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Skin Cancer and Aging: Causes and Solutions

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

UV radition n Ozone layerHere comes the sun! And we all enjoy it. You may be heading for sunny beaches soon. I’d like to remind you of damage from the sun overexposure. By providing some key insights into harmful effects of the sun, and reflecting on skin aging, I am diving a little deeper into this subject, and will equip you with a sun protection tool kit – 5 Essentials or “SHADE”.

Numbers and Notions

First, do you know that more people suffered from skin cancer than all other cancers combined over the past three decades? Breaking down the statistics, it reveals approximately 40-50% of Americans who live to age 60+ will have one type of common skin cancers, and more than 90% of skin cancer is caused by excessive or unnecessary exposure to the sun?

Types of skin aging

If the above numbers cannot transmit the roles of aging and sun hazard in skin cancer, let me briefly elaborate what happened to our skin over our lifetime. As we age, our skin – the largest organ in the human body – goes through the same escalating loss of structure and function as other organs. But unlike other organs, the skin is openly exposed to environmental pollutants and lifestyle-related hazards (e.g. excessive sun, tanning, smoking, etc.). ALL is cumulative! Mostly concerning, ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight causes so called “photoaging”.

I summarize here how photoaging differs from natural skin aging, to help you understand how biological evolution of the skin and adverse effects of the sun are interplayed.

Natural / Intrinsic Aging Photo- / Extrinsic Aging
Cumulative process Yes Yes
Common locations face, neck, forearm, and lower leg Yes
Cause Aging-related Sun damage overlaying natural aging
Visible characteristics Looseness, sagginess, fine wrinkles, dryness Increased pigmentation, deep wrinkles, harsh or rough skin
Structural alterations Epidermal − dermal area thinning and weakening, reduced elasticity, delay in wound healing Severe damage of dermal and connective tissues, promoting age-related skin diseases and skin cancer

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Fundamental nature of Sun Damage

UV radiation is a known human carcinogen (i.e. cancer-causing agent). Let me expand further on UV radiation as a major causal factor of skin cancer and premature skin aging at cellular and molecular levels.

  1. UV radiation can modify DNA, intensify oxidative stress, and alter cellular antioxidant and immune defense, as well as other cellular structural or signal transduction pathways.
  2. UV-induced immune suppression contributes considerably to skin malignancies.
  3. UVB can directly cause specific DNA damage, when left unrepaired, it leads to mutations, consequently predisposing individuals to any cancer.

Importantly, bear in mind that UV exposure in children under age 10 has been linked to an increased risk of developing melanoma (malignant) and non-melanoma skin cancer later in life. Thus, childhood is a susceptible window for long-term dangerous effects of sun damage.

Sun safety with 5 Essentials – SHADE

Fortunately, skin cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer. So, how can you protect yourself and your family? Employ this tool kit, i.e. the acronym “SHADE”.

S stands for “Sunscreen application”

A wide variety of sunscreens are available on the market but not all products are created equal. Make sure to use sunscreens that block both UVA and UVB. In addition, use a moisturizer with SPF 15 or higher on a daily basis.

H stands for “Hide away from the sun”.

Whether you stroll under the sun or enjoy outdoor adventures, wear sunglasses, a hat, and cover up with loose clothing. Also, make sure your sunglasses have both UVA and UVB blocking properties. 

A stands for “Avoid the sun during its most intensive time”

Staying away from the sun is especially paramount between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., because during this window of time, the sun is at its strongest, thereby making this time the riskiest for sun damage.

D stands for “Detect early and Defense daily”.

Skin cancer can occur just about anywhere on the skin, but most often on the areas exposed to the sun, of course, also in odd places. With that in mind, look out vigilantly for moles, bumps or spots, by following the “ABCDE” guidance from WebMD, and noticing pain or fluid as a red flag too, for early detection. Schedule an annual skin cancer screening if you are among those “high risk” individuals.

In addition, antioxidants are powerful weapons to fight or “catch” free radicals generated from UV. Hence, build up your antioxidant defense by eating plenty of fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables, and more salmon.

E stands for “Educate everyone”.

To emphasize, E is for educating, not entertaining under the sun! Start with children and young adults. Regardless of gender and age, we are all exposed to the same sun. Today, the sun is getting less merciful compared to three or more decades ago due to thinning of ozone protection.

Take home message: 

Keep a balance between sun pleasure and sun damage, and hold the value of proper skin care. At the end, healthy skin in the course of life may promote better mental and emotional health. And remember “SHADE”.


Reference (on the table): Quan & Fisher. Gerontology. 2015; 61:427-34.

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Aging, Cancer, and Age-associated Illnesses

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Happy Aging_No magic pill_CPDAging is inevitable. Aging is a complex process through a progressive loss of physiological integrity, which has a negative impact on various body systems and their functions.

Aging is also a major risk factor for cancer. Why cancer risk increases as you age is not completely clear. Because cancer doesn’t develop overnight, one explanation could be – that genetic mutations of DNA (i.e. the root of developing cancerous cells) occur over a long period of time through prolonged, accumulated exposure to carcinogens (e.g. sun/UV rays, environmental toxins or contaminants in the air, the water or the food). Additionally, the aging-weakened immune system is less vigilant to detect and less effective to attack those cancerous cells.

As you age, accumulated damage to the cells put an increased burden on your immune response. Chronically stimulated inflammation, along with genetic, lifestyle and environmental risk factors, all intensify in your body and speed up the deleterious process. 

How well we age depends on many factors, including what we eat, how physically active we are, and how often and how long we are exposed to health risks such as smoking, over-consumption of alcohol, or harmful, toxic chemicals/substances.

In a parallel way, cancer is a disease of aging. Cancer is multifaceted and each one varies; but all cancers develop over time.

Interactions between aging and cancer occur at cellular, molecular, biological and physical levels via various intricate pathways. Along with “degenerative dysfunctions”, an initial cellular change becomes cumulative and collaborative to facilitate the accumulation of more or further alterations, thereby contributing to an exponential increase in age-associated cancer. Thus, cancer is a common health challenge among aging and especially elderly people. What could make this process worse are conditions like obesity and diabetes.

The good news: Cancer and other age-associated chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are mostly preventable! Prevention can be enhanced by lifestyle modifications, which is documented by both Western medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Here are some key strategies that keep your vital Qi protected and replenished:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight and avoid abdominal obesity. Excessive calorie intake and a sedentary lifestyle cause abdominal obesity.
  2. Have a diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, fish, beans, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
  3. Avoid or limit high-fat, high-sugar foodstuffs and excessive salt intake from packaged or processed foods.
  4. Participate in physical activities regularly, age actively.
  5. Watch your numbers (cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc), keep your blood pressure normal, and schedule routine cancer screenings.
  6. Remember to get a good night’s sleep.
  7. Practice gratitude. Gratitude is a secret to happiness, so keep counting your blessings.
  8. Love your age and love more. In addition to the love you show to your family, there are many ways to show your love, such as pursuing your passion, giving to your community, and caring and helping others. 

Let’s face it. You cannot help aging, but you don’t have to get “old”. Hopefully, at the end, you will achieve one of humanity’s greatest dreams, which is to have a long, productive, and happy life in a healthy body.

So, happy aging through vibrant well-being!

Links between Obesity, Diabetes, and Colon Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Links 3 conditions_CPDColorectal cancer remains the 3rd most common cancer and is the 2nd leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States.

The causes of colon cancer are multi-factorial. They include cellular, molecular, and genetic factors, as well as dietary and lifestyle factors. Today, I’m going to focus on one significant yet modifiable risk factor, obesity.

We start with a glimpse at the numbers.

The incidence rate of obesity is alarmingly high among U.S. adults based on CDC data. Rates for different age groups include middle-aged (40.2%), older (37.0%), and younger (32.3%). Also, about 17% of children and adolescents (age 2-19) are obese.

More than 29 million adults and children in the U.S. have diabetes. 86 million Americans have pre-diabetes, a condition that can lead to type-2 diabetes. Note that an estimated one in two seniors has pre-diabetes.

Obesity may be a factor in approximately 300,000 deaths each year. Diabetes will cause an estimated 75,578 deaths and colorectal cancer, an expected 49,190 deaths in 2016.

A look beyond the numbers

Obesity is a leading cause of diabetes, a disease for which the body fails to control blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels are characteristic of both obesity and diabetes. What is less well known is that diabetes and obesity are also linked to an increase in cancer risk.

In fact, obesity is linked to many types of cancer (colon, esophageal, thyroid, breast, prostate, uterine, kidney, pancreas, gallbladder and non-Hodgkins lymphoma) and, needless to say, heart disease, stroke, and other chronic illnesses.

Research shows that obesity and diabetes are associated with an increased risk of developing colon cancer.

Intrinsic links between obesity, diabetes, and colon cancer are vastly complicated. One clear tie is sugar. High levels of blood sugar are a characteristic in both obesity and diabetes. High blood sugar also makes us predisposed to cancer by increasing the activity of a gene involved in cancer progression. Apparently, dietary sugar is a link tying together obesity, diabetes, and colon cancer, and thus excess sugar has an impact on our risk for cancer.
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Certainly, other links play a causal role. For instance, chronic inflammation is a central process that likely leads obese individuals to an elevated risk of diabetes and colon cancer, which all three conditions share a common inflammatory loop participated by multiple cell signaling molecules, growth and nuclear factors.

Highlighted Call for Actions

1. Colon Cancer screening

If you or your loved ones turn 50, you all should begin screening for colorectal cancer and then continue getting screened at regular intervals. This is because colorectal cancer almost always develops from precancerous polyps (abnormal growths) in the colon or rectum. Colorectal polyps can be found by screening and then removed before they develop into cancers. Plus, any developing cancer can be found earlier by screening when treatment works best.

2. Diabetes Control

Early intervention is critical to preventing or delaying the onset of type-2 diabetes. Good news for our nation’s seniors is that Medicare will extend coverage for pre-diabetes care. Check out the National Diabetes Prevention Program, a preventive health initiative via the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation.

3. Healthy Weight Management

Nutrition and balance diet, weight loss, daily physical activity and healthy lifestyle are all beneficial for keeping weight down. Look for further details in CancerPreventionDaily earlier posts.

In brief, obese people are at a higher risk for developing cancer. Also, an obese condition is often resistant to chemotherapy regimens. The bottom line is that obesity prevention is a key life-saving approach.


Image source: CancerPreventionDaily

Cheering You on to Immune-beneficial Exercises

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Exercise n Immune_Trainer.aeWe are at the beginning of March. If you made a New Year’s resolution about health and have made some progress, cheers! If you don’t have a resolution or it fell off the wagon by the end of February, it’s time to get back on track. I’m here to help you by breaking down how a few types of exercise may boost your immune function.

Note that we are not talking about strenuous physical exercise (e.g., an Ironman race) performed by well-trained athletes. We will examine doable exercises for ordinary folks like you and me. The key is that you need to choose types of exercise that are appropriate for your particular situation.

Let’s start with moderate regular exercises.

This can be walking 20-30 minutes a day, yoga or pilates, stretching, dancing, and even badminton—physical activities that can be easily incorporated into your daily life. Moderate, regular physical exercise is considered to be associated with many health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, reduced weight gain, improved glucose tolerance, better sleep, and increased immunity to fight infection.

A few studies by the Kagawa group showed that walking at a forest park increased human “natural killer” cell activity and the level of anti-cancer proteins, with the effect lasting at least seven days. Because “natural killer” cells are a part of the immune response to cancer, the research provided an intriguing perspective despite the small samplings of human subjects in the studies.

Resistance exercise (weight training)

Resistance training ranges from push-ups and squats to weight lifting and weight machines in order to build strength. Maximal resistance exercise increases the acute immune response, which is measured by changes in circulating levels of leukocytes and inflammatory molecules (i.e. cytokines).

To avoid impairing the immune system, allow your body and your immune system the time to recover. For instance, give your muscles 48-72 hours to rest between resistance trainings.

Endurance exercise (aerobic, cardio training)
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Aerobic exercise can stimulate the immune system. At the cellular level, research reveals that acute aerobic exercise greatly enhances a cellular signaling protein (G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2) that is involved in the regulation of hypertension and heart failure. The protein also regulates an inflammatory response, measured by activities of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (e.g. lymphocytes, a critical component of immune system), which was also stimulated by the aerobic exercise.

In a human study, eight weeks of endurance exercise also changed the blood levels of some inflammatory cytokines in a beneficial way in an elderly population and people with certain inflammatory diseases. In contrast, poor exercise capacity in patients even without heart failure is independently associated with markers of chronic inflammation, which may lead to infections following surgery.

Overall, how exercises improve immune function can be explained in the following ways: 1) Exercise may facilitate to flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways, which may help prevent upper respiratory tract infection (e.g. cold). 2) Exercise may make disease-fighting antibodies and immune system cells circulate faster so that they could detect illnesses earlier. And 3) Exercise may reduce the release of stress-related hormones, by which the power of immunity is enhanced and the chance of illness, lowered.

Study note:

The issue of exercise and its benefits in regard to alteration of the immune system is a complex one and a matter of delicate balance. It depends on whether the population is healthy or diseased, and even within unhealthy groups, the effect on cancer patients may differ from that on diabetic individuals. It also depends on types and workloads of exercise, parameters measured (e.g., hormonal, chemical factors, or proteins), transient versus sustained change, age groups studied, size of sampling, time-bound periods, and other factors.

To sum up –

Despite the fact that too much exercise can have a contrary effect and reduce immunity, exercises in various proper forms at all ages are AAA (triple A) – Actionable, Advantageous, and Awesome!! Therefore, keep doing exercise or getting more physically active one day at a time, and you’ll reap the benefits toward transforming your health and life.


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Inspired by World Cancer Day

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

WCD_WeCan n ICanWorld Cancer Day (February 4th, each year) is a global observance and initiative to fight cancer. The theme of 2016 World Cancer Day is “We can” and “I can”, being selected by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).

We can and I can – clarity, simplicity and forcefulness.

Much focus of World Cancer Day goes towards raising awareness of cancer, reducing risks of cancer, and learning how to prevent, detect and treat cancer early. To help achieve this goal, I’d like to bring one thing to the spotlight: Lifestyle modification.

Why? Only 5–10% of all cancer cases are attributed to genetic or inherited mutation. 35- 40% of cancer can be prevented by a major lifestyle change.

Next, how can you modify lifestyle to a healthier, livelier one? I’ve given a lot of information and strategies through Here are 7 quick and effective tips:

1.      Quit smoking, period. This is not only for the individual but also for your loved ones and many, many others.

2.      Avoid or limit alcohol. Have we seen enough how alcohol takes a toll at physical, mental, emotional and social levels?

It also improves immune system and safeguards you from lung cancer. levitra buy levitra Fortunately before that thought had even begun to speculate about cialis online overnight the possibility of crossing my mind she gathered her self up and delivered her management philosophy. Kesar has gained wide acclamation for its enhanced sildenafil generic cheap benefits for hair, skin and health. However, the most effective of all to get out of this predicament. cheapest cialis prices take a look at the web-site here 3.      Get physically active! Walk, run, jump, play or gardening … do whatever you can at where you are to move each day.

4.      Eat smart. Diet is intimately linked to diseases, as English Proverb cautions, “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork”. In developing cancer, processed meats and foods speed it up, while a plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits slow it down.

5.      Maintain a healthy weight. It is well-accepted that obesity is a significant risk factor of several types of cancer. Taking the above actions will benefit weight loss.

6.      Avoid over-exposure to sun.

7.      Remember early detection.

Cancer is preventable disease. With hope and love, we all can do our own part and contribute to prevention or cure of cancer, ultimately making a difference in saving lives.


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10 Things Important to Know about Lead Poisoning

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Lead Q & Tap Water_CPDWhat are your thoughts on the Flint lead-poisoning water crisis? Are you concerned about the quality of your drinking water? Do you know how lead may impact your body in the long-term? Read on, you’ll get an instant and clear idea.

Exposure to lead is a serious public health problem because of its association with numerous damages to nearly every system in the human body and various cancers. Here are 10 key concerns and strategies you need to know:

1. A hidden fact: Lead contamination is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and likely symptomless. So, it often goes unknown.

2. Routes of lead toxicity: Lead can get into your body through the water you drink, the food you eat and the air you breathe. How can lead get into your water? Your municipal water system or your house may have pipes containing lead or joined with lead solder.

3. The critical numbers: For lead awareness, I suggest to focus on these two: First, tap water lead should be below the EPA’s action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb) or 15 mg/L.Second, in children (esp. under age 5), a blood lead level of 5 micrograms per deciliter (5 mg/dl) or higher should raise a red flag, as the reference level of CDC recommended public health initiatives. If their blood lead levels exceed 10 mg/dl, the children can be in serious trouble!

4. The irreversible health consequences: Lead is a common occupational and environmental toxin with well-known adverse effects on intelligence, school achievement and behavior. Lead exposure also increases a risk for a variety of chronic illnesses such as hypertension, heart disease and kidney disease.

5. The Link to cancer: Lead is one of the heavy metals that are classified as a probable human carcinogen, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Lead has been linked to cancers of lung, stomach, breast, and renal cells, although further studies await.

6. The influence on generations: Lead compounds cause genetic impairment through various mechanisms including interfering with DNA synthesis and repair, interaction with DNA-binding proteins and tumor-fighting proteins, so genotoxicity can potentially pass on to generations.

7. Drinking and cooking water safety – 3 Rules:

  • Rule 1: Never use warm or hot tap water for drinking, cooking or mixing baby formula.
  • Rule 2: Flush the cold water system for 1-2 minutes especially when the faucet has not been used for several hours. (Otherwise, use the water that’s flushed out for other purposes.)
  • Rule 3: Most desirable is to filter tap water for drinking and cooking. It also costs less than buying bottled water.

Albion Medical and other penis enhancement product manufacturers believe that all it takes to treat erectile dysfunction is an organic sulfur-containing nutrient, a naturally-occurring compound in the environment and in the same quantity as that of the trademark buy tadalafil in canada . What canadian viagra samples is the Best Way to Fight off Impotence? As discussed, vacuum devices act as means to achieve erection. Here the article talks about a medication that treats erectile dysfunction, similar to levitra buy generic. To encourage the healing process and effectively cure the condition you must make some changes in your medication after you tadalafil uk price quit.
8. Children and lead beyond water: Infants and children are susceptible to lead toxicity. So, test your children’s blood lead level.

In fact, the biggest source of lead poisoning in children today is dust and chips from deteriorating lead paint on interior surface or toys. Also be aware that Pica behavior (esp. the ingestion of lead-containing foreign bodies) is a well-established risk factor of lead intoxication in children that may cause grave consequences. Lead is such a ubiquitous environmental toxin widely distributed around the world (e.g. the soil in your kids’ playground) that as a surprise, some traditional herbs (e.g. Ayurveda) may contain toxic amounts of lead.

9. Enough calcium intake: Lead mainly interrupts calcium-dependent processes and calcium signaling in the cells. So ensure enough consumption of calcium and antioxidants from fresh veggies or fruits helps combat negative effects of lead.

10. Everybody has responsibility to prevent water polluting. Learning from the Flint water disaster, we all need to keep vigilant at protecting clean water sources. If you suspect any change in the water, immediately contact your local public health or water system authority.

Bonus ending: Bottled water can serve as an alternative, as the FDA sets specific regulations for it. Take a cautious measure, because not all bottled water is created equal, and bottled water may contain 40% or more of tap water.


Image credit: & CPD

Love and the War on Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

2016 Love & Hope_iStock+CPDCancer causes much sadness, pain, fear, and anger. It has enormous effects by impacting the quality of life among those with cancer, as well as the lives of their loved ones, and too often by shortening life spans.

As we enter 2016, one New Year’s resolution for is to bring a theme of love and hope to cancer prevention and care. Today I’ll make a start by talking about nurturing your body.

When in good health, we may tend to take that fact for granted and pay little attention to our physiology. But we shouldn’t do that. Instead, we should love ourselves, and that means loving our body.

Loving your body begins by nurturing your precious little cells – the fundamental building blocks of your body. You let love penetrate to each of your cells by taking in nutritious food. By doing so, you boost cellular energy and send grateful signals to each cell. And you let love go in or welcome love by exercising your body in an appropriate way for your condition and age.

Let love penetrate your immune system, too, because that’s your first-line defense to ward off cancer. The good news is that you can harness the power of your immune system as an effective immunotherapy to cure cancer. Former President Jimmy Carter is one patient who has benefited from such cancer immunotherapy.

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Love is communicated in different ways and is easily integrated into a healthy lifestyle. Generally speaking, love can be exhibited in a kind act, in understanding and offering needed support, and in self-care. Love can mean openly talking about cancer in related to one’s fears and anxieties. By letting love rule your body, you develop beliefs and values that help drive positive healthy behaviors.

In our quest for cancer cure and care, let’s embrace something beyond the torture, something beautiful and a deep human need, both biological and physical – LOVE – and let that love nourish our well-being.

Let’s make 2016 a year of love and hope to defeat cancer!


Image credit: & CPD

Top Five Sharing Tips for Holidays 2015

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Holiday Greeting w-Label_Hui 2015Holiday time can be both joyful and overwhelmingly stressful. What is on your mind? Consider the following TOP FIVE thoughts and tips:

1. Gratitude It’s the best attitude!

Gratitude implies both the thankfulness to others for their aids in any way and a conscious, habitual focus on all positive aspects of life. Many Americans are stressed over traveling, gift shopping, cooking, disappointing (for various reasons) and debt. Counting blessings has a proven favorable effect on the human well-being.

2. Family and friends – Bonus is Fit!

Forget about work, stress, and any negative feelings, let your heart and spirit go with those of your family and friends, enjoy love, laughter, happy memories and fun time. One of the big challenges is health. Unhealthy diet and large portions of food, time on the couch, drinks and comprised sleep can all add up to a toll on your weight gain. Finding a way to move or boost your physical activities is very beneficial. For those weight-loss enthusiasts, how about losing 1-2 pounds over the holidays instead of gaining more?

3. Cancer care family
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Individuals who are diagnosed, suffering or survived cancer, and those who want to fight or prevent cancer are all in one family. If you are a cancer patient or a cancer survivor, take it easy and enjoy simple pleasures or people around you. If someone close to you has cancer or you are a caregiver, take care of yourself and delegate more. If you have lost a loved one, the holidays can be understandably more difficult. Feel free to express your emotions and work through grief slowly. Remember, you’re not fighting cancer alone and you don’t have to cope with your loss alone either. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

4. Time for yourself

This should genuinely apply to everybody. Loving what you do is a blessing, whether it is your career or your pleasure or leisure. So, make sure to set aside some quiet or alone time for yourself, relax, recharge and re-energize or renew yourself.

5.  Heartfelt thanks for our military and their families.

Remember our military soldiers and families as well as veterans for their sacrifice to protect our country and our safety. While it’s understandable that Americans get concerned and anxious over national security, let’s transform fear and restlessness to gratitude and goodness by showing appreciation and helping them in any way we can. We can also contribute to peace and help end all forms of suffering of mankind.

Best wishes for a warm, wonderful Holiday Season & a healthier, happier 2016!

Two Key Sources of Lung Cancer Development

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Lung Cancer_lungcancer.about.com_iStock_000016025129_LargeWhen I think about lung cancer, I replay horrifying memories of my dad being cruelly taken away by lung cancer within two months after diagnosis, and my mother-in-law being painfully tortured for two years after her lung surgery. And they both were non-smokers.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide; you may have a story to tell, too. Let’s give lung cancer awareness a boost this month. Aside from genetic factors and pre-existing lung diseases, I’m going to talk about two important factors.

I.                   Tobacco and environmental carcinogenic factors

Much has been done by quit smoking campaigns. Yet stores still sell and folks still buy and smoke cigarettes. Let’s make this message clear:

Smoking Destroys Your Main Weapon to Fight Cancer!

Why? Tobacco smoking causes a profound mutation of genes, especially mutation of a tumor suppressor (called p53), the protein that helps you fight cancer! Research reveals elephants (Asian and Africa) have 20 copies of the tumor suppressor gene TP53, while humans have only one copy, which may explain why the cancer rate is significantly lower in elephants than in humans. Why would anyone destroy this powerful anti-cancer weapon? And remember: Exposure to second-hand smoke can also lead to dire consequences.

Because most lung cancers result from inhaling cancer-causing substances, it’s also critical to stay away from environmental hazards that are risk factors for lung cancer. These include:

  • radon
  • asbestos
  • air pollution
  • exposure to certain occupational materials (coal, tar, arsenic, nickel, chromium and cement dust)
  • radiation
  • toxic household cleaners

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There are also many microorganisms (viruses, bacteria and parasites) in our environment that are carcinogens.

II.                Dietary or food mutagens and carcinogens

Food quality and sources are of major concern, because you may have no idea what’s hidden inside. Let me highlight three common factors that can potentially cause lung and other cancers:

1.  Improper cooking

Meat (beef, pork, fish, or poultry) cooked at high temperatures generates potential cancer-causing compounds, such as heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In many studies, rodents fed a diet containing HCAs developed lung cancer and cancers of the breast, colon, liver, skin, and prostate. PAHs were shown to promote cancers of lung and gastrointestinal tract as well as leukemia. Analysis of human urinary samples confirmed mutagenic exposure to high-heat cooked meat.

2.  Processed foods

The World Health Organization recently classified processed meats as carcinogens. Food additives and/or coloring substances such as nitrite and nitrate are so-called mutagens. They trigger mutation, and accumulated mutations may progress to cancer.

3.  “Junk foods”

Other dietary factors include over-intake of sugar, fat, sodium, and total calories. Those factors lead to fat buildup, obesity, and potentially genetic alteration that promotes cancer.

Putting it all together, a modern lifestyle of convenience is often mixed with outdoor air pollution by environmental toxins and indoor air pollution by tobacco smoke and volatile organic compounds, along with food contamination by food additives and carcinogenic agents.

Quite disturbing and concerning, isn’t it? So, let’s raise awareness to a higher level this month, this year, and beyond!

Ladies, especially watch out – because women are at higher risk of developing lung cancer than men, whether you smoke or not!


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Care for Deadly Diseases: 10 Strategies to Help You Embrace Your Role

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Did you know …

Patient_involve_scripps.orgMore than 560,000 Americans die from cancer each year – more than 1,500 Americans each day.

More than 2,150 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day – 1 death every 40 seconds.

Nearly 800,000 Americans suffer from a new or recurrent stroke annually – someone has a stroke every 40 seconds and someone dies of a stroke every 4 minutes.

Imagine if you or your loved one had one of these deadly diseases, what kind of care and outcome would you desire?

The Good news is that much effort has been shifting to patient-centered care, with its focus on individual needs. This is different from evidence-based practice that tends to focus on populations. Therefore, high-quality care and a good outcome must now be defined in terms of what is meaningful and valuable to the individual patient.

The Institute of Medicine has identified six areas for quality of care: safety, effectiveness, efficiency, patient-centered care, timely care, and equitable care. As a patient, you are the center of care. That means you need to take an active role in prevention and get involved in your care.

Because we’ve previously covered a great deal about prevention, today I’ll touch on a patient’s role in a high-quality care. And these strategies can extend to many other diseases, including diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity and rare diseases.

Here are 10 strategies for getting involved in your healthcare:

1.      Know your critical numbers and results of your screening tests.

These important results include checks for blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, mammogram, colonoscopy, bone density scan, and even genetic analysis. These results are valuable for your primary care doctor too.

2.      Tell your story.

Inform the doctor what’s going on with you, in addition to simply answering probing questions from the doctor. Some details of your pain or discomfort may shed light for a correct diagnosis.

3.      Obtain a good primary doctor and a specialist.

Find doctors who have not only reputable professional expertise but also compassion, and who take time to listen to you instead of rushing through routines.

4.      Always have a list of questions in hand when visiting your physician or specialist.
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In case you don’t know where to start, WebMD provides essential questions about different conditions. You can also use Question Builder (by Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality) to generate your own questions at  – an excellent tool!

During your visit, if you don’t understand why a particular question is relevant to your situation, ask about it or let a family member do so. You may find that the doctor is only asking the question out of routine. Conversely, you may find out that issues you ignored might actually be very important to your case.

5.      Avoid medical errors, misdiagnoses, and unnecessary tests.

Hospital infections and medical errors kill 400 people each day. So, take safety initiatives to avoid being a victim. Communicate with your doctor if you have questions or concerns. Understand why your procedures or medications are necessary, and understand what will happen if you need surgery. Always keep with you a list of medications you are taking.

6.      Personalized medicine starts with individuals and reflects the patient’s needs, preferences and values.

Let’s face it – different cancers need different treatments; likewise, different patients have different needs. Personalized medicine is characterized as the right treatment for the right person at the right time. It may also encompass a biological therapy that targets specific cells or an interactive approach that requires patients and their physicians to develop customized diet plans and exercise regimes or change unhealthful habits. Remember, you play a key role in transforming your health. So make sure to have proper preventative care.

7.      Be vigilant for new symptoms or concerns, e.g., the occurrence of fever, fall, pain, or swelling.  If you suffer from a serious chronic illness like cancer and have a weak immune system, you are very vulnerable to any infections or inflammations that may worsen your situation. So, take care of your immunizations, and of food and hand hygiene.

8.      Be proactive and active.

This includes choosing a cost-effective health insurance plan and understanding your coverage. It could also be checking out where the nearest Primary Stroke Center is in town in case of a stroke emergency, because time is critical for surviving a stroke! Or volunteer to enroll a clinical trial.

9.      Self-educate, but be mindful of information sources and respect the opinions of your medical team.

Reliable and accurate medical advice can be difficult to determine sometimes on the Internet. Medical issues can involve life and death! Respect and trust your physicians, because as in life, sometimes what you think you want may not be what you really need. For instance, maybe what you want is an unnecessary drug, but what you really need is the right information or modification of your behavior. So, don’t measure good care by merely meeting your desires.

10.  Get family and friends involved.

Remember: Your health care is teamwork. Although you need to take ownership and get in the “driver’s seat,” you are not alone; your physicians, care professionals and care givers, the healthcare system, and your loved ones all take the ride with you.

Finally, being empowered with these principles and embracing your active role will facilitate the high-quality, patient-centered care that your medical professionals strive for. And they will help you achieve a desirable clinical outcome, leading to better health and more happiness for you and your family.


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