Category Archives: Cancer Risk Factors

Why It Is Critical to Prevent Diabetes: Association with Pancreatic Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Stop diabetes logoHere are a couple of sobering statistics: A total of 25.8 million children and adults in the United States and 347 million worldwide have diabetes. These figures demonstrate clearly that diabetes has become a pandemic in today’s world.

Preventing diabetes in our own and our families’ lives should be of great concern to us for several reasons. One reason is that a diagnosis of diabetes can result in life-altering changes needed to manage the disease. But there is another big reason such a diagnosis is troubling, and today I’m going to focus on that reason. I’m going to talk about the urgent need for diabetes prevention because diabetes is a known risk factor of pancreatic cancer.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body either cannot make enough insulin (Type 1) or cannot effectively uses its own insulin (Type 2). Insulin is a pancreatic hormone that regulates blood sugar by facilitating glucose (sugar) storage in the cells for energy. When insulin fails to do its job, blood sugar levels rise.

Type 2 diabetes affects 90% of people with diabetes around the world and results largely from being overweight and physical inactivity. High blood sugar levels can lead to long-term damage to cells and organs, as seen in complications like high blood pressure, blindness, kidney disease, and nerve disorders.

What is pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatic cancer is a deadly disease in which cancerous cells develop inside the pancreas, an organ that produces hormones such as insulin and digestive juices. (See more on “The Rule of Three for Pancreatic Cancer Prevention”).

What is the relationship between the two?

Accumulated studies have revealed a positive association between diabetes and pancreatic malignancy, although the details of what is the exact causal relationship are complex and controversial. Diabetes may be either a symptom or a risk factor of pancreatic cancer. Here are some facts showing why it has been concluded that the two maladies are connected:

-          Pancreatic cancer occurs two times more in people who have diabetes than in those without diabetes.

-          Approximately 80% of patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, when diabetes co-exists, often have a progressive malignancy.

-          Patients with new-onset Type 2 diabetes are at a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer. When suffering from cancer, they have a worse rate of long-term survival and a higher rate of post-surgical complications.

-          45% of pancreatic cancer patients have diabetes and more than half of diabetes cases are newly developed. Thus diabetes has been proposed to be a clue for early cancer diagnosis.

In summary, diabetes is considered to be a risk factor of pancreatic cancer and has a negative impact on the prognosis and outcome of this deadly form of cancer. That is one excellent reason why it is so important to prevent diabetes.

To help in that prevention, here are a couple of small, easy, and effective dietary practices that can be achieved on a daily basis:

  • To help keep your blood glucose under control, avoid foods high in sugar. High sugar-containing foods include rich desserts, candies, ice cream, sweetened drinks and fruits packed in syrup. Furthermore, many processed foods hold excessive sugar.

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  • Drink plenty of water, which benefits your body in many ways, especially helping remove metabolic by-products when hyperglycemia occurs.

Following these two suggestions daily can go a long way toward helping keep you free of the plague of diabetes… And oh yes, don’t forget to include an appropriate measure of exercise in your lifestyle!

Until my next cancer prevention blog, I wish you Good Health, Good Living and Happy Thanksgiving!


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Occupational and Environmental Chemicals linked to Lung Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Hazard smoking and passive smoking are well-known contributors to lung cancer. However, an overlooked risk factor is stemmed from cancer-causing substances in the workplace, communities or larger environment, and even at home. Vehicular smoke, industrial materials, toxic chemicals, fumes and exhaust are all kinds of environmental pollutants. The question is – at what level are you exposed to?

Everyday exposure in the workplace is a serious concern, because the exposure to harmful substances at high levels and over a long period of time can be a lethal threat to your health. Today, I’m helping you understand what common occupational substances may increase your risk of lung cancer, and how you can protect yourself and your family.

First, what to raise your awareness?

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has identified several occupational materials/agents as lung carcinogens or possible carcinogens to human. Numerous research has established the link between an increased risk of lung cancer and excessive exposure to common occupational materials.

Occupational and/or environmental substances associated with lung cancer include:

  • Asbestos
  • Radon
  • Chromium
  • Formaldehyde
  • Nickel
  • Arsenic
  • Silica
  • Coal gasification
  • Tars
  • Soot
  • Diesel fumes
  • Radiation

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For the general population, although the exposure levels to most of these agents are likely insufficient to produce serious health damage, it is wise to become informed and cautious.

Second, how to protect you from potential lung carcinogens?

Top Ten Tips:

  1. Keep informed, especially know what you are exposed to in the workplace and what you can do to protect yourself.
  2. Always wear protective clothing, items and equipment as occupational safety requires.
  3. Read the labels and follow the instructions. This is important whenever and wherever you handle chemical-containing products.
  4. Stick to the rules or regulations on dealing with hazard wastes.
  5. Make sure that your employer is aware of certain job-related potential danger to human health and have protective measurements in place.
  6. Take your shoes off at the door to avoid tracking potential toxins from the bottom of the shoes around your home.
  7. If necessary, separate your work clothing from those of the family when doing laundry.
  8. Take precautions about the chemicals you use in your home.
  9. Check radon levels in your house. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines “high exposure” to radon as its level being 4 pCi/L and above.
  10. Avoid or limit unnecessary radiation exposure.

These practices are particularly imperative to people who are already at risk for lung cancer, including, but not limited to, those

  • with previous lung diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) and chlamydia pneumonia
  • with a family history of lung cancer
  • with lowered immunity
  • Smokers and second-hand (or passive) smokers

Finally, early detection is a key. If you experience any symptoms such as frequent cough, breathing difficulty, wheezing, chest pain, or unexplained weight loss, consult your doctor.

If this is helpful, please share. Thanks.

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The Rule of Three for Pancreatic Cancer Prevention

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Imagine this – it starts from deeper in the abdomen, inside the pancreas, an organ between the stomach and backbone, gradually hits a person at 60s with no sign or some digestive discomfort, pain in the abdomen, yellowish skin, and then unexplained weight loss. After that, it aggressively takes the person’s life. That is pancreatic cancer.

pancreas-cancer_Med.WorldPancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest forms of all cancer. With current medical technology, the five-year survival rate is only six percent. The cases are apparently increasing, as about 45,000 people are expected to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2013; among them 38,000 people will die of the disease this year.

To help raise awareness of this devastating disease among those who are unfamiliar with pancreatic cancer, let me use “The Rule of Three” to highlight pancreatic cancer prevention.

Rule #1: Never smoke, and live a healthy lifestyle.

Cigarette smoking is a well-established risk factor for pancreatic cancer. It’s also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat more plant-based foods and less meat, stay physically active, and keep a healthy weight. Obesity has also been linked to pancreatic cancer.

Rule #2: Prevent and treat chronic pancreatitis.

Inflammation plays a role in developing pancreatic cancer, and chronic pancreatitis is a known risk factor. In addition, pancreatic cancer is more common among individuals with histories of cirrhosis (a chronic liver disease), diabetes, and previous surgery to the upper digestive tract. Pancreatic cancer may also be attributed to a pathogen for periodontal disease (named porphyromonas gingivalis).
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Rule #3: Keep diabetes at the bay.

Type 2 diabetes is closely associated with pancreatic cancer, as a body of research reveals. As the population ages and the obesity epidemic continues, the incidence of diabetes is predicted to rise. People with diabetes are more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those free of diabetes.

A final point

Still, as is true for other cancers, early detection is always important for combating the pancreatic cancer. This is particularly critical for those with a family history of this disease, because the risk can be doubled or tripled by familial pancreatic cancer.

In brief, pancreatic cancer is deadly, but you can lower your risk by not smoking, preventing pancreatitis and diabetes, and raising your awareness about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.


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Lung Cancer Killer: Not about Facts, But about Actions

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

4 hands tightened_best-beginnings-alaska.orgLung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among both men and women in the United States and worldwide.

Smoking is the killer in approximately 90% of men and 80% of women who have died of lung cancer.

Did I tell you something new? Likely not.

But why do smokers still smoke? And why did the world fail to prevent lung cancer by stopping tobacco use?

Lung cancer is a horrible disease. It develops sneakily and rapidly. It is very difficult to detect lung cancer at early stages with current technologies. This disease is often deadly with poor prognosis once diagnosed.

Lung cancer claims an estimated 1.4 million lives each year worldwide. NCI estimated 228,190 new cases and 159,480 deaths from lung cancer (non-small cell and small cell combined) in the United States in 2013. As a result, lung cancer has changed so many people’s lives including smokers, non-smokers and their loved ones.

Paradoxically, lung cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer. Specifically, the most important, effective preventive measures are cessation of cigarette smoking and elimination of tobacco exposure. I am sure we all want to end this tragedy. Why has the change happened?
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All kinds of tobacco products including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco or pipe tobacco are addictive, hazardous and harmful. No tobacco product is safe, period. Tobacco use contributes to not only lung cancer, but also cancer of various types, cardiovascular disease, mouth problems, and other illnesses.

The number one things a person can do to prevent lung cancer is to not start smoking, or to quit if he or she currently smokes. A majority of smokers start as adolescents, most of them seek to fit in with “a crowd”. As life goes on, the crowd is gone, but the habit and damage continue. Therefore, boys and girls do not start smoking. And fit in for your long-term wellbeing. Smokers can be addicted to tobacco, which is not an excuse. For a smoker, quitting immediately can benefit yourself and make the world around you a better place. Remember: it is never too late to stop.

Non-smokers should avoid secondhand smoke by all means. Smoke exhaled from a smoker or a lit cigarette contains over 60 known carcinogens (i.e. cancer-causing agents) along with hundreds of other toxins.

Women are highly susceptible to lung cancer. Research shows that tobacco smoking may double a woman’s risk for lung cancer, because it has as twice of carcinogenic effect on a woman as on a man.

Everybody, from spouses, family members and friends, educators, doctors and nurses, to every organization, every industry, and of course, government or policy makers, can step in to prevent lung cancer especially when the cause is quite clear. We all can do something to help change the world and lives of many, many, for good.


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Alcohol Consumption and Cancer Risk

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Wine-splash-2-1283145-mAlcohol plays a significant role in many people’s lives. There are many excuses for alcohol intake: relaxing from a stressful day, holiday or social drinking, and youth partying are a few. But it’s often not far from “I’ll have one more” to chronic consumption.

To use alcohol wisely, it’s important to know some facts that are hidden behind that “one more drink.”

5 Essential Facts You Need to Know about Alcohol

  1. Alcohol is a carcinogen to humans, a finding that has been confirmed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 1998.
  2. Alcohol is an established risk factor for breast cancer, increasing the risk by 10% for each drink consumed per day.
  3. Chronic alcohol consumption is closely linked to cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, and colorectum.
  4. Women become more quickly intoxicated than men when drinking the same amount of alcohol.
  5. The good news is that alcohol consumption is a modifiable risk factor for cancer, so it’s in your power to control it.

Action modes for alcohol’s contribution to developing cancer

How alcohol causes cancer is not definitely clear, but proposed mechanisms include:

-    Alcohol increases estrogen levels in women, and excessive estrogen increases the risk for breast cancer.

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-    Alcohol suppresses the immune function, especially cancer surveillance, consequently allowing cancer development.

-    Alcohol facilitates cancer development by either producing more genes that drive cancer growth or slowing down the DNA repair that maintains cell integrity.

-    Alcohol acts as a solvent for carcinogens in tobacco, which explains why alcohol with tobacco smoking together is a deadly combination.

How much alcohol is safe and how much constitutes abuse?

Based on the National Cancer Institute (NCI) definition, moderate use implies no more than two alcoholic beverages per day. It can be argued that moderate alcohol consumption has been shown to benefit cardiovascular health. Then again, human studies have linked even moderate alcohol consumption to an increased risk of breast cancer in women.

Women are more sensitive to alcohol damage than men. Why? First, women have less water in their bodies, and hence higher concentrations of alcohol than men when given the same amount to drink. Second, women have lower levels of enzymes that metabolize alcohol than men do. It is known that alcohol is first metabolized to acetaldehyde, a chemical that has the capacity to cause DNA damage. The metabolism of alcohol can vary individually. Personally, I’m probably deficient in the enzyme that further metabolizes acetaldehyde, because a little alcohol beverage will make my face flush, by which my body is telling me – You’ve accumulated enough acetaldehyde! That’s why I don’t drink. Of course, your body might handle alcohol differently from mine, but harm could be done even if there is no bodily warning.

“There are not enough data to support an actually safe intake of alcohol” concluded Dr. Testino in his review (The burden of cancer attributable to alcohol consumption, 2011). All types of alcoholic beverages are associated with an increased risk of developing an alcohol-related cancer. Any amount of alcohol consumption increases the risk, and the level of risk increases in proportion to the amount of consumption. Because of this, the best solution is not to drink alcohol at all. This is made easier by the fact that there are so many tasty non-alcoholic drinks available to enjoy nowadays.


Image credit: by robgr85

5 Estrogen Sources and Breast Cancer Risk

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Women exercise-in-the-1950s-493921-mHave you ever wondered if “Estrogen” was an issue that these energetic women thought or talked about back then?

Estrogen is a steroid hormone, made from cholesterol, occurring in both women and men. It plays a major role in the growth and development of sex organs and reproductive tissues. Conversely, too much estrogen can do other things; among them is an increased risk of cancer.

Because estrogen contributes to breast cancer, today let me direct your attention to eliminate over-stuffed estrogen from your daily life.

There are five major sources of “Uninvited Estrogen”: foods, physical inactivity, obesity, environmental toxins, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Let’s go over them one by one.

1.      Poor diet and unhealthy foods

Without doubt, synthetic hormone-containing foods are available everywhere. For example, a lot of beef and dairy products are pumped up with synthetic growth hormones, which can interrupt your hormonal balance if you often consume them. Excess carbohydrates from refined foods and sugars are normally not needed for energy, so if you eat a lot, they will be stored as fat in your body. Read on to find out what happens next.

 2.      Lack of exercise

Living a sedentary lifestyle is closely associated with obesity and hormonal imbalance. Scientific research shows that exercise can regulate the balance of estrogen. So lack of exercise can cause estrogen accumulation in the body.

 3.      Obesity

Being overweight is a significant lifestyle factor related to cancer risk. Obesity is linked to breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and other cancers. Think about this. The fatty tissue is one of factories for estrogen production in the body. Here is the process:

Testosterone    via aromatase in fatty tissue —->  Estrogen

By this conversion, fatty tissue raises your estrogen levels. Research indicates that in post-menopausal women, obese individuals tend to have higher estrogen levels than their lean counterparts, and obesity is a risk factor for their development of estrogen-driven breast cancer.

4.      Environmental toxins

Xenoestrogens, you can call it “fake estrogens” or man-made toxins, are a group of chemicals present in the environment and our everyday products. They mimic the effects of estrogen in your body. When excessive estrogen is accumulated, as a result of the combination of these toxins sneaked into your body with those naturally produced by your body, normal hormone functions are compromised.

Xenoestrogens are often present in

  •       household cleaners.
  •       household plastics products (e.g. plastic containers and bottles)
  •       personal care products (e.g., nail polish and nail removers)
  •       pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides
  •       industrial pollutants.

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 5.      Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) and birth control pills

Estrogen and progesterone are naturally occurring hormones. Although women (under 60 years old) can benefit from HRT for menopause related symptoms, clinical studies also reveal that HRT poses higher risks for breast cancer, cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke. Likewise, synthetic hormones such as estrogen are used in birth control pills. Research shows that the earlier a girl begins to use contraceptives, the greater her risk of breast cancer is.

In essence, over-loaded estrogen in your body may come from the food you eat, the amount of exercise you get, the weight you carry, the place you live and work, and possibly the drugs you take. Elevated estrogen is linked to breast cancer and other cancers. Furthermore, the worst is the harmful impact on the next generations, because their exposure during early life leads to their illness in later life.


Image credit:  by hortongrou

Say Goodbye to Summer and Cheers to Our Summer Health Education Series

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Summer is quickly coming to an end. This year Cancer Prevention Daily had a better way to celebrate the season with our accomplished project, which is our Summer Health Series on educating 10 risk factors that cancer and cardiovascular disease have in common.

For those who followed our blog series, you might have taken actions and seen immediate results (even if it’s small), or have learned something that will give you long-lasting rewards. For those who missed any of the valuable information, I highlight here what we discussed over this summer.

Here are 10 common causative factors for cardiovascular disease and cancer:

1.   Tobacco use/smoking
2.   Obesity
3.   High fat diet (esp. animal fats)
4.   High sugar diet
5.   Excessive sodium intake
6.   Physical inactivity
7.   Chronic inflammation
8.   Aging
9.   Hormonal imbalance
10. Stress

The following are the blogs that address each factor along with preventative strategies:

9 Invaluable Lessons from Tobacco Smoking
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Seven Simple Steps to Weight Loss

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“Sweet” in Perspective

A Message in Salt: Packed with 20 Tips …

Physically Active, Physically Inactive, or “Active Sitting Potato”: Where Do You Fit in?

Chronic Inflammation: A Common Root for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases

Proven Strategies for Prevention of Age-Associated Chronic Illnesses

3 Aspects of Hormonal Imbalance You Need to Know

Learn How to De-Stress Effectively and Quickly

Overall, we need more awareness and prevention in these areas. Remember: Small actions add up, and small benefits add up too.

If you have benefited from the summer health series, please share. Thanks!

3 Aspects of Hormonal Imbalance You Need to Know

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Hormonal imbalance is defined when chemical messengers regulating our body’s systems are no longer functioning properly. The imbalance can be an overproduction or an underproduction of specific hormones. Estrogen is the primary hormone in these changes.

Today, I’d like to help you understand the danger when hormone imbalance is left unaddressed or untreated.

What can cause hormonal imbalance? 

Hormone balance is closely connected to the food we eat, the exercise we get, the weight we carry, the stress we bear, and the toxins we absorb. Therefore, many factors can impact the overall hormonal balance, including:

1. Aging
Advanced age itself is a common cause of hormonal imbalance in both men and women.

2. Poor diet 
Excess carbohydrates (especially from refined foods and sugars) that are not needed for energy are stored as fat in the body. Increased body fat elevates estrogen levels and increased estrogen levels bring about estrogen dominance, which leads to increased risks for breast cancer. Hormonal balance can also be interrupted by the consumption of beef and dairy products that are pumped up with synthetic growth hormones.

3. Lack of exercise
Physical inactivity, living a sedentary lifestyle contributes to obesity and hormonal imbalance.

4. Obesity
Fatty tissue converts testosterone into estrogens using an enzyme called aromatase; thereby raising estrogen levels. As research shows, obese postmenopausal women tend to have higher estrogen levels than those lean women.

5. Stress
The misconception is that mid-life women and teens have hormonal imbalance along with their emotional or life crisis. The truth is that both men and women experience stress, at least to various degrees, due to the demand of modern society and challenging economy. Although most hormone production is taken over by the adrenal glands during one’s mid-life, constant or chronic stress can reduce progesterone levels or result in adrenal exhaustion, subsequently hormonal imbalance.

6. Environmental toxins
Xenoestrogens are a group of chemicals present in the environment and our everyday products. They mimic the effects of estrogen in your body. Excessive estrogen accumulated as a result of the combination of these foreign, man-made toxins with those naturally produced by the body, leading to compromised hormone functions.
Xenoestrogens are found in
-          household cleaners. Chlorine and its by-products are a major source, which points to why it’s critically important to drink filtered water and use chemical-free cleaning products!
-          household plastics products (e.g. plastic containers and bottles)
It has been manufactured in a facility that see this link cheap viagra collects and stores human sperm mainly from sperm donors,for the purpose of achieving pregnancies through third party reproduction, notably by artificial insemination. Online Stores for Your best price on levitra Comfort The best part of Kamagra Jelly is that the drug is available online. But, free cialis no prescription they also said that their guys are not at all expensive. 2. Also you need no to take fruits juice or other such viagra generika organizations. -          personal care products (e.g., nail polish and nail removers)
-          pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides
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7. Birth control pills
Synthetic hormones are used in birth control pills. Research showed that the earlier a girl begins to use contraceptives, the greater her risk of breast cancer is.

8. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Women (under 60 years old and within ten years of menopause) can benefit from HRT with much less risk. However, clinical studies also reveal that HRT poses higher risks for breast cancer, cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke. Moreover, women who have used estrogen for seven years or longer are 14 times more likely to develop cancer.

What can hormonal imbalance lead to?

Hormonal imbalance causes a woman’s infertility. However, other serious medical consequences include:
-          approximately 6,000 endocrine disorders
-          osteoporosis
-          heart Disease
-          Because excess estrogens may act as initiators or promoters of cancer cell growth, hormonal imbalance can lead to cancer.

What can you do to prevent or control hormonal imbalance?

1.      Consult with your doctor on issues such as testing your hormone levels, hormone replacement therapy and using birth control pills, to ensure a proper treatment.
2.      Choose hormone-free meat and dairy products over farmed or estrogen-pumped varieties.
3.      Drink filtered water, which is more important than ever.
4.      Go for chemical-free cleaning. Avoid using household products containing chlorine or chlorine by-product such as dioxin.
5.      Wash  produce thoroughly; be aware of those possibly sprayed with pesticides.
6.      Limit the use of solvents like nail polish, nail polish-remover, and petrochemical-containing cosmetics (i.e. petro-based stuff is what you put in your car).
7.      Recycle hazardous wastes from electronic, plastic and paper products to protect environment.
8.      Reduce stress by positive outlook, relaxing techniques, and enough sleep with a consistent sleeping pattern.

The bottom line: your body has been attacked by harmful chemicals and stressors in everyday life. It is vital to maintain a delicate hormonal balance and strengthen the immune system, for both saving your life and long-term health.

Proven Strategies for Prevention of Age-Associated Chronic Illnesses

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Aging_4C91926C-FDEB-4B37-903B0611D64C202DDo you know that 2 billion people will be (aged) 60 and older by 2050? According to statistics, between 2000 and 2050, the world’s population of 60+ years old will double from about 11% to 22%.

Aging is inevitable. Aging is a complex process too, which has a negative impact on various body systems and their functions. As you age, accumulated damage to the cells, increased burden of the immune response, and chronically stimulated inflammation, along with genetic and environmental risk factors, all intensify in your body.

Aging is the major risk factor for the predominant killer diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, especially in developed countries or in the population living a sedentary lifestyle and eating a Western diet.

The good news: Age-associated chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes are largely preventable! The prevention can be achieved mostly by lifestyle modification. How well we age depends on many factors, including what we eat, how physically active we are, and how much, how long we are exposed to health risks such as smoking, over-consumption of alcohol, or harmful, toxic chemicals/substances.

Taking care of yourself should be a top priority and it’s never too late to do so. Here are some key strategies:

1.      Maintain a healthy weight and avoid abdominal obesity. Excessive calorie intake and a sedentary lifestyle cause abdominal obesity, as we discussed previously.
2.      Have a diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, fish, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
3.      Avoid or limit high-fat, high-sugar foodstuff and excessive salt intake from packaged or processed foods.
4.      Participate in physical activities regularly.
5.      Watch your numbers (cholesterol, blood sugar, etc), keep your blood pressure normal, and schedule routine cancer screening.
6.      Remember a good night’s sleep.

Let’s face it. You cannot help getting old, but you don’t have to get old. Fortunately, new technologies can make you look and feel young. However, if you want to age gracefully and brilliantly, place a strong focus on the following areas:

  • Practice gratitude. Gratitude is the key to happiness, so keep counting your blessings. “There’s always a lot to be thankful for if you take time to look for it. For example, I am sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don’t hurt.” I like this quote from the Unknown. Studies show that people who are always grateful and practice gratitude in their lives tend to have more peaceful and harmonious existences than those who do not.
  • Learn, learn and learn. It’s never too old to learn. Learning keeps you mentally sharp and spiritually young. Try to learn something every day and every year, whether it is from reading or from doing, whether it is a skill or a sport. Purposefully challenge your mental ability in fun ways (e.g. puzzles and games).
  • Maintain friendship. It helps your mental and emotional well-being. Keep a circle of people who are positive, uplifting and wise. Also, a connection with your friend(s) from high school or college can kindle a younger spirit.
  • Love, love and love. Love your age. In addition to your love to your family and relationship, there are many ways to show your love, such as pursuing your passion, giving to your community, caring and helping others, etc.

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Exercising the physical, mental and spiritual areas outlined above can have additional health benefits in the prevention of a variety of age-associated chronic diseases. At the end, one of humanity’s greatest dreams is to have a long, productive life in a healthy, youthful body.

Image credit: By mealsonwheelspeople

Chronic Inflammation: A Common Root for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Do you know that the effect of inflammation can be two-fold?

Under physiological conditions, injuries or infections can trigger natural, healthy immune responses, and acute inflammation is an important part of the healing process.

However, chronic inflammation can act as a trigger for some deadly illnesses; contributing particularly to cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Today I help you understand more about it.

How can inflammation lead to deadly diseases?

1.      Compelling evidence from research shows that chronic inflammation in fat tissue plays a key role in insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to respond to the normal actions of insulin, leading to further increase in blood sugar and type 2 diabetes.

2.      Obesity is considered a chronic inflammatory disease. Furthermore, abdominal obesity is a risk factor for various diseases linked to inflammation. Fat cells around the belly are much more biologically active than those under the skin, and release some hormones and inflammatory chemicals. Obesity has been linked to several types of cancer.

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4.      Chronic inflammation caused by a variety of infectious agents can promote development of cancer by the release of immune modulating factors/substances, the production of DNA damaging free radicals, and the suppression of immune functions.

What can trigger inflammation?

1.      Poor diet: Baseline nutrition is critical, at least, to maintain necessary levels of anti-inflammatory nutrients in the body.
2.      High fat, high sugar and high salt foods: They’re tasty, but the silent fuel to set your body on fire.
3.      Chemicals and toxins: Environmental pollutants from tobacco to asbestos to dangerous chemicals in our home or work place, in the air we breathe and water we drink can be inflammatory sources.
4.      Stress: Emotional or physical stress can cause immune system over-drive or imbalance, followed by chronic inflammation.
5.      Physical inactivity: Exercises can produce beneficial changes in circulating level of insulin or insulin-related pathway, and in eliminating inflammatory mediators.

Collectively, a significant role of chronic inflammation in some killer diseases is clear, and the information here can empower you to control inflammation in various ways.