Category Archives: Cancer Prevention

Amazing Five Breakthroughs on Cancer Treatment

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Niew in Fighting Cancer_CPD comboCancer is a leading cause of death globally according to the World Health Organization. In 2020, it accounts for nearly 10 million deaths worldwide. The sad reality is that some malignant cancers remain incurable despite remarkable progress achieved in cancer diagnosis and treatment.

The good news is that novel therapeutic breakthroughs are continuously being made to fight cancer!

I’m going to highlight a few of numerous advances, especially those tackling common malignant cancers.

1.      Precision oncology

Cancer differs from one individual to another. Precision oncology equips doctors to tailor cancer treatment specifically to a person’s cancer. Genes, proteins, or even blood vessels that promote cancer cells to grow and metastasize are targeted in these therapies. Leveraging biomarkers (genes, proteins, and different types of molecule) plays an essential role in personalized medicine and in fighting cancer. The validated biomarkers can improve risk stratification, cancer screening and differential diagnosis, evaluate cancer prognosis, and predict response to treatment. Along with the patient’s data, optimal therapy decision can be made. In other words, biomarkers facilitate the effort that can match the right patient with the right treatment at the right time. For instance, the innovation has been applied in diagnostic test for lung cancer and target treatment for metastatic breast cancer.

2.      Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy harnesses your own immune system to beat cancer. It uses the immune cells from a patient or a transplant donor to attack blood cancer cells (e.g., in leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma), especially cancers that are resistant to chemotherapy or remain after chemotherapy. Immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors has been approved for the first-line therapy of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Immunotherapy through novel approaches used alone or in combination has substantially improved clinical outcomes of oncology and hematology, including in metastatic melanoma. Certainly, immunotherapy is intriguing and full of complexity, especially when some cancers don’t respond to it well.

3.      Controlled Nitric Oxide (NO) delivery

NO is a small, very reactive signaling molecule with a half-life less than 10 seconds. It regulates various key physiological functions, including blood vessel dilation, bronchial dilation, neuronal communication, and wound healing, etc. Underproduction of endogenous NO contributes to several chronic conditions from cardiovascular and lung diseases to cancer. Inhaled NO has been a valuable therapy for neonatal pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary inflammation control, and some heart and lung surgeries.

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4.      Virus-based treatment or engineered oncolytic viruses

Multidrug resistance is a big problem in cancer therapy, especially chemotherapy. Now oncolytic viruses are used to kill cancer cells by exploiting cancer cell-specific vulnerabilities and infecting them while sparing normal cells. Unlike vaccine-strain viruses failing to meet some critical safety and efficacy criteria, these genetically engineered viruses (such as oncolytic measles virus or adenovirus) enhance cancer therapy in clinical efficiency. Virus-based treatment has been used in glioblastoma, a malignant brain tumor; also, in breast cancer and lung cancer.

5.      Proton beam therapy (PBT) as advanced radiation therapy

Radiation therapy has been advancing rapidly in various ways. One way is proton therapy. Protons are positively charged particles of energy, a form of radiation that can send an intense burst of energy to a highly focused area, which means it kills cancer cells without damaging healthy tissues nearby. PBT therapy has been used for several common cancers including the lung, breast and prostate cancer as well as brain cancer.


Although many challenges remain to reach the full therapeutic potentials of these advanced biomedical technologies, future treatments for patients with cancer are very promising!

These exciting breakthroughs inspire us to prevent cancer by strengthening our body’s natural defense, so that the immune system can watch for and attack cancer cells effectively. We can also take advantage of new technologies for protection from common cancers (e.g., colon, breast, cervical, and prostate cancer), because they can be controlled if detected early and treated adequately.


Image credit: Pixabay, Clipart-LibraryCancerPreventionDaily 

The Power of Preventing Cancer: Vigilance at Your Control

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Vigilant and Cancer Risk_PixabayWhen a doctor delivers a cancer diagnosis to you or your loved one, it’s like a punch coming from nowhere that hits you really hard. The big C word brings more “c”s with it, chaos in life, crisis in health and finance, and crying in physical or emotional pains. That’s why we all try to avoid that devastation.

There are ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones from cancer damage. This is not a myth or far-reaching statement; in fact, there are evidence-based numbers revealing that 40 to 50% of cancers can be prevented simply through lifestyle changes.

To begin with, you need to be vigilant. Take a few examples:

Food is medicine until food and drink that are unhealthy or mixed with carcinogens creep through the entrance to your body, assisted by misinformation or a false sense of your body’ needs or naively directing a blind eye on what’s in it.

Breath brings life, and so we take daily breathing as a blessing or for granted. That’s until environmental pollutants or toxins flowing in the air that we breathe are found in the blood or body fluid samples.

Consider work. Are you flooded with deadlines, pressures, and/or abuse of any kind? Those are stress builders, as well as obstacles for your getting a good night’s sleep.

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Cancer arises from a complex process involving genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, and their interactions. Cancer-caused changes are not immediate or visible, but rather gradual or subtle while we cruise along on what may seem to be a comfortable and convenient voyage. Yet, cancer may silently and slowly become a part of our body and our life.

Whether cancer has a loud or a quiet voice or no voice at all, it merits attention. We should give cancer our gift of curiosity and sensitivity, as well as focused and committed shields against its arrival.

There is a blueprint for cancer prevention. The first step is to assimilate that blueprint. The next step is taking action to follow it, one stride at a time.

The bottom line is: You can prevent cancer. It is within your own power.


Image credit: Pixabay

Holidays with Cholesterol- and COVID-Conscience

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Veggie plate w-Fruits heartThis holiday season is unique in the unprecedented way that our health, life and family are affected while the COVID-19 pandemic has spiked out of control across the US. That’s why I’m bringing the role of cholesterol into the picture.

Here are what we know about cholesterol:

  1. Almost everybody has the knowledge that cholesterol is bad for your heart (especially those low-density lipoproteins or LDL), because when “bad cholesterol” is excessively high in the blood and produces buildup or plaque in your arteries, it can slow or stop blood flow to vital organs, leading to heart attack or stroke.
  2. The accumulation of cholesterol is a common feature of cancer or malignant tissues. Moreover, cholesterol synthesis is tightly regulated in normal cells for physiological functions but dysregulated in various cancer cell types. Then, cholesterol dynamics in adherence and migration of cancer cells plays a critical role in cancer progression.
  3. Recent studies have shown that hypercholesterolemia (i.e., a high blood cholesterol level) is one of risk factors for hospitalization and severity of COVID-19 in diverse populations of patients infected with coronavirus.

Let me elaborate a little more on how bad cholesterol impacts severity and fatality of COVID-19.

This is possible given several high-risk patient populations associated with coronavirus infection including those with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke and cancer. After all, a high cholesterol level is a risk factor in all of these chronic conditions.

Following key points further support the possibility

a) Alterations in cholesterol level actually occur during other viral infections such as HIV and hepatitis.

b) Membrane cholesterol is an important component to facilitate viral entry into host cells. Because a virus cannot replicate or reproduce itself until it enters your cells, higher membrane cholesterol levels can enhance the virus entering your cells, and enable serious infection.

c) Recent studies have also found that patients with severe COVID-19 have significantly lower HDL cholesterol (i.e., high density lipoproteins or “good cholesterol).

Surely, this virus or the disease is new, so is scientific research at this stage. Nevertheless, careful consideration of these findings can only help you.

So, how do these new findings translate to your benefits?

1)      If you’re on medication such as Statin for your cardiovascular disease, medication adherence is important.

2)      For holiday meals, pay attention to food intake, avoid fatty foods, use other alternative ways to eat less fat, sugar, and refined wheat to lower cholesterol and prevent chronic inflammation.

3)      Focus on lifestyle modification and immune strengthening. (e.g., add more exercise, refrain from tobacco and alcohol, ensure stress relief and enough sleep, in addition to healthy diet.)

As I’ve always emphasized, it’s very important to know your numbers when it comes to cholesterol.

If your awareness and effort are insufficient in this regard, you can start with modifying holiday foods to avoid or minimize cholesterol bump after holiday. Never too late to stay healthy. For instance:

  • Make cranberry sauce yourself to reduce sugar amount in processed can products.
  • Make mashed potatoes with less milk and less/none butter. Then mix with gravy from roast chicken oil or other flavorful item/ingredient to adjust the taste.
  • Replace dinner rolls with whole grain version, because refined wheat would be converted to blood sugar.

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You get the idea.

At this point, you may also be wondering if you should take cholesterol-lowering drugs or supplements? This is a valid thought. However, remember that diet and exercise are proven ways to reduce cholesterol. Unless absolutely necessary, you may get a prescription after consulting with your physician, which needless to say it’s a complex issue. As for cholesterol-lowering supplements, data are not conclusive and formulations are not regulated. So, the best resort advisable is nutrient- and antioxidant-rich foods instead.

Cancer remains a major public health concern too. Controlling dietary fatty components as well as intake can prevent cancer and fight coronavirus infection.

Collectively, it is worth reflecting on your lifestyle and strategizing your plan to optimize your wellness while enjoying Thanksgiving and the coming holiday season.

May abundant love to you and your loved ones, along with cholesterol- and COVID-awareness, bring you safe and joyful holidays!


Image credit: pixabay

From Dilemma to Deadly Disease: How Do You Deal with It

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Balance Covid and CancerDo you have a loved one or friend suffering from cancer? How are they doing, particularly regarding wellbeing and cancer treatment aspect during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Also, are you one of the folks whose cancer screening is due or who may experience something uncomfortable, concerned yet reluctant to schedule a hospital visit?

I’m asking these questions because if the answer is yes, you are not alone. This is the reality and challenge we face now.

A dilemma is confronting us. Staying away from the hospitals may delay a critical treatment or a timely diagnosis, which could worsen cancer progression and prognosis; yet visiting the hospital may increase a risk for the coronavirus infection, which can lead to a potentially dangerous or destructive outcome.

So, I’m going to address this struggle and solutions to help you make a better decision about your health.

Balance current situation with long-term gain

Let’s face it. Oncologists have warned that delayed cancer screening and diagnosis during COVID-19 will result in thousands and more avoidable deaths in the coming decade.

The experts’ insight is clear. Although fearing of COVID-19 risk is understandable, there is also unintended consequence in cancer. I cannot emphasize enough that cancer develops through a multistep process over years. Regardless of what’s going on around the world and how many things we put on hold, malignant growth does not stop.

That is why detecting and treating early lesion(s) are critical. Cancelled or delayed cancer screenings suggest some undetected cancers because screening benefits are undeniable. Then undetected cancer that actually exist translate to the delay or loss of interventions, consequently allowing the cancer to grow or metastasize.

So, weigh in benefits and risks, or pros and cons, make cancer care or screening a priority and take COVID-19 precautions at the same time. Fortunately, it can be done safely.

The best example that early detection and treatment save lives is late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer journey, during which she went through successful treatments with colon, lung and pancreatic cancer since 1999. We can take a brief note on what she taught us.

Learn from Justice Ginsburg’s cancer battle

First, we see hope and inspiration from advanced medical therapies, from her personal battles and survivorship. It’s truly extraordinary that Ginsburg fought five bouts of cancer last two decades and lived well to 87 years old.

Second, we learn her resilience and commitment to life, health and work. Ginsburg’s rigorous exercise routine, her dedication to the job she loved, exceptionally she rarely missed work while undergoing cancer treatments, her time with family and friends, all helped her combat cancers.

Finally, we can ascertain that early diagnosis and treatment matter, as they can steer cancer course towards cancer-free direction. In Ginsburg’s case, every time doctors found a new cancer by accident came as a result of her routine checkups or treatments for other conditions. Then immediate surgeries and therapies restored her health. You can view it as luck or timely discovery or both.

Because she recently died from complications of pancreatic cancer, let’s extend to the next point.

Zero in preventing pancreatic cancer
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Pancreatic cancer is one of the most malignant and lethal diseases. It is highly invasive and can widely metastasize to various organs of the body. It’s also resistant to most treatments, with a poor prognosis (up to now a five-year survival rate is lower than 9%).

But when it comes to pancreatic cancer, it’s easy to permit a blind spot. This is because the disease rarely displays specific early signs and there is no acceptable screening test available at this time.

Even though one may experience some symptoms such as abdominal pain, stomach ache or lower back pain, jaundice, or bloating and weight loss, these indications can easily be brushed off in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. And worse, when these sufferings or concerns are presented, individuals already have an advanced pancreatic cancer that’s untreatable or unresectable.

More alarming is that incidence of pancreatic cancer has been increasing in recent years. Based on scientific projection, by 2030 it will end up second deadliest cancer in the U.S. next to lung cancer.

All the above-mentioned aspects, therefore, make the urgent need to understand causes and risk factors of pancreatic cancer. More important, the key is prevention and early detection.

After all, genetic factor is about 10%. Be watchful and eliminate the blind spot. Focus more on modifiable risk factors. Here are actions you can take:

  1. Trust your instinct and science. Don’t put off cancer diagnosis or cancer-related visits. You can always consult via Telemedicine first if any need or troubling concern arises.
  2. Open to necessary hospital/clinic visits. Don’t let fear and anxiety overwhelm you. Hospitals have made stringent protocols to ensure the safety of both patients and staff. I personally witnessed it at different hospitals from recent experience with my family member’s illnesses.
  3. Go for genetic testing if you are a high-risk individual, such as having a family history of pancreatic cancer, other cancers or certain familial syndromes, and hereditary pancreatitis. It can detect a cancer-causing mutation that drives pancreatic tumor growth. Moreover, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations trigger not only breast and ovarian cancer but also pancreatic cancer.
  4. Beware changes in your body (including subtle ones). Don’t ignore symptoms that may indicate something is wrong.
  5. Pay attention to elderly people. The risk goes up with aging, because ~80% diagnosed are 60 years old and up.
  6. Control diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, and obesity, especially childhood obesity—all are well established risk factors.
  7. Live a healthy lifestyle. No smoking, no heavy alcohol drinking, no high fat and high sugar food, and minimize red or processed meat consumption. Be physically active.
  8. Maintain a good oral health. Emerging evidence has linked poor oral hygiene or poor periodontal health to a higher risk for pancreatic cancer. This relation between a chronic oral infection and carcinogenesis should be no surprise, given that chronic inflammation and bacterial/viral infection are underlying mechanisms for cancer development.
  9. Build a powerful immune system. Make it your strong defense and preserve from diet, exercise to mentality and sleep.
  10. Protect yourself, your family and your community whether it’s fighting against carcinogens or the coronavirus. This is a personal responsibility. Before having an effective and safe vaccine to prevent COVID-19, wear a mask when out in public, watch your space at least 6-feet apart from others, wash your hands frequently, and avoid close contact with people who are sick.


The fear of COVID-19 has influenced some people’s decision to cancel or act on cancer screening or treatment. However, one should make effort to prioritize cancer screening, diagnosis and care while taking precautions to minimize COVID-19 risk. And become vigilant about pancreatic cancer.


Image credit: Scientists & CPD



Many Thanks to Readers’ Favorite for the Award & Honor!

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

I’m happy to share this news, and will continue providing values to the public and potential readers.
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Rekindled Sense and Attention to Cancer Amid COVID-19

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Calm & Care Flowers_Blog useBefore Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) rises as a foremost source of mortality in front of our eyes this year, heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of global death.

Both COVID-19 and cancer do not discriminate (any age, race/ethnics or gender), and cause great global public health concern.

In March, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic, after the disease spread to more than 100 countries leading to tens of thousands of cases within a few months worldwide.

Strictly speaking, a pandemic is defined when an epidemic spans various continents and affects a large number of people. Although the scientific community has not adapted the pandemic label for noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer, cancer certainly reaches pandemic proportion and severity (regardless of speed).

To be clear, my focus is not about terminology but about the brutality of a disease. However, if we view cancer morbidity and mortality through the lens of pandemic, without disputing the terminology or the precise term, we can implement protective measures and save more lives, especially from preventable cancers.

Here I examine what dire similarities COVID-19 and cancer share and how they differ.



(Communicable disease)




(Noncommunicable disease)

Characteristic Sudden outbreak, quickly, and highly infectious Slowly developing over decades, noninfectious
Origin & Cause Natural or animal origin, caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Cells of origin, i.e. cellular mutation, due to a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors; <10% of hereditary cancers
Person-to-Person transmission Yes No in general, but some cancers can be passed from person to person through viral transmission.
Speed & Severity Deadly in days Deadly in years
Global death & mortality rate (MR) 145,500+ as of 4/16/2020

MR: *projected 2-3%, presently ~4% in US

Nearly 10 million annually;

MR: rose by 17% since 1990, with age-standardized 0.05-0.15%

Human immunity


Nobody is immune to it at present and it can strike virtually everybody Can strike virtually anyone
Effective treatment No evidence yet Yes, if at earlier stages.
Best weapon Containment and mitigation to reduce community transmission Risk factor prevention, early detection & treatment
Emotional difficulty, fear, anxiety, and powerlessness Yes Yes
Say Goodbye or celebrate a lost life in person No Yes
Public health urgency Yes ? (ask ourselves)

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*At this time, it is impossible to reach a precise MR of this outbreak.

Because of the complexity and multifaceted mechanisms underlying cancer development, doing one or two things won’t be sufficient in beating cancer. We must take multiple actions with integrative approaches—some of the same protective measures can be put  in place to prevent cancer amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, strengthen the immune system—the most powerful defense we have. However, during physical distancing or home-bound time, stressful emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger; sleepless nights; as well as unhealthy behaviors (e.g., poor diet, more alcohol consumption, less physical activity) can provoke the burden of noncommunicable disease (heart disease, diabetes and cancer) through weakening the immune functions.

COVID-19 will pass just like any other pandemic; it’s only a matter of time.

Unlike COVID-19, cancer persists as another health crisis and many are living with it now, which should not be forgotten. Compromised immune systems and complicated cancer treatments for cancer patients become more challenging at this troubling time, and personal stories should also not be forgotten. Thus, the battle against cancer should keep on. The book Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention details how cancer is developed, as well as what you can do to prevent cancer and optimize your well-being. So, remember to pick up a copy for yourself or your loved ones.

Like COVID-19, cancer demands our rekindled attention and care. Behind the numbers are human lives.


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Readers’ Favorite 5-star Review

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Readers’ Favorite announces the review of the Non-Fiction – Health – Medical book “Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention” by Hui Xie-Zukauskas, currently available at

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“Reviewed By Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite

Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention: Options to Help You Stay Healthy and Happy by Hui Xie-Zukauskas Ph.D. gives insights to readers who want to know how to prevent cancer. The strategies in the book will help readers to empower their actions towards reduced cancer risk and enhanced well-being. Cancer can strike out of nowhere and takes away life. The author speaks about taking preventive measures and living a healthy lifestyle – to have a healthy heart and body that will remain cancer-free so that one can live a healthier, happier, and longer life. The author also addresses how cancer risk factors influence daily lives and the roles of these risk factors in specific cancer development.

Reading this book will encourage mindful self-care so that readers can enjoy a better life with healthier bodies. The author’s combination of medical background, research expertise, and experience works well in dealing with the topic and she speaks about it extensively and expansively, giving readers good insights in a way that they can understand easily. The author speaks about diet, lifestyle, and psychological factors, and encourages readers to examine their lifestyles to see where necessary changes can be made. Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention: Options to Help You Stay Healthy and Happy by Hui Xie-Zukauskas Ph.D. is a good tool to help readers realize that a healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. This is the perfect book to read on cancer prevention and develop healthy habits so that the body can be kept mentally and physically active.”

You can learn more about Hui Xie-Zukauskas and “Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention” at where you can read reviews and the author’s biography, as well as connect with the author directly or through their website and social media pages. 

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Fill Our Hearts, Wellbeing and Life with Love

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

(This is Part 2 of Mini-Series.)

Celebrate Love in Feb.2020February is a month for love. Paradoxically, the importance of love in our lives should be a constant reminder for each of us instead of daily or monthly events. Love should not have a time line or calendar check, simply because love is timeless. Do you agree?

As the end of February is approaching, I’d like to share one of my favorite excerpts from my book—Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention. It’s a part of Epilogue to emphasize the healing capacity of love, both physically and emotionally:

“Let love penetrate each of your precious little cells. Loving your body begins by nurturing your treasured cells—the fundamental building blocks of your body. With 37.2 trillion cells in the human body, you love each of them by maximizing nutrients’ intake and minimizing damage and inflammation. Subsequently, you boost cellular energy and send grateful signals to each cell. And you let love go in or welcome love by exercising your body in an appropriate way for your condition and age. As a result, you take care of your health.

Let love penetrate your immune system too. That’s your first line of defense to ward off cancer. The good news is that you can harness the power of your immune system as an effective immunotherapy to cure cancer. Former president Jimmy Carter is one patient who has benefited from such a cancer immunotherapy.

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Let love diffuse into life and the world. Love is communicated in different ways and is easily integrated into a healthy lifestyle. Generally speaking, love can be exhibited in romance and kind acts, in understanding and offering needed support, and in self-care. Love can mean openly talking about cancer as related to one’s fears and anxieties too. Find ways to spread love around you. The world needs a lot of love.”

In life, we might have difficulty to find the right words to describe love or true love, note that I don’t mean those popular adjectives (beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, deep or obsessed, etc.). However, we can fill in a blank or challenging gap with love. Let’s never forget but always remember LOVE.

“Where there is love there is life.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

A friendly reminder: Don’t forget to pick up your copy of the book.

Image Credit: CPD 

How Small Measures Matter to Your New Year’s Resolution

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Hiker steps to Mt. peak_happy-hiker-winning-reaching-life_366801260Are you surprised? – Most people who set New Year’s Resolutions already fell off the wagon sometime between end of January and end of February. Nonetheless, statistical rates on the failure can top 88%.

Improving Health has always been one of top New Year’s resolutions for most Americans. One obvious question is – why can’t such a worthy resolution last? Also, what’s the gap?

I’m going to help you explore it by focusing on one gap, that is a lack of measurement.

There are various reasons people failed their goals, often including unrealistic or immeasurable goals (too big to reach), and/or unmeasurable goals (somehow unable to be measured objectively).

So, let’s move to your measures for health resolution on following topics.

  •        Why are measures important?
  •        Define your measure with small steps in mind.
  •        Contemplate and compart specific components or areas with small actions.
  •        Three musts for winning health results

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Why are measures important?

Talking about measures, one can immediately connect to numbers or numerical values.

Measures are ubiquitous in life. In science, rigorous measurements are critical for accuracy and precision of the findings. Business (e.g., sales) needs measures or calculations to evaluate its performance, quality, profit or loss. Similarly, the NFL has its measures for success too, including time of possession, execution of players (e.g., passing yards, rush yards, speed, etc.), among others. Likewise, personal health is examined or determined through a variety of measurements.

Therefore, if you want to improve your result, you need to measure from the beginning. If you measure, you can repeat whatever you do well, and refine if you want to mend or do better.

Define your measure with small steps in mind.

It’s desirable to “improve health”, “lose weight” or even “lose 30 pounds”, but these goals are vague and sometimes unrealistic, especially when pursued without measurable actions.

Dramatic changes rarely turn out well. Consider how realistic it is changing from a “couch potato” to a “gym rat” or from a meat-lover to a vegan? In fact, I didn’t jump from white rice in three daily meals to my breakfast with whole grains, nuts and fruits, sometimes proteins, overnight or over months.

Small steps are critical to measuring your health improvement, and closely connected with concrete measures. Importantly, small steps prove to be an effective strategy for you while measuring, and a key to success in many areas of life.

Take high blood pressure as an example. If your blood pressure is high, you need to do multiple things to lower it, and even prevent it. You need to reduce salt intake, have a healthy diet, exercise at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week, support a healthy weight, and moderate alcohol consumption, just naming a few. Then how do you meet each requirement?

Let’s just talk about ways for salt restriction. It’s not easy for many folks; after all, food without salt is boring, right? However, there are small steps to reduce salt intake unless you go “no salt”. You may choose to cut half of your daily salt or pick “low-sodium” items, or instead of pouring salt over your plate, sprinkle with parsley, cilantro, spice or herbs like rosemary, drizzle with olive oil or honey if you wish – all can adjust the food flavor and maybe even make it better. These are only a few tiny, baby steps to reduce your salt intake towards lowering blood pressure.

One way to ensure small steps work is to set up a system for measurements. Based on your detailed plan, you can use a score system, and rate those reasonable steps on a scale of 1 to 5, for example. Alternatively, you may prefer a week log to monitor your diet and exercise. If you want to measure how you get more active, it could be something like “walk 20 minutes or 2 miles a day, do it after dinner, go over it each day, reward myself at the end of each month.” Then rinse and repeat this routine. Do whatever works better for you. Moreover, give yourself a pat on the shoulder or a treat as a reward.

The smaller, the more specific a step is, the more measurable it is, and the more meaningful it’s towards your goal. Ask yourself how much, how far or how often you want to make change and when expect it to occur, and at what level you feel comfortable or stretch a bit? Remember to make small, gradual change over time.

Contemplate and compart specific components or areas with small actions.

Another way to take small steps and make incremental progress for a healthy lifestyle is to break into sections or box the areas that require your attention, because your health improvement should be personal. So, go after your major concern or root problems. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Ease Stress resolution: First, uncover sources of your stress – Is the clutter-loaded desk or office driving you crazy? Or are the posts on social media that upset you most? Do work-related issues trigger your sleepless nights? Next, how you calm and combat stress should include different approaches, unique stress-relieving techniques, modified diet, and etc. Again, start small.
  • Healthy Weight resolution or more specifically – Dump Belly-Fat Resolution
  • Well Kitchen resolution
  • Green Lifestyle resolution
  • Cancer Prevention resolution

For cancer prevention resolution, you’ll be amazed how much you can achieve. You can learn and become aware of various cancer risk factors, you can make small modifications on your diet, you can keep moving and be more active. You can quit smoking and limit alcohol if you haven’t done so. You can also get vaccinated (e.g., HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer), and get screened (e.g., for breast, prostate, and colon cancer if applicable).

Getting vaccinated or screened is seemingly a small step; however, it’s an immediate action resulting in a big gain with long-term benefits. So, you can cheer yourself with a high-five!

A recent study (conducted by Dr. Schiff’s group at Harvard University, reported on J. Healthcare Risk Management, 2019) showed that many cancer diagnostic errors (greater than 50%) often involve a failure or delay in routine screening and diagnostic testing. So, it’s imperative to take control of your own health.

There are other aspects involved in your well-being, but you get the idea.

Three musts for winning health results

1.      Act NOW. Don’t procrastinate.

That’s also why it’s easy and effective to implement small steps. Replacing sugar-dense beverage with water is actionable for losing weight. Adding one or two more servings of veggies/fruits each day is more manageable than going meatless.

2.      Be disciplined and integrative.

Stick with the positive changes, gradually add more, and make them a daily habit or routine. Meanwhile, it’s not about one switch. If you quit smoking or eliminate alcohol, but keep prolonged sitting or stay less physically active, don’t control stress, you still won’t be in a good shape.

3.      Be patient. But be joyful.

Don’t expect the result sooner than what it should take to happen. In addition, some changes can be necessary yet uncomfortable or inconvenient, find fun ways to do so. However, don’t force yourself to the things you dislike or are ill-suited to you. Don’t ignore your emotion. Are you happy at the end of the day? What’s your feeling about new choices or changes? Hope you truly enjoy them.

Lifestyle modification is a journey rather than a destination, the journey with many, many small steps that lead you to a bright destination for your wellness.

So, take one step at a time, practice one day at a time, so as to add up many small steps from point A to point B.

The bottom line is that small steps are measures for your big or huge gains. With concrete measures, you can surely keep your health resolution or achieve any goal you set.

The bookKey Strategies for Cancer Prevention – Options to Help You Stay Healthy and Happy” is packed with tips for small and attainable actions, which lead you to achieving concrete, measurable goals for your heart health and cancer prevention.


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A New Hope to Keep Cancer at Bay

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Hui-s Book_12-2019(This is Part 1 of Miniseries.)

Cancer is a devastating disease and indiscriminate regarding age, sex, genetic, economic or social status.

Do you want to avoid cancer? Do you know what to do to prevent cancer?

My book titled “Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention” is recently released. It translates science into life-saving strategies and speaks in lay people’s term.

This book helps you discover how to prevent cancer. It addresses the driving forces behind cancer development, and provides a comprehensive, concrete guide for a daily, healthy lifestyle in an enjoyable way. Through prevention, you can optimize your overall well-being.

The book starts with dissecting how cancer risk factors exist and influence your daily life, then addresses potential contributors to cancer before it draws your attention to the most common and deadliest cancers. The book also offers extra advice or tips for a healthy and cancer preventive lifestyle.

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Yes, most cancers are preventable! A lifestyle of mindfulness and modification can take you a long way, and importantly, you can achieve proven results with joy and love through step by step, incremental progresses.

My goal is to have more people embrace the powerful knowledge and ultimately save more lives.

If you are among folks who are eager to learn and take actions for a healthier, happier, and longer life, the book is for you.

Now please join me and help me bring this life-saving book to light. The book is available at bookstores (e.g., iUniverse, Barnes & Noble), and Amazon in paperback and kindle/eBook formats. Other eBook venues include Apple, Google Play, etc. Once you get your copy, read it, tell people around you, and desirably post review on Amazon.

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