Category Archives: Cancer Risk Factors

The Best Way to Prevent Colon Cancer: Know Your Risk First

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Colon cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Fortunately, it cancer is preventable especially by living a healthy lifestyle.

What can you do to prevent colon cancer?

There could be overwhelmed information and many things you can do for colon cancer prevention. However, one sure-fire step is to know risk factors of colon cancer. For those who are unaware of what risks are, let’s go through it.

1.     Age

Colorectal cancer risk increases after age 50. As you get older, your risk of colorectal cancer gets higher. More than 90% of this disease are diagnosed after age 50.

Colon cancer n polyp_MedincineNet2.     Colon polyps

Polyps are small growth in the colon or rectum. Most of them are not cancerous, but some can become cancer and they are commonly seen in people over age 50.The risk of colorectal cancer increases with the presence of polyps. Some polyps are inherited such as seen in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), which can measurably increase colorectal cancer risk.

That is why early detection by colon cancer screening is vitally important. A colonoscopy remains the gold standard for screening, because it provides the best view of your entire colon and cancerous polyp(s) can be removed during the procedure.

3.     Family or personal history of cancer

Having biologically close relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, or children) with colon cancer doubles your risk of colon cancer. Previous personal history of cancer or any inflammatory bowel disease increases your risk of colorectal cancer too.

 4.     Obesity

Obesity has been linked to a higher risk of certain cancers including colorectal cancer.

5.     Physical inactivity
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Sedentary behavior or lifestyle has been linked to diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. It can also increase the risk of several cancers including colorectal cancer. So, you may want to examine your TV viewing time, internet surfing time, recreational and/or occupational sitting time, and might be surprised by your total sitting time!

6.     Imbalanced gut bacteria

Growing evidence has pointed to how bacteria may influence the risk for cancer. Millions of microbes in your gut interact with your immune system, some are beneficial, but some are harmful. Experts believe that when bad bacteria overruns your digestive system, you might suffer from inflammatory bowel diseases, and may also be at a higher risk for colorectal cancer, because bad bacteria generate waste products that harm colon tissues and make them more vulnerable to malignancies.

 7.     Tobacco smoking

Cigarette smoking has been linked to a higher risk for several types of cancer; colon cancer is among them.

8.     Heavy alcohol consumption

Colorectal cancer has been linked to heavy intake of alcohol. The fact is that heavy alcohol users tend to have low levels of folic acid in their bodies. Most studies in humans indicate a clear link between colorectal cancer development and inadequate folate consumption. Furthermore, research has shown that folate deficiency increases DNA damage by decreasing the expression of two genes involved in DNA repair.

9.     Diet low in fiber but high in red meats

Surely, it is not clear how much diet might contribute to an increased risk of colon cancer. However, a diet that is high in red meats (e.g. beef, pork, lamb, or liver) and processed meats (such as hot dogs) can increase colorectal cancer risk. Again, a balanced, fiber-rich diet with a lot of vegetables can protect your colon from cancer.

Furthermore, if you are at age of 50+, you can assess your colorectal cancer risk using this interactive tool provided by NCI.

One more point, please be aware that some of these risks are potentially enhanced in modern society. For examples, TV watching is often associated with drinking sweetened beverages and eating junk foods. Sitting in your car during the long commute frequently comes with stress. Overall, these risk factors have a detrimental impact on colon cancer development.

So, what is the next? Take action, be proactive to optimize your colon health, and stop colon cancer NOW!

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A Message from World Cancer Day 2015

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Does the word “cancer” scare you? Sure, it scares almost all of us.

Then the question is – Are you determined to do something every day to stay away from that “big C”?

environment-concept-1024966-mThis year’s World Cancer Day has focused on the fight against cancer with a positive and proactive approach to patient treatment and care. It also stresses that meeting challenge of prevention is not beyond our control. One of important approaches outlined is to promote an enabling environment for healthy living in our communities. Let me expand it a little more.

Raising awareness of healthy environment at home, work and communities at large is paramount. Harmful chemicals post a serious, sometimes lethal, threat to public health. Among them, some are known carcinogens to humans, others are tumor enhancers that are originated from the use of tobacco, alcohol and effects of food components as factors to promote cancers. Needless to say, many of them contribute to chronic illnesses such as heart problems, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease.

Keep in mind, these carcinogens and toxins are hidden, heavily-loaded, and unpleasantly surprised to many folks. Just take a quick tour around your home, you’ll have an inventory on the spot.

-   Household products from cleaners, drain openers, air fresheners to paints and art supplies

-   Personal care products such as body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants, and cosmetics
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-   Food (fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat and fish) containing toxic pesticides, herbicides and preservatives

There could be more…

Toxic environmental agents play a role in developing cancers and devastating millions of lives. In addition, the negative consequence could have an impact on our next generations. Without doubt, public health perspective is logical and scientific. However, there are obstacles such as convenience, economic or profit interests, and sometimes politics.

Preventable exposure to toxins is a key to fighting cancer. That’s why we should do our parts to remove those “scaring carcinogens or toxins” from our food, water, and air. We should take small steps every day to avoid or minimize any harmful exposure, whenever and wherever possible. Eventually, we can reduce the risk of cancers that are preventable and are associated with hazardous environmental chemicals.

Let “Green” environment beautify the world!


Image credit: by spekulator

How to Enjoy a Happy and Stress-proof Holiday Season

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Stress_is-it-friday-yet-704781-mHoliday Season is approaching! Are you excited or stressed out? The primary cancer risk factors during holidays are stress and unhealthy diet. We have covered the diet factor in a number of previous blogs, and let’s focus on coping stress here.

Holiday realities

The holidays are both a wonderful and stressful time of the year. Besides the usual work load and family commitments, we have new functions or activities, as we rush around trying to meet looming deadlines. Parties and social events, holiday shopping, decorating, trips, holiday meals, going to the new movie releases, entertaining the guests, … see how much we try to cram into the festive season! It gives me a headache just naming all the things.

The key danger of stress

Now imagine doing all that. It’s certainly a recipe for stress. Holiday stress normally falls into categories of financial, physical, psychological/emotional drains. Stress has a negative effect on your health. This is not just a theory. Many studies have found key mechanistic evidence at the cellular level. Chronic stress and/or depression can increase the body production of cytokines, that is, immune-modulating substances. One of them is called interleukin-6 (IL-6). High serum levels of IL-6 have been linked to risks for several adverse conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, mental health complications, and some cancers.

The relationship between stress and cancer is complex. Many factors may come into play. However, research has demonstrated that stress factors (e.g., the death of a spouse, divorce, social isolation, and medical school examinations) alter some white blood cell functions and promote immune dysfunction.

Additionally, many people who are stressed end up eating, drinking and smoking more but exercising and sleeping less, which would certainly worsen negative consequences for our health. Taken together, stress reduction is of importance for many health reasons.

Anti-stress-1-183748-mWin control over stress with top 8 effective tips:

Since mental stress can translate into negative physical changes in the body, this year I challenge you to have a stress-proof holiday season, and let the joyful spirit of the season boost your immune system! Here is how you achieve that.

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2.      Take it easy. Make the holidays enjoyable rather than perfect. If a card cannot get to its destiny on time, give the person a surprise call on that holiday morning! If you don’t feel like cooking or baking, buy some packaged prepared meals as an alternative, or go without one or two “traditions”. Instead of spending hours in the malls or sitting in the traffic, shop online for gifts to save time and get good deals.

3.      Tap the resources within your family, from neighbors and friends. Do what you enjoy, and make it fun for everyone. If you love decorating trees but hate shopping or dishwashing, trade chores within the family, so everyone picks up their favorite task.

4.      Create a budget within your means to avoid “New Year Depression” on debt. Folk wisdom tells us to shop ahead of time for bargains. However, we all can be creative and spend less, believe it or not. If your budget doesn’t allow you to buy expensive gifts, buy a small one. Everyone appreciates a gift regardless of its size. If it’s too costly to attend a fancy party, organize a new, fun activity to celebrate at home or go to a movie.

5.      Listen to your body and take care of it. If you are tired, acknowledge it; if you need a treat or massage, get it; and if exercises or physical activities make you feel good, go for it.  Also, be sure to get enough sleep.

6.      Practice stress-relieving techniques, particularly those that work for you. Breathe deeply, meditate freely, visualize a peaceful scene, or listen to soothing music. Enjoy some quiet time or “down” time for yourself, especially when you feel over-stressed or under uncomfortable conditions. Caution! Just because the letters in desserts can be used to spell stressed, it doesn’t mean you need to relieve stress with desserts. Avoid over-eating, particularly high sugar and/or high calorie foods.

7.      Laugh, laugh, and laugh! Laughter is an effective medicine.

8.     The holiday season is a time of Family, Friends and Fun! This is perhaps the most important tip of all! Connecting with others for laughter or fun, and love is the best stress-reliever as well as the most effective immune-booster. Please remember, for some, this is a time of loneliness and depression. Invite them to your home; show kindness to them. If you are alone during the holidays, reaching out to help others can benefit your own physical and psychological well-being.

If you like this post, please share it.  Sharing is caring and giving.

Image credit: by brainloc and Allyson

Stay Up-to-date on Lung Cancer Awareness

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Lung cartoon_lung-mdLung cancer is the top cancer killer in the United States and worldwide. Annually, 160,000 Americans die of lung cancer. Globally, about 1.4 million people die from this devastating disease each year.

Researchers predict that lung cancer will continue to be the biggest cancer killer over the next 30 years. The main reason for the increase will be longer life spans—the older you are, the higher your risk of cancer, including lung cancer.

Lung cancer occurs when a lung cell’s gene mutation makes the cell unable to correct DNA damage and unable to undergo programmatic cell death; instead, the abnormal cell continues to grow and divide out of control.

Gene mutations can occur due to a variety of reasons. Most lung cancers are the result of inhaling carcinogenic substances.

Carcinogens are a class of substances that are directly responsible for damaging DNA and promoting cancer. Examples of carcinogens include, but aren’t limited to, tobacco, asbestos, arsenic, radiation such as x-rays, the sun, toxic chemicals in our household products, and compounds in car exhaust fumes. When our bodies are exposed to carcinogens, free radicals are formed, which then damage our cells and affect their ability to function and divide normally.

Tobacco smoking is a well-known leading cause of lung cancer. About 87% of lung cancers are caused by smoking and inhaling the carcinogens from tobacco smoke. Lung cancer risk for a regular smoker is dramatically higher. This also warns us, especially non-smokers, of a health threat, because exposure to second-hand smoke can damage cells and lead to the development of cancer.

To prevent lung cancer, two main rules are to quit smoking if you smoke and avoid passive smoking. These are in your power. They are the most important preventive measures anybody can take.

Lung cancer takes several years to reach a level where symptoms show and the sufferer decides to seek medical help. Although approved screening tests for lung cancer do not exist currently, I have put together a picture of how new technologies are offering hope to fight lung cancer.

Possible lung cancer screening tests include:

  •   analysis of sputum cells
  •   fiber-optic examination of bronchial passages (bronchoscopy)
  •   low-dose CT scans, which have proven effective in screening for lung cancer in high-risk populations.

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Other work in progress includes:

  •   detection of circulating cancer cells (identified as “sentinel” cells) by blood test, making early detection and intervention possible.
  •   a breathalyser device that will be able to detect very early signs of cancer, intended to catch patients before they start getting symptoms.
  •   A highly sensitive technology using blood plasma samples that can detect elevated levels of a specific molecule (microRNA molecule) in people with lung cancer through a nanopore sensor.

Furthermore, lung cancer may modify metabolic processes. Research findings reveal that 149 out of 534 metabolites showed significant changes in lung cancer patients. This means that a metabolic profile provides the potential to develop a diagnostic test for lung cancer. Collectively, all of the above approaches to screening will help reduce the enormous burden of lung cancer mortality.

In summary, sad figures, hard facts, key measures, and real hope are all worth reflecting on during Lung Cancer Awareness Month.


Image credit: By David Petrovay

Foods to Stop Abdominal Obesity and Inflammation

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Big Belly-and-diet-1349596-mAre you a woman with a waist measurement of over 35 inches or a man with a waist of over 40 inches?

If so, you need to keep reading and engaging in this topic. There is an increasing concern about abdominal obesity, which has been identified as a risk factor of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

How bad is it?

Abdominal obesity, so-called “big tummy”, is the accumulation of excess intra-abdominal fat tissue, which promotes the release of inflammation-causing chemicals and subsequently causes inflammation. On top of that, chronic inflammation is harmful to your body and a root for many chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. So, “big tummy” should not be taken lightly.

Several factors might contribute to increased abdominal fat, including sex hormones, growth hormone, and local production of cortisol, a “stress hormone”. Dietary fructose is involved too. So, you cannot shrink your waist size overnight, and there is no a magic pill for it. However, you can simply start with modifying your diet.

How can you do it?

Is there any food that can improve your belly towards a healthy, active anti-inflammatory way? Yes. Here are the topmost eight approaches you can focus on:

1.      Oily fish: salmon or tuna

Fatty fish like salmon, tuna and sardines, are not only good proteins but high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. To rip most benefits, eat these fish a few times a week, and cook them in healthy ways, such as grilled or baked, not deep fried, dried or salted.

2.      Healthy fats: olive oil and avocado

Let’s face it. Fat adds delicious taste, but not all fats are created equal. So, sprinkle olive oil and avocado over your salad, or mix them with your dishes.

 3.      High fiber foods: whole grain, oatmeal

A diet study on nearly 90,000 people in 2010 found that those consuming at least 10 grams of fiber daily (especially the kind in whole grains) had waists about three inches smaller than those eating very little fiber.

4.      Tomatoes
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Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C and lycopene, known to reduce inflammation throughout the body, along with supporting the immune system. Cooked tomatoes contain even more lycopene than raw ones, so does tomato sauce.

5.      Kale and other green leafy vegetables.

Kale is one of the stars among green leafy veggies, which can make up key components in an anti-inflammatory diet. More than forty-five individual flavonoid antioxidants have been identified in kale, including quercetin and kaempferol. Quercetin has been shown to possess a strong anti-inflammatory property. Moreover, kale facilitates the body’s detoxification processes, which are crucial in flushing out inflammatory substances, such as those built up from processed foods.

6.      Nuts and nuts-based fiber bars

Nuts such as almonds and walnuts, are wonderful snacks, and a great source of inflammation-fighting fats and antioxidants. There are so many good things about them — rich in fiber, calcium, vitamin E, and alpha-linolenic acid (a type of omega-3 fat).

7.      Low-fructose food: lemon, prune, and cranberries

These fruits contain little fructose. Research findings demonstrate that reduction in fructose improves several risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. In addition, low-fructose diet may be an effective intervention in cancer development.

8.      Spice like garlic, ginger and onions

Garlic and ginger have been used since ancient times, as powerful punches to combat inflammation. Garlic can help ward off a range of chronic illnesses, attributing to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory nature. Ginger is rich in antioxidants too. Onions are loaded with antioxidants, particularly quercetin. Many people tend to ignore them, but these foods do add an appreciable taste to your dishes.

Overall, diet can play an important role in lowering the risk of various cancers, and in reducing the hazard of chronic inflammation. A diet with the above beneficial foods helps shrink your waist size; in the long run, it can boost your anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer force.

What else can you do to speed up the progress?

Regular exercises, drinking more water or tea instead of coca and sweet beverages, reducing stress level, and a good night sleep as well, can all add up to burn your abdominal fat.


Image credit: By julosstock

Daily Risks for Breast Cancer: Everybody Can Do Something

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Pink_breast cancer awareWhat do you do in Breast Cancer Awareness Month? What do you do in a year for breast cancer prevention?

Unless you have a well-defined plan, here is food for thought.

In addition to wearing pink or a pink ribbon, campaigning to raise funds and getting a mammogram, there are essential things that everybody can do in this month and year round.

Why everybody? Because both men and women can get breast cancer, and because you care about your loved ones.

First of all, the key to fighting breast cancer is to catch it early. The cancer is most treatable at an early stage.

Then the best cure is prevention. Surely, you cannot control certain risk factors such as family history and/or genetics. However, do you know – about 85% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of breast cancer? This means that DNA mutation can occur over one’s lifetime, and that’s why lowering your risk for breast cancer is critical.

So what are five most common daily risks for breast cancer?

  1. Smoke
  2. Alcohol
  3. Junk foods (processed foods, food low in nutrients but high in fat, sugar and salt)
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  5. Physical inactivity
  6. Environmental pollutants and toxins

Everybody can relate to these health hazards, right? Be aware, some of them are hidden. Of course, there are other risk factors for breast cancer, including hormone therapy, radiation exposure, aging, and sleeping pattern (night shift).

I want to stress that it’s not one single factor that plays a measurable role in causing any cancer. Multiple or combined factors contribute to the development of breast cancer. For instance, when combined with genetic factors, alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking enhance a risk for breast cancer and several other cancers as well. Furthermore, each cancer is different; no two people have the exactly same cancer.

Next, how to reduce breast cancer risk?

Breast cancer prevention starts with a healthy lifestyle, such as stopping tobacco use, limiting alcohol consumption, getting a nutritious diet, staying physically active, keeping a healthy weight, and avoiding environmental toxins if you can.

Lifestyle modification is often most effective and goes a long way. But it doesn’t happen overnight. Live a healthy lifestyle by starting with small, simple steps on a daily basis. Just consider food. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially a low-fat diet have been shown to offer protection from breast cancer. Plus, eating healthy can help you maintain a healthy weight and decrease your risk for several other types of cancer.

Regular physical activities also offer you some protection. Research has demonstrated that women who exercised vigorously or moderately were significantly less risky to get breast cancer compared with non-exercisers.

In summary, focus on what you can do to lower your cancer risk. If you’re at an increased risk, breast cancer can be closely monitored with advanced technology and with help of your physician(s).


How to Prevent Childhood Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Yellow ribbon_Childhood cancerApproximately 15,700 children are diagnosed with cancer each year. Among them, an estimated 1,960 deaths are expected. Are you aware of these sober statistics?

Losing a child to cancer is unthinkable pain and despair to all parents, which is why we call to prevent the worst loss, and why this post will focus on education. I will help you understand potential risk factors and powerful strategic actions to prevent childhood cancer. Let’s dive right into it.

Characteristics of childhood cancers

The types of cancer that develop in children and adolescents differ from those that occur in adults. Cancers of lung, colon, breast, prostate and skin affect most American adults. However, the most common types of childhood cancer are leukemia, tumors of brain and central nervous system, and lymphoma. Some cancers from embryonic cells and/or in developing organs include neuroblastoma (peripheral nervous system), medulloblastoma (brain), nephroblastoma or wilms tumor (kidney), and retinoblastoma (retina of the eye), which are rarely seen in adults. Also, incidences of these childhood cancers vary by age.

What causes childhood cancer remains unclear. Different cancers have different risk factors. Again, unlike many cancers of adults, lifestyle-related risk factors (such as tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and unhealthy diet, etc.) do not play a significant role in a child’s risk of getting cancer. On the other hand, most childhood cancers result from inherited gene mutation or environmental factors or both, based on current research findings.

So, am I suggesting that we cannot do anything to prevent childhood cancer? No.

Strategies you can use and actions you can take

1.      Detect cancer early by genetic testing.

DNA makes up our genes and certainly influences our risks for developing certain diseases including cancer. A child may inherit DNA mutations from a parent that can increase his/her risk of cancer. The DNA changes are present in every cells of the child’s body, and the changes can be identified by testing the DNA of blood cells or other cells from the body. Genetic consulting is constructive for someone with a history of familial cancers.

2.      Delay the time for kids to use cell phone or mobile devices.

Brain tumor is the leading cause of cancer death in children. Radiation is a potential childhood cancer risk factor. There is growing evidence that it is associated with brain tumors, particularly because of the thinner skulls, still developing nervous system and brain of children. So be aware of electromagnetic fields and ionizing radiation. Don’t allow kids to use mobile phones, at least delay the time they start using it and limit the time they use it too.

3.      Avoid or limit environmental toxins in daily life.

I understand that it’s virtually impossible to escape environmental pollutants and toxic chemicals entirely nowadays. Environmental toxins are probably the most invasive and cumulative bombardment to a child’s early development and, of course, the threat to their health. Unquestionably, you can make every effort or make simple lifestyle choices to avoid your exposure to the following everyday toxins:

  • Heavy metals – found in mercury fillings, treated woods, vaccines, and factory farmed fish, sometimes in water
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) – found in factory farmed fish
  • Asbestos – found in many building materials made before the mid to late 1970s
  • Dioxins – found in the fat of factory farmed animals
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) – found in cosmetics, dry cleaned clothes, air fresheners, deodorants, paints and bug repellents
  • Passive smoking – A cigarette releases more than 7000 chemicals including carcinogens. Tobacco products damage almost every organ in the body, from mouth, eyes, lungs, guts, reproductive organs to bladder and bones.

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4.      Avoid or minimize pesticides use at home. 

Exposure to pesticide is perhaps one of the most dangerous forms of environmental risk. The contribution of environmental risk factors in the context of genetic predisposition has been reported with inconsistent results. However, one human study showed an increased risk of leukemia in children whose mothers were working in agriculture and exposed to pesticides during pregnancy.

Pesticides can be found in various areas in a household, from garden sprays, bug repellents, head lice shampoos and flea sprays on your animals, to non-organic fruits and vegetables as well as factory farmed meats.

5.      Grow your own toxin-free vegetables or go organic.

You will get more vitamins, more minerals and more micro-nutrients and zero or less pesticides. One more bonus – it keeps you stay physically active.

6.      Quit smoking, esp. during pregnancy.

Tobacco smoking contains seventy known carcinogens and causes various types of cancer in adults. Do you want to take the risk of releasing cancer-causing substances into the blood stream that may travel to your baby’s body?

7.      Live a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle factors usually take many years to influence cancer risk, but it’s never too late to develop it. Eat plenty of nutrient-rich, antioxidant-rich foods, engage in physical activities, keep a positive attitude, and maintain a healthy weight. Living a healthy lifestyle can benefit not only yourself, your children’s health but also the future generations to come.

If you think this post is helpful, please share. Thanks.

What You Need to Know about UV Radiation

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

UV radition n Ozone layerHere comes the sun! And we all enjoy it. Humans live with many benefits from the sun, as do organisms including plants, animals, and microorganisms. But today, let’s face an unfavorable side of the sun by examining some harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, in association with skin cancer.

The sun, of course, is a major source of UV rays, and our skin is a natural target of UV radiation. Excessive exposure to UV radiation is the most significant risk factor for skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in fair-skinned populations in many parts of the world, including the United States. An alarming reality is that the incidence and rates of morbidity and mortality of skin cancers are increasing! Over 2 million of Americans are diagnosed with skin cancers annually, and an estimated 9,710 people will die of malignant melanoma in 2014.

So, what do you need to know in order to have a clearer understanding of UV radiation damage?

Important facts

Fact 1: The main clinical manifestation of UV exposure can be classified into

  •  Immediate effects, including sunburn, tanning, vitamin D production, and various skin disorders as well as deterioration of these ailments.
  •  Long-term effects, including skin aging and skin cancer.

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Fact 2: UV exposure in children under 10 years old has been linked with an increased risk of developing melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers later in life.

Fact 3: High numbers of nevus (or mole), freckles, red hair, blue eyes, and inability to tan, as well as a family history of skin cancer are the primary determinants of melanoma among adolescents.

Key factors

  1. The amount of UV radiation reaching the earth’s surface depends on ozone depletion, increased UV light, latitude, altitude and weather conditions.
  2. The amount of solar UV received by children and teenagers makes up 40-50% of total UV for individuals living to age 60.
  3. Unnecessary exposure to the sun and artificial UV radiation (e.g. tanning lamps) creates a significant personal attributable risks.
  4. Hereditary or familial melanoma accounts for approximately a tenth of all melanoma cases.

Vital damages

UV radiation is a known carcinogen. The effects of UV radiation are primarily mediated via direct damage to DNA in the skin cells and immune suppression of surveillance mechanisms.

  1. DNA damage includes single strand breaks, inter-strand cross-links, and nucleotide base modification as well as mutation. All wavelengths of UV radiation cause DNA damage to skin cells.
  2. UV-induced immune suppression contributes considerably to the growth of skin malignancies – both melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer. One of the immune defenses is an important surveillance system that maintains genomic integrity through cell cycle checkpoints. Once these checkpoint mechanisms sense the abnormal DNA structures, they execute cell cycle arrest and coordinate it with the DNA repair process. Imagine what the consequence would be when UV radiation inhibits immune surveillance.

Finally – Preventative strategies

  1. Keep a healthy practice of reasonable sun avoidance.
  2. Use sunscreens, and use in all the seasons if necessary.
  3. Consume antioxidants. Oxidation by free radicals mediates DNA damage upon UV insult, so antioxidants with direct free radical scavenging properties are considered as promising radiation modifiers or protectors.

Again, it is important to remember: childhood is a susceptible window for long-term harmful effects of UV radiation. Please check out Sun Safety Guide for Kids for more practical tips to protect your children.

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8 Things You Can Do to Avoid or Minimize Benzene Exposure

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Benzene WarningHave you ever considered whether benzene may be being present in your workplace, community, or home?

Benzene is a widely used chemical. It is a colorless, flammable, and volatile organic compound with a pleasant, sweet smell.  Benzene is produced by the combustion of crude oil and gasoline. It is found in nature (e.g., in volcanoes and forest fires) and in cigarette smoke. It is also used to manufacture many types of products such as:

  • plastics
  • resins
  • nylon and synthetic fibers
  • rubbers
  • lubricants
  • dyes
  • detergents
  • drugs
  • pesticides

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Benzene is a known environmental pollutant and carcinogen that has been linked to leukemia. Benzene exposure can also lead to numerous non-cancerous health problems that affect normal functions of the vital systems in the body such as cardiovascular, nervous, immune, endocrine, and reproductive systems.

The question is, how do you protect yourself and your family from any health hazards resulting from excessive benzene exposure? Here are eight actions you can take:

  1. Get well-informed. Know where benzene is in your vicinity, including what home products contain benzene.
  2. Avoid tobacco smoke, including passive smoke. Benzene is one of the carcinogens released from tobacco smoke. It is estimated that about half of benzene exposure in the United States is from cigarette smoke.
  3. Reduce outdoor exposure in areas around gas stations and areas containing motor vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions, where the air contains higher levels of benzene.
  4. Keep indoor environments ventilated. Benzene in indoor air comes from products like glues, paints, furniture wax, detergents, and certain drugs. According to some experts, indoor air generally contains higher levels of benzene than outdoor air.
  5. Read labels when you shop for groceries, esp. soft drinks.
  6. Know your work-related exposure and protect yourself properly. In addition, if your company uses benzene in manufacture, try to ensure that it takes preventive measures since people working in industries that make or use benzene may be exposed to high levels of it.
  7. Be aware of other environmental sources of benzene. For instance, benzene can leak from underground storage tanks or from hazardous waste sites. Waste sites containing benzene can contaminate well water.
  8. In general, always do your best to avoid benzene and other toxic chemicals.

Overall, health damages associated with benzene exposure are serious, so don’t overlook this dangerous substance and take measures to prevent your exposure.


Cell Phone Use and Cancer Risk Concerns

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

mobile-in-hand-704926-mDo you use a mobile phone (or cell phone)? Likely, the answer is “Yes”.

Advanced and popular technologies such as mobile phones have a significant impact on our communication and convenience in a fast-paced modern life. However, there may be some health concerns associated with cell phone use.

Today I’m going to draw your attention to a couple of important points regarding cell phone safety, and to help you understand why and how to protect yourself from potential cancer risk and health hazards without compromising your convenience.

Radiation differenceWhere does cell phone radiation go?

Cell phones work by transmitting radio frequency (RF) radiation, i.e. non-ionizing radiation, which is different from UV radiation (ionizing). Cell phone radiation is weaker than UV rays and X-ray, but stronger than FM radio signal. Cell phone radiation strength is measured by Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).

A part of the RF waves emitted by cell phones is absorbed by the human head, and other can go into air (i.e. environment). So it’s considerate if one tries not to let others passively expose to the phone’s electromagnetic fields, especially in crowded public settings.

Does cell phone use cause cancer?

First, there is a possible link between cell phone use and cancer risk, especially brain tumor development. Research involved human subjects shows that cell phone use is associated with some cancers including brain tumors and cancer of central nervous system such as gliomas (malignant brain tumors). Swedish researchers revealed a close association between long-term use of cell phone and the risk of brain tumor. Studies also show that the frequent mobile phone users are likely to suffer a tumor on the same side of their brain that they use their phone. However, a few studies found no connection between cell phone use and cancer risk. In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified cell phone use as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, and the WHO labeled it too.

Many adults between 18 and 25 are either in college or they are working, so they tend to be very safe and effective in such patients. discount cialis canada So, take the herbal supplements which are full of harmful and banned levitra online cheap chemicals. This is why morning erections are always healthier than that of generic soft viagra previous night erections. when a man suffer from sleeping problems like insomnia, excessive sleep or any other kind of sleep worry, he likely to get low quality erection. It plays an important role in reducing adrenal stress and cialis australia nervous tension when used in conjunction with other herbs, such as licorice, gokshura, Siberian ginseng and licorice. Second, children are more vulnerable to the potential carcinogenic effects of cell phones. Their vulnerability may be based on 1) the thinner skull for RF radiation’s penetration; 2) a smaller head size for relatively greater RF penetration; 3) a greater susceptibility of their developing nervous systems; and 4) their longer lifetime of exposure. One study clearly indicates that a child’s brain absorbs up to twice as much RF as an adult’s brain.

Although the link between cell phone use and cancer risk is inconsistent, it is wise to take caution. Moreover, cell phone use does cause some health problems related to location of the body, time or magnitude of exposure, such as damaged sperms and skin illness.

What are top cell phone use strategies to protect yourself and your family from cancer risk?

  1. Use moderately (or limit its use).
  2. Use when signal is good and strong.
  3. Keep it away from your head if possible (or using the speakerphone function).
  4. Make conversations short.
  5. Use a cell phone with the lowest SAR possible.
  6. Allow minimal use in children. Cell phone is not a toy for kids, but a tool. It’s a long-term protection for kids if they only use when absolutely necessary such as emergencies.

Bonus tip: Deposit old or used cell phones conscientiously. Some components of cell phones such as antennas, speakers, and keypads, etc. are small in size but contain heavy metals and hazardous materials, which is not earth or environmental friendly.


Image credit: By ratnesh, jesuino, and jan-willem