Category Archives: Cancer Risk Factors

Reduce Your Risk: National Cancer Prevention Month

diversity-6-888077-mThis week we are sharing and re-posting an article on this platform, by which we work with our partners in spreading the word to enhance awareness and save lives. Here goes:

By The Asbestos Cancer Victims’ Rights Campaign

More than 7.6 million people die each year from cancer, a true epidemic.  Of those deaths, more than 100,000 are caused by asbestos exposure. Yet, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention 1/3 of those deaths could be avoided.

In an effort to build awareness and to honor National Cancer Prevention Month, there are a few steps you can take to increase your knowledge and decrease your risk. The Asbestos Cancer Victims’ Rights Campaign stands with our friends at the American Cancer Society in striving to create more birthdays in 2014.

Stay Active

Staying active and maintaining a healthy weight throughout your lifetime can help to reduce your risk for a variety of cancers. Obesity can also trigger an increased production of hormones that allow for cancer growth.  The American Cancer Society estimates that one quarter to one third of all cancer related deaths can “be attributed to poor nutrition, physical inactivity, overweight and obesity.”  In addition, exercise contributes to the overall health of an individual, arming your body with the necessary tools to fight off other illnesses that could affect your body’s defenses. Experts recommend you elevate your heart rate for 30 minutes a day.  Think you don’t have time? Try going for a walk, taking the stairs, or parking further away. You’re never too busy to stay healthy.

Early Detection

One of the best preventative measures you can take to decrease your risk of a terminal diagnosis is to ensure regular check ups and self screenings. The American Cancer Society recommends self exams to screen for skin cancer and breast cancer as well as yearly mammograms for those over 40. Treatment options may vary as cancer stages progress, therefore it is essential to monitor your body and seek medical advice when irregularities occur. Annual check ups are a great way to measure a variety of levels and will give your doctor an idea of what a healthy you looks like.

Limit Exposure

For cancers such as mesothelioma, lung cancer and skin cancer, often times an outside agent plays a role in the prognosis. Limiting exposure and protecting your body from carcinogens is a crucial way to decrease your risk factors.

  • When you’re outside – even on cloudy days – sunscreen is essential to protect your skin from UV rays. A hat and shirt or shawl are keys as well as for vacations or extended periods of time in the sun.
  • For those who work in construction or older homes, or have a knack for “Do-It-Yourself” renovation, taking the proper protections to guard your body against asbestos exposure is necessary. Microscopic asbestos fibers that become airborne can be inhaled and in turn lodge themselves in the lining of the lungs. Wearing protective clothing and face coverings and disposing of these appropriately is a must. As always contact a professional where possible.

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So, let’s fight cancer together!

Protect Your Skin to Prevent Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Colour-blast-sun 1031204-mYou’ve probably heard a lot about sun protection and skin cancer prevention. But since you may be heading for sunny beaches or the swimming pool soon to enjoy sun bathing or to get a tan, you may want to learn a bit more about how sun protection can be critical for your health and your skin. So today, I’ll dive a little deeper into this serious subject.

What is UV radiation and where does exposure take place?

There are three types of ultraviolet (UV) rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. Because UVC rays do not get through our atmosphere, humans are only exposed to UVA and UVB rays, which are dangerous enough to your DNA—the powerhouse of all genetic information in each living cells.

Sunlight is the main source of UV rays. Other sources often include tanning lamps and beds. Sunlight contains both UVA and UVB and causes much more damage than you think because the thinning of ozone layers makes UV rays increasingly more powerful.

How does UV radiation/sunlight enhance skin cancer risk?

UVA rays can penetrate into your deeper skin layers and damage the structural components of your skin, such as connective tissues and blood vessels. This results in the loss of skin elasticity, wrinkling, and premature skin aging. Furthermore, UVA rays cause the development of some skin cancers. UVB rays are a more potent carcinogen because they can directly damage your DNA, leading to sunburn and skin cancer. So, as you see, there is no such a thing of safe UV rays.

How may UV radiation directly damage your DNA? At the molecular level, UV radiation can cause DNA lesions, distort DNA structure by forming bends or twists, and impede DNA repair. Consequently, these impairments to DNA hinder transcription and replication. DNA integrity and stability are essential to one’s life. That’s why direct exposure to UV radiation is harmful.

Two types of skin cancer (melanoma and non-melanoma) are both linked to sun exposure. The fact that non-melanoma skin cancers (including basal and squamous cell carcinoma) occur more frequent in outdoor than in indoor workers supports the notion that the accumulated life-time exposure to UV radiation plays a significant role in the development of these skin cancers.

All abdominal operations eventually will lead to adhesions that restrict freely cialis online shop movement of the intestinal organs. A team of Pediatric Hepatologist, Hepatobiliary Surgeon, Anesthesiologists, Nurse Practitioner, Pharmacy Clinical Spetadalafil canada t, Nutritionist and Social workers work in succession till the patient’s recovery. Moreover, there 5mg cialis tablets is a valve that opens only to let the food to enter in the bloodstream to start function to describe its results. They appear that how order uk viagra works – inflating claret breeze to sex organs, abundant for men – has a miniscule aftereffect on the representations of the added sex. Melanoma is a malignant skin cancer, though it is rare. In contrast to non-melanoma skin cancer, a higher incidence of melanoma is found in indoor compared to outdoor workers, which suggests that cancerous development might be associated with UV exposure at younger ages and/or occasional, intensive exposure to sunlight (e.g., on weekends or vacations).

Protect yourself and your children

Excessive sun exposure in children and adolescence sets the stage for the development of skin cancer later in life. Research clearly indicates that the sun exposure of children (< 10 years old) is linked to an increased risk of malignant melanoma and other skin cancers later in life. So, sun protection for kids is crucial!

Next time you are outdoors, make sure to protect yourself and your family (especially young kids) from sun damage. Protective practices include wearing a hat and sunglasses, covering exposed skin with clothing, staying in the shade, and applying sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher to body parts exposed to sun.

Take home message:

Exposure to UV radiation is a major risk factor for most skin cancers. UV rays can damage your DNA and cause skin cancer. Sun protection is your No. 1 defense against skin cancers.


Image credit: By SEPpics

Cancer Prevention Associated with Uterine Fibroids Removal

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

stop-sign-1334670-mDo you have loved ones or friends who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, a benign (i.e. non-cancerous) growth in the uterus? Read what I am about to say carefully and share with other ladies.

Recently, the FDA warned against a procedure known as “laparoscopic power morcellation” to remove uterine fibroids or perform hysterectomy, because it could unintentionally spread hidden cancer beyond a woman’s uterus and into other parts of her body. Evidently, some tragedies have been reported.

Here is the reality. As many as 3 out of 4 women have uterine fibroids sometime during their lives, but most are unaware of them because no signs or symptoms show up. Some women experience minor symptoms that can be ignored or lived with. Your doctor may discover fibroids incidentally during a pelvic exam or MRI near pelvic area or prenatal ultrasound.

Let’s look at the impact. “Power morcellation” procedure has been performed for fibroids removal or hysterectomies on more than 50,000 women each year. The FDA estimates that about 1in 350 women undergoing a hysterectomy or fibroid removal has an unsuspected type of cancer called uterine sarcoma.

Here are a few important points you need to know:

1. Uterine fibroids are not associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never develop into cancer. However, there are rare uterine cancers that can be malignant or aggressive types such as uterine sarcoma and leiomyosarcoma.

2. If you have trouble symptoms such as heavy monstrous bleeding, vaginal pain or trouble with urination, etc, visit your doctor or specialist and seek for help.

3. Like virtually everything, there are pros and cons for “power morcellation”. Although it’s minimally invasive, less painful and done quickly in out-patient settings, risk of the procedure is too high – it could kill you!

If you don’t like it, then you’ve only wasted five hours of your life…well maybe more if you want foreplay” “I just took a viagra sale. Your cosmetic surgeon will have prescribed more levitra cost of sales a medicament that will the patient deal with the irritation. Anyway, this is a story about thought about that purchase generic levitra ExtenZe, one of these male personalities. This price tadalafil tablets is though a high cost medicine form the very beginning. 4. How to prevent uterine fibroids? Because it is not clear what exactly causes uterine fibroids, current preventative measures are based on research findings. The following areas can be focused:

-          Know your family history, because heredity plays a role in developing fibroids, esp. among African Americans.

-          Exercise regularly, because it can reduce your risk for many types of cancer.

-          Eat less red meat, consume more fish and green vegetables.

-          Maintain a healthy weight. Research showed that obesity can increase your risk of developing uterine fibroids by two to three times.

5. Remember: Uterine fibroids can shrink or even disappear naturally, especially after menopause as hormones decline.

The bottom line is – when it comes to considering removal of uterine fibroids, take extra caution to weigh benefits and risks.


Image credit: by linder6580

Increase Awareness of Head and Neck Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

HeadNeck-Ribbon_RRSNearly 65,000 people in the United States will develop cancer of the head and neck each year, and nearly 13,000 of them will die from it. What makes these figures especially tragic is that most of these cases are preventable! If caught early, head and neck cancers are also curable!

Are you and your loved ones aware of the facts about preventing head and neck cancer? If yes, great! If not, it’s time to increase your awareness. The basic thing you need to know is that a healthy lifestyle and early detection are critical. Today, let’s focus on these two keys.

Healthy lifestyle and habits

  1. If you smoke, quit. Period. Don’t even try to switch to any other unsafe alternatives such as smokeless or spit tobacco. Tobacco use is the most preventable cause of head and neck cancer. Tobacco is a known carcinogen that causes many types of cancer.
  2. Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. 75% of all tumors of the mouth and throat are associated with tobacco and alcohol use. Tobacco and alcohol are a deadly combination!
  3. Keep a healthy and balanced diet, which is essential for your overall wellness.
  4. Maintain proper oral hygiene daily, take good care of your teeth, and see your dentist annually or semi-annually.
  5. Practice sun protection.
  6. Consult with your doctor if you find a suspicious lump or sore or a discoloration on your head and neck area that doesn’t heal for more than 2 weeks.

How do you detect head and neck cancer early?

First, you should know that head and neck cancer includes cancer of the:

  •   Oral cavity (lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, salivary glands, palate, and mouth floor)
  •   Tonsils
  •   Throat or pharynx
  •   Voice box or larynx
  •   Neck
  •   Lymph nodes in the head and neck area
  •   Nasal cavity
  •   Sinuses
  •   Ear

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Next, you should watch for symptoms or warning signs of a cancerous growth, including:

  1. A sore, swelling, or growth in your mouth or tongue that doesn’t go away.
  2. A lump in your neck. Cancers that begin in the head or neck usually spread to lymph nodes in the neck before they spread elsewhere. So, a lump or lumps could be the first sign of head and neck cancer, or of lymphoma or another blood cancer. It may be painless but it also may continue to enlarge.
  3. A change in the voice. Not all voice changes are caused by cancer, but if your voice changes or if hoarseness persists for longer than two weeks, visit your physician.
  4. Persistent nasal problems. Watch out for an unexplained bloody discharge, chronic sinus trouble, or an obstruction, especially when it lasts for several days.
  5. Blood in your saliva or phlegm. If it lasts for several days without an apparent reason, see your doctor.
  6. Persistent pain when swallowing food or liquids. Swallowing difficulty may be caused by cancer of the throat or esophagus. Do not delay getting a diagnosis.
  7. Decreased hearing or persistent earache. Constant pain in or around the ear accompanied by swallowing trouble could be a sign of infection or of cancer. This is particularly serious when it combines with one or more of the problems mentioned above. Make sure to consult with your doctor or a specialist.
  8. Changes in the skin. Skin cancer is the most common head and neck cancer. Basal cell skin cancer often occurs on sun-exposed areas like the forehead, face, and ears; and of course, it can occur almost anywhere on the skin. A mole that changes size or color, or that starts bleeding, may be a sign of serious trouble. A black or blue-black spot on the face or neck, especially if it changes size or shape, should be seen by a dermatologist or your physician as soon as possible.

Here is the take-home message: Head and neck cancer can be prevented. Healthy habits and early detection are two of your best strategies for prevention.


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Red and Processed Meats Increase Colon Cancer Risk

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Red meat_bunch-of-steak-801548-mIf you eat a lot of red meat or processed meat, you may decide to think twice before the next time you partake. This is because research has shown that a diet high in red and processed meats is associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. This post offers you a focused and updated outlook on some of the reasons for this association.

So, what are we talking about? Red meats include beef, pork, veal, and lamb. Processed meats include hot dogs, bologna, sausages, salami, ham, bacon, hamburger patties, and tinned meat. Colon cancer has been found to be more common among people who have a high daily intake of these kinds of meats. A high intake is considered a daily consumption of red and processed meats that exceeds 5 ounces (about 140 grams).

Why are red and processed meats linked to colon cancer?

1.  Cancer-promoting compounds in the meat:

The harmful substances in these meats are mainly animal-based proteins and heme. Animal-based protein may amplify the expression and activation of cancer-causing genes. Furthermore, red meat, but not veggies, contains heme iron that causes oxidative stress and facilitates the production of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds, which have been linked to cancer of various organs including the colon.

2.  Cancer-causing agents generated from cooking the meat:

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3.  Cancer-causing aspects in digesting the meat:

Undigested proteins in the large intestine can increase bacterial fermentation and produce bacterial metabolites, disrupting a balanced and healthy colon cell lining and causing inflammation. The resulting damage to the large intestine significantly increases colon cancer risk.

There still remains much to be learned about exactly how red and processed meat consumption causes colon cancer, but there is some good news for meat lovers, which is that some meats are not linked to colon cancer. These include poultry meats (e.g., chicken, duck, and turkey) and fish (especially salmon, which may even reduce colon cancer risk). As for red meat, it is suggested that bison could be a healthier alternative to other red meat.


Reference: Kim E, Coelho D, Blachier F. Review of the association between meat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer. Nutr Res. 2013;33:983-94.

Image credit: By koosswans

Strategies to Minimize Risk and Prevent Pollution

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

warning---dirty-water-5-1102261-mYou probably heard of a recent incident concerning a chemical spill in the Elk River in Charleston, West Virginia. It affected nearby nine counties, and a “do-not-use” order left about 300,000 people in the area that were unable to drink or bathe in their water for more than a week.

This is a public safety threat, as the extent of potential danger remained unclear. Sure, federal government must reinforce laws and rules to protect the public from toxic substances. But an important question is – what can we learn from it? Today I’m going to talk about the top 7 strategies you need to know in order to prevent and cope with this kind of emergency situation.

  1. Be vigilant. Watch out for your water. See if there is any discoloration, sense if there is any unexplained smell or odor, and unusual taste.
  2. Report to authorities timely. When in doubt, contact a responsible organization about the concern whether it’s an environmental agency or a local government office.
  3. Let your water run for 30 seconds to a minute or so to flush out any trace of contamination from the pipes, especially when the water has not been used for several hours. Additionally, use a water filter.
  4. Have some bottled water in storage. I’m not a fan of bottled water due to the questionable purity and quality as well as environmental consequences. However, when it comes to tap water contamination, you do need a reasonably safe source of water for your survival needs.
  5. Pregnant women should take extreme caution. Anytime tap water’s safety is in doubt, use bottled water.
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  7. Read Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), a written document from the manufacturer of a hazardous substance, which provides product users and emergency personnel with information about potential hazards and procedures for handling the chemical. Keep in mind that not all carcinogens (i.e. cancer-causing substances) come with a clear document. Therefore, just because you cannot find the MSDS for a particular chemical, it doesn’t mean it is safe.
  8. Always take other desirable measures or precautions (e.g. source reducing) rather than disposal when dealing with chemicals. If needed, safe-deposit chemicals and drugs. Never flush them in the toilet; do not throw in the trash either. Instead, bring the drugs to medical facilities and contact local office(s) for chemical management.

The bottom line is:

Environmental and public health is the responsibility of each of us as citizens. There are many toxic chemicals around us nowadays; it is paramount to know their hazards, protect the air and water quality, and plan your emergency response before it happens.


Image credit: By hisks

How to Love Your Heart

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

pink-ribbon-1380887-mFebruary is the month we celebrate and show our love, whether it’s to our sweetheart, a favorite football team at the Super Bowl, or someone else we care about.

But don’t forget to love your own heart, because February is American Heart Month and we still face a sober reality – that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of both men and women in the United States.

You have only one heart. The following 8 practices can help you keep it healthy and young.

  1. Quit smoking. Never start smoking or using any other tobacco product if you are not a smoker. Tobacco smoke can harm not only anyone who smokes but also others who breathe it.
  2. Know your critical numbers. Get screened or tested for your blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar. Don’t wait until any symptoms show up.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight. Your weight is one of the important risk factors for heart disease. You need to calculate your body mass index (BMI, a ratio of weight to height). A BMI under 25 is healthy; a value between 25 and 29.9 is overweight, and a BMI of 30 or higher means obesity. There are several online resources you can use.
  4. Keep a heart-healthy diet. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and other plant-based food, along with a balance of lean meat, especially poultry and fish.
  5. Exercise, exercise, and exercise. Being physically active is doable and enjoyable, and it leads to many health benefits.
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  7. Avoid saturated fats and trans fats; limit sugar and sodium/salt intake.
  8. Know your family history and other risk factors. While you cannot control your race, age, or family history, you do have control over your lifestyle and other important risk factors.
  9. Recognize common signals of heart trouble and do not ignore these warnings. Ask for a ride to a local hospital and get checked if you experience pain in your chest, back, shoulders or arms; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; or any other signs of heart trouble. Also be aware that the symptoms of a heart attack can vary from person to person.

Fortunately, lifestyle factors are mostly modifiable. Although it’s optimal to start building healthy habits and a healthy cardiovascular system at an early age, it’s never too late or too early to love your heart and safeguard it.

As a final point, the greater your risk for heart disease, the greater risk you likely have for cancer, because both diseases share several common risk factors. Protecting your heart can help you prevent cancer, which is a double-gain!

Let’s go RED, wear RED today, and spread the word!


Image credit: By Gioradi

Drug Overdose: When a Painkiller Can Become a Life-Killer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

medicine-1-1034028-mIt happens often. Someone gets a headache, a back pain, or a muscular ache that seems non-stoppable and they head for the medicine chest for some Tylenol. But this person also starts suffering from a cold and, having already taken the Tylenol, then adds the popular over-the-counter (OTC) medicine NyQuil. However, what they don’t know is that NyQuil contains 650 mg of acetaminophen, which is the active pain reliever in Tylenol. In other words, they have unknowingly greatly increased their dose of the drug acetaminophen.

Acetaminophen is the generic name of Tylenol, and an active ingredient found in more than 600 drugs (both OTC and prescribed). In prescription drugs, acetaminophen may be labeled as APAP. Not being aware of how much to take this drug or not being aware of the presence of the drug in other medications being taken can lead to overdose and even a life-threatening situation. In the above example, Tylenol pills taken along with NyQuil could result in a deadly combination!

Today I’m going to help you understand how a painkiller might be a potential life-killer and will provide some overdose-prevention tips for your safety when taking medications, especially painkillers.

First, what is the safe dosage of acetaminophen?

Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning for acetaminophen dosage in prescription combinations of higher than 325 mg. The statement said, “There are no available data to show that taking more than 325 mg of acetaminophen per dosage unit provides additional benefit that outweighs the added risks for liver injury.”

What is the consequence of a drug overdose?

Liver damage is a major outcome. Do you know that more than 900 drugs have been implicated in causing liver injury? As the FDA stressed, “limiting the amount of acetaminophen per dosage unit will reduce the risk of severe liver injury from inadvertent acetaminophen overdose, which can lead to liver failure, liver transplant, and death.”

The liver, which is located under the rib cage on the right side of your body, is your second largest organ. It is one of vital organs for essential metabolism and survival. Because detoxification takes place there by metabolizing and eliminating toxins from the body, the liver can be exposed to high concentrations of toxic chemicals and drugs. If it has to deal with too much or too many toxins, the result can be serious damage to the liver.

In general, liver diseases are linked to drugs and alcohol, and damage to the liver can occur ranging from cirrhosis (i.e., scarring of the liver) and other liver injury to liver failure or liver cancer.

What are risk factors for liver cancer?

  • Cirrhosis: Chronic alcoholism and hepatitis are the leading causes of cirrhosis.
  • Hepatitis B and hepatitis C infection: These chronic infections are linked to liver cancer because they often directly or indirectly lead to cirrhosis.
  • Obesity: Too much eating is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a condition where more than 5 percent of liver cells contain abnormally high concentrations of fat. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease may lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer.
  • Diabetes: This can increase the risk of liver cancer, especially in those who drink heavily or have viral hepatitis.

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What can you do to prevent acetaminophen and other drug overdose?

  1. Consult your physician first when taking any medication including OTC drugs.
  2. Read the label and instructions before taking any drug. Keep yourself informed.
  3. Avoid drinking alcohol when you take any medication.
  4. If you’ve reached your daily intake limit of acetaminophen-containing drug(s), use natural remedies to ease your pain.
  5. If you have any liver problems or a history of liver disease (e.g., hepatitis), use extreme caution about taking any medication or supplement.

Also, for those who are animal-liver-lovers, minimize the consumption of animal liver to avoid possible accumulation of toxicity in your own liver.

Remember, safety in medication is crucial because it helps avoid serious liver injury or illness and saves lives!

If you consider this post is helpful, please share. Thanks!


Image credit: by srbichara

How Can Sedentary Behavior Hurt You

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

sedentary1_nationalnursingreviewDo you know — Approximately 25% of all cancers worldwide can be attributed to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle?

In my last post, I show you how to stay physically active — an approach to keep your New Year’s Health Resolution alive. Today, I’d like to emphasize why sedentary lifestyle has deleterious health consequences; particularly, it increases your risk for several cancers.

Sedentary lifestyle_comboHow do you define sedentary behavior?

Sedentary behavior is characterized by spending a majority of one’s waking hours sitting or lying down. Sedentary activities are increasingly seen in our daily lives in modern society, ranging from leisure (e.g. watching TV, lying down to read, playing video or online games, and parking your body in the car for a long commute to work or road trip) to occupation, such as sitting all day in the office or working on a computer for several hours.

Distinctly speaking, just because you meet or even exceed physical activity recommendations, it doesn’t mean that you are “sedentary-behavior-free”. For example, if you exercise for 30-45 minutes a day but spend the rest of day in sedentary activities, only ~3% of your day is physically active. As recent studies suggest, sedentary behavior may be a novel health risk factor independent of moderate to vigorous physical activity.

Also see Physically Active, Physically Inactive, or “Active Sitting Potato”: Where Do You Fit in? 

How does sedentary lifestyle increase cancer risk?

Emerging evidence points to a link between sedentary behavior and risk for several cancers. Scientific research has shown that sedentary behavior is associated with an increased risk for colorectal, gastric, breast, ovarian, endometrial, and prostate cancer.

Sedentary behavior can cause changes at the cellular and metabolic levels, which may contribute to the development of cancer. These changes include:

  1. Overweight or obesity, which is linked to several cancers. Obesity is also viewed as a condition of systemic inflammation.
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  3. Altered production of sex hormones, which plays a role in breast and prostate cancer.
  4. Higher blood sugar, which cancer cells use as a fuel to grow and proliferate.
  5. Lower vitamin D, which may increase a risk for some cancers.
  6. Increased chronic inflammation, which may contribute to some cancers. Specifically, increased inflammation-causing factors and decreased anti-inflammatory factors may lead to a higher cancer risk.

What is more?

Sedentary behavior (too much sitting) is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, obesity, type-2 diabetes, and for death due to other illnesses, leading to shorter life expectancy. On the whole, physical inactivity is one of important causes of most chronic diseases including cancer.

In contrast, physical activity can reduce the risk and progression of several cancers. Staying physically active primarily prevents and/or postpones many chronic illnesses, and gain longer life expectancy.

Related topic: 10 Strategies to Keep a New Year’s Resolution for Staying Active

What’s your practice for “sit less and move more”? Thanks for sharing!


Reference from B.M. Lynch: Sedentary Behavior and Cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010;19:2691-2709.

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Top 3 Measures to Reduce Cancer Risks at Home

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

I originally published this article online nearly four years ago, and believe it’s important to repost for anyone who may not have read it.

Sweet home mug_6774667607_ec4114c718_nHome sweet home, this American saying might not hold true anymore, especially in terms of health concerns with modern lifestyle. Some health hazards are present right in the comforts of your home. It’s critical to recognize them. Three major areas that involve carcinogens (i.e. cancer-causing substances) include:

1.  Smoking and passive smoking
2.  Radon gas
3.  Personal care and household products

Smoking is a primary risk factor of lung cancer. Also, smoking aggravates cardiovascular diseases and is causally linked to developing cancer of the bladder, colon, pancreas, and upper digestive system. Individuals who smoke or are exposed to secondhand smoke have a higher risk of suffering from cancer due to carcinogens present in cigarette smoke.

While smoking is an obvious danger, radon gas is odorless and colorless, and worst of all, radioactive. Originating from rocks, soil, and dirt, radon can get trapped in houses or buildings and pollute indoor air. Radon is a known carcinogen and listed as the second cause of lung cancer after smoking, according to the WHO report. It is also the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, as EPA estimates. The potential hazards posed by exposure to indoor radon gas is still of great concern worldwide.

Many consumer products make our homes and work places unsafe, including those we take for granted, such as chemically formulated personal care products, indoor pest control products, and household cleaners. Noticeably, cleaning products are the leading cause of toxic air pollution in our homes, according to the Consumers Guide to Effective Environmental Choices published by the Union of Concerned Scientists. Ironically, household cleaning products are the most common yet most overlooked source of exposure to cancer-causing substances.
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Increasing evidence indicates cancer-causing chemicals and toxins in our environment trigger cancer cells to grow out of control. Furthermore, air pollutants can cause birth defects, not to mention other health complications such as allergic reactions, skin burns, eye irritation, breathing problems, and endocrine disorders. So, it is important for us to seriously reconsider household cleaning supplies. A smell of “freshness” and satisfaction from clean settings can mask hazardous substances that bring long-term harm to human health.

To reduce cancer risk factors that you can control, take the following measures to limit your exposure to indoor air pollutants and make your home safe:

1.  Stop smoking and avoid passive smoking
2.  Take precaution against radon gas by increasing ventilation and getting your home tested for radon level.
3.  Start chemical-free and carcinogen-free cleaning.

Besides taking control of cancer-causing substances at your home, lifestyle modification is of significance in cancer prevention too. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, avoid alcohol intake, get active and become fit. All these actions will help you keep cancer at bay.


Image credit: By essie