importantly, small steps prove to be an effective strategy for you while measuring, and a key to success in many areas of life.

Take high blood pressure as an example. If your blood pressure is high, you need to do multiple things to lower it, and even prevent it. You need to reduce salt intake, have a healthy diet, exercise at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week, support a healthy weight, and moderate alcohol consumption, just naming a few. Then how do you meet each requirement?

Let’s just talk about ways for salt restriction. It’s not easy for many folks; after all, food without salt is boring, right? However, there are small steps to reduce salt intake unless you go “no salt”. You may choose to cut half of your daily salt or pick “low-sodium” items, or instead of pouring salt over your plate, sprinkle with parsley, cilantro, spice or herbs like rosemary, drizzle with olive oil or honey if you wish – all can adjust the food flavor and maybe even make it better. These are only a few tiny, baby steps to reduce your salt intake towards lowering blood pressure.

One way to ensure small steps work is to set up a system for measurements. Based on your detailed plan, you can use a score system, and rate those reasonable steps on a scale of 1 to 5, for example. Alternatively, you may prefer a week log to monitor your diet and exercise. If you want to measure how you get more active, it could be something like “walk 20 minutes or 2 miles a day, do it after dinner, go over it each day, reward myself at the end of each month.” Then rinse and repeat this routine. Do whatever works better for you. Moreover, give yourself a pat on the shoulder or a treat as a reward.

The smaller, the more specific a step is, the more measurable it is, and the more meaningful it’s towards your goal. Ask yourself how much, how far or how often you want to make change and when expect it to occur, and at what level you feel comfortable or stretch a bit? Remember to make small, gradual change over time.

Contemplate and compart specific components or areas with small actions.

Another way to take small steps and make incremental progress for a healthy lifestyle is to break into sections or box the areas that require your attention, because your health improvement should be personal. So, go after your major concern or root problems. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Ease Stress resolution: First, uncover sources of your stress – Is the clutter-loaded desk or office driving you crazy? Or are the posts on social media that upset you most? Do work-related issues trigger your sleepless nights? Next, how you calm and combat stress should include different approaches, unique stress-relieving techniques, modified diet, and etc. Again, start small.
  • Healthy Weight resolution or more specifically – Dump Belly-Fat Resolution
  • Well Kitchen resolution
  • Green Lifestyle resolution
  • Cancer Prevention resolution

For cancer prevention resolution, you’ll be amazed how much you can achieve. You can learn and become aware of various cancer risk factors, you can make small modifications on your diet, you can keep moving and be more active. You can quit smoking and limit alcohol if you haven’t done so. You can also get vaccinated (e.g., HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer), and get screened (e.g., for breast, prostate, and colon cancer if applicable).

Getting vaccinated or screened is seemingly a small step; however, it’s an immediate action resulting in a big gain with long-term benefits. So, you can cheer yourself with a high-five!

A recent study (conducted by Dr. Schiff’s group at Harvard University, reported on J. Healthcare Risk Management, 2019) showed that many cancer diagnostic errors (greater than 50%) often involve a failure or delay in routine screening and diagnostic testing. So, it’s imperative to take control of your own health.

There are other aspects involved in your well-being, but you get the idea.

Three musts for winning health results

1.      Act NOW. Don’t procrastinate.

That’s also why it’s easy and effective to implement small steps. Replacing sugar-dense beverage with water is actionable for losing weight. Adding one or two more servings of veggies/fruits each day is more manageable than going meatless.

2.      Be disciplined and integrative.

Stick with the positive changes, gradually add more, and make them a daily habit or routine. Meanwhile, it’s not about one switch. If you quit smoking or eliminate alcohol, but keep prolonged sitting or stay less physically active, don’t control stress, you still won’t be in a good shape.

3.      Be patient. But be joyful.

Don’t expect the result sooner than what it should take to happen. In addition, some changes can be necessary yet uncomfortable or inconvenient, find fun ways to do so. However, don’t force yourself to the things you dislike or are ill-suited to you. Don’t ignore your emotion. Are you happy at the end of the day? What’s your feeling about new choices or changes? Hope you truly enjoy them.

Lifestyle modification is a journey rather than a destination, the journey with many, many small steps that lead you to a bright destination for your wellness.

So, take one step at a time, practice one day at a time, so as to add up many small steps from point A to point B.

The bottom line is that small steps are measures for your big or huge gains. With concrete measures, you can surely keep your health resolution or achieve any goal you set.

The bookKey Strategies for Cancer Prevention – Options to Help You Stay Healthy and Happy” is packed with tips for small and attainable actions, which lead you to achieving concrete, measurable goals for your heart health and cancer prevention.


Image credit:

A New Hope to Keep Cancer at Bay

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Hui-s Book_12-2019(This is Part 1 of Miniseries.)

Cancer is a devastating disease and indiscriminate regarding age, sex, genetic, economic or social status.

Do you want to avoid cancer? Do you know what to do to prevent cancer?

My book titled “Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention” is recently released. It translates science into life-saving strategies and speaks in lay people’s term.

This book helps you discover how to prevent cancer. It addresses the driving forces behind cancer development, and provides a comprehensive, concrete guide for a daily, healthy lifestyle in an enjoyable way. Through prevention, you can optimize your overall well-being.

The book starts with dissecting how cancer risk factors exist and influence your daily life, then addresses potential contributors to cancer before it draws your attention to the most common and deadliest cancers. The book also offers extra advice or tips for a healthy and cancer preventive lifestyle.

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Yes, most cancers are preventable! A lifestyle of mindfulness and modification can take you a long way, and importantly, you can achieve proven results with joy and love through step by step, incremental progresses.

My goal is to have more people embrace the powerful knowledge and ultimately save more lives.

If you are among folks who are eager to learn and take actions for a healthier, happier, and longer life, the book is for you.

Now please join me and help me bring this life-saving book to light. The book is available at bookstores (e.g., iUniverse, Barnes & Noble), and Amazon in paperback and kindle/eBook formats. Other eBook venues include Apple, Google Play, etc. Once you get your copy, read it, tell people around you, and desirably post review on Amazon.

Sharing is caring. By helping me spread the words about it, you also make a big difference in saving lives!


Let Your Well-being Shine through in 2020

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Wrapup 2019, Start 2020_CPDAs the year 2020 approaches and, like many people, we reflect on the past and make New Year’s resolutions, I trust you will take care of your health and wellness in the coming year.

Human well-being is connected to important social and ecological issues. So, I also encourage you to pay special attention to some critical health challenges that both you and our society face. Here I outline three of them.

1.      Climate change impacts human health.

We need to take the urgent threat of climate change seriously. However, many folks still cannot see its seriousness or simply ignore it and, needless to say, some national leaders deny it.

The pressing perils of climate change are undeniable. Consider questions such as the following. Does climate crisis add to your mental distress? Does it threaten your physical body in various ways (e.g., food chain contamination, water pollution, or pathogen multiplied)? Does it have any consequential effect on our younger and future generations?

Let your voice of conscience guide you to give up some conveniences that are not ecologically friendly. This can benefit you, the earth, and others. There are many ways you can practice a healthy lifestyle in combination with eco-friendly acts, as mentioned in this CPD article:

You can do much more. For example, the Washington Post has a recent article on how to plan eco-friendly travel. It’s worth pondering.

How you can reduce your carbon footprint when you travel … › lifestyle › travel › 2019/11/27

2.      Cancer remains the No. 2 killer (with the possibility of moving up).

I’ve been emphasizing the significance of, as well as some specific risk factors and strategies for, helping to prevent cancer. Cancer may seem inevitable as a part of modern life and aging, but blindly accepting it would cause more unnecessary deaths. The truth is that overwhelming evidence has shown that most cancers are preventable.

Breakthroughs in cancer diagnosis and treatment have saved millions of lives. However, there are some new and sober trends. First, cancer has surpassed heart disease as the No. 1 killer in some wealthy countries and in some U.S. counties. Second, the incidence and death of the deadliest malignancy, pancreatic cancer, are rising—it is projected to be the second-leading cancer killer by 2030 from being the current fourth-leading cause of cancer mortality. And finally, cancer death rates are climbing among young and middle-aged adults.

Lifestyle modification is a key to preventing cancer—and cardiovascular disease as well. So, integrate ways of eating more plant-based food by committing yourself to a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, beans, and nuts, but with limited red and processed meats. Keep body and mind more active; sleep more and manage emotional stress better.

3.      The HIV epidemic is not over.

According to the WHO, “December 1st, 2018, marks the 30th anniversary of World AIDS Day—a day created to raise awareness about HIV and the resulting AIDS epidemic. Since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 70 million people have acquired the infection, and about 35 million people have died. Today, around 37 million worldwide live with HIV, of whom 22 million are on treatment.”

Look at the picture in the U.S: approximately 1.1 million people are living with HIV today, and about 15 percent of them (1 in 7) are unaware that they are infected.

Thanks to advances in HIV treatment, significant progress has made. However, by the end of 2018, an estimated 1.7 million people worldwide became newly infected with HIV, including about 38,500 cases of new infections in the U.S. (based on USAID, CDC, and data). Among them, certain populations or ethnic groups continue to be disproportionally affected.

Healthcare systems surely bear the responsibilities to provide HIV prevention, treatment, and care for those with comorbidities (e.g., tuberculosis, mental health, and some noncommunicable diseases).

It matters to us, too. If any folks don’t see how the HIV epidemic is related to you or your life, I present only three perspectives, among others.

  • If you care about public health domestically or globally, it matters.
  • If you care about your community as a whole and/or the health and wellness of others—whether an HIV-infected friend or a stranger who may live with fear, stigma, and suffering—it matters.
  • If you care about stopping the opioid crisis, it matters. Substance users and abusers are at a higher risk for HIV because of being infected through needle-sharing and injections.

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The bright side is that HIV is a preventable disease, and proven effective strategies are to know the risk factors, avoid and reduce HIV transmission. In addition, you can help address and tackle social and structural factors underlying the HIV epidemic. 

Collectively, with these outlooks in mind, let’s work together to find solutions.

Have a healthier and happier 2020 !


Image credit: Pixabay/PublicDomainPictures; CPD


A Season for Wellness and Optimism

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Season of Happy, Health & Hope_w-CPDHolidays can be a mixed bag for health. Almost everybody embraces this magical and festive season with joyful spirit and exciting anticipation of a new year ahead. On the flip side, there are stress issues or the temptation to have more drinks, more palatable foods and overindulgence. Yet our holidays can be filled with wellness, happiness and hope.

This blog will focus on scientifically proven health hazards during holidays, and on right actions or behaviors that help guide you to a healthier, more sparkling holiday season.

First, what has research found on holiday health issues?

1.      It’s common that total and LDL cholesterol levels are elevated after the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.

Observational studies show that a large majority of 25,764 adult participants have elevated levels of total cholesterol and LDL (“bad cholesterol”) after the holiday season, implying a higher risk of hypercholesterolemia in the general population.

2.      Catecholamine buildup from holiday stress, excitement or overindulgence can result in cardiac deaths.

Evidence indicates that alcohol, certain foods (e.g., those high in phenols) along with holiday overeating inhibit a key enzyme responsible for catecholamine inactivation and cause accumulation of catecholamines, leading to cardiac death (often referred to “holiday cardiac death phenomenon”). Furthermore, while polyphenols (a type of antioxidant compounds) occur naturally in many plant-based foods with various health benefits, be aware that food industries also add them to some foods and too much consumption may have adverse effects.

3.     The Christmas and New Year’s holidays are a risk factor for cardiac events and deaths.

It’s essential to know that sudden cardiac death is not rare. According to AHA’s 2018 update – each year there are more than 356,000 out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrests (i.e., cardiac deaths) in the U.S., nearly 90% of them fatal. Sudden cardiac death is also a major public health concern worldwide.

Next, how to enjoy lovely celebrations and prevent harmful outcome?

  1. Cook turkey or chicken and enjoy the process. Limit consumption of red or processed meats.
  2. Eat less “tasty” foods that are likely packed with fat, sugar and salt. Instead, have more fresh vegetables and fruits and nuts, or use them to create a healthful and nutritious dish or dessert.
  3. Drink or serve less alcohol and soft drinks. Take pleasure in self-made vegetable & fruit juice or drink more tea. —— * Please understand that I’m not advocating to make a tightened schedule more stressful by spending more time in the kitchen, but I just want to remind folks of health benefits bundled in some pleasant activities – cooking and cleaning together through a team of family, friends and/or coworkers – an act of care, because eating healthy is an important way to take care of yourself and your family during the holidays and year round.
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  5. Practice moderation to avoid overindulgence or overeating. As the research evidence mentioned above, “holiday cardiac death phenomenon” can occur out of unhealthy behaviors. This is exactly why moderation is key wisdom and why processed foods should be limited.
  6. Foster emotional capacity and power, which is indispensable for surviving stressful situations in work or life. Control your stress level and handle a variety of factors or matters with grace, love, and kindness, such as leaving “political fireworks” off the dinner table, driving with courtesy, coping with loneliness or an unfavorable relative, etc.
  7. Have a more active and livelier holiday. Don’t discount exercise. Find ways to be physically active and strengthen your heart. Dance more, walk more and move around more.
  8. Keep good sleep patterns and make sure you have seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Holiday events may affect our sleep time. Work overload and short sleep duration contribute to potential cardiovascular disease and events. When coupled with stress, sleep deficiency can weaken your immune system and increase the likelihood of getting an infection especially in the middle of flu season.
  9. Don’t delay seeking medical help and treatment.

Healthful and joyful holidays can help you lay the foundation for your New Year’s Resolution on a sound and continuous track.

Takeaway Message

As you wrap up the end of the year, this is also a time to make a commitment to improve your health and overall well-being. So start now, start small, and keep on. Practice healthy behaviors, reward healthy behaviors, encourage and share healthy behaviors.

  1. Picture yourself with a consistent healthy lifestyle in the coming year.
  2. See your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol numbers constitute a new profile.
  3. Feel your energy and vitality to greet a productive new year!

Believe it and feel the JOY!

Wish you a wonderful and safe Holiday Season!


Image Credit: Pixabay, CPD