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Masking and Vaccination as a Double Shield against COVID-19

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Mask & Vac as COVID Double Shield_Final_4-21Welcome the spring! What’s on your mind? School reopening? Summer vacation? Imagine hundreds of liberating thoughts on folks’ mind after a challenging year.

But frankly speaking, I’ve been thinking about masking and vaccination.

Despite remarkable national leadership and coronavirus vaccines roll-out progress, we still have a long way to go because of several variants fast-moving in the US, COVID cases surging in certain states, and young people increasingly getting infected. Needless to say, that elusive “herd immunity” remains in the air.

That’s why the issue is pressing on my mind.

I’m not going to reiterate the statistics as the numbers are grim to some and boring to others. Let me just cut to the chase to the practical solutions based on solid statistics and science.

Masking and vaccinating—on the top of COVID protective measures—are irrelevant to intelligence, politics or power control, even though some politicians made it sound so. Currently, a force in defiance of masking or vaccination or both is offsetting our effort and pace to stop the pandemic.

The issue is probably more about understanding, perspectives, safety and wellbeing of everybody.

Here are two outlooks or perspectives:

No. 1. Masking as a life jacket during desperate times

Yes, we are in desperate times. More than 560,000 lives lost; people we love and care are among them. We saw enough, period.

If you’ve been wearing a mask in the public, great! Continue doing so properly and persistently.

If you’ve been vaccinated, congratulations! Don’t let your guard down as you’re still at a potential risk to get infected / contract the disease (though less severe or lethal) and transmit the virus.

If you are one of those mask-defiant and/or vaccine-hesitant individuals, I respect your decision and individualism. However, unless for any specific medical reason, I urge you to take some quiet time reflecting as to WHY—why this is a burden for you instead of a care for yourself and others?
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No. 2. Mask and vaccination as double shield for yourself, your loved ones and for others.

Just like a lifeboat carrying us forward safely, vaccination is a long-term strategy and benefit for public health. COVID vaccination provides not only protection against the pandemic but also a promise of returning to the normal life to which we’re accustomed.

COVID vaccines are very safe and effective to protect you from getting severely sick or death while keeping you from spreading the virus to others. Mass vaccination is also the key that prevents more variants from taking roots and transmitting in the communities.

Even if you are fully vaccinated, masking up further defend you against increased transmission by the coronavirus variants.

Thus, consider this:

If you are devoted to your health, wear your mask and get vaccinated in addition to other protective measures.

If you are devoted to your family and community, help stop community transmission by wearing a mask and getting yourself vaccinated.

If you are devoted to our nation, you should be pride to wear a mask and acquire the vaccination, while counting our blessings for vaccine availability in the US.

If you are devoted to making the world a better place, masking up and rolling up your sleeve to get that shot are small, meaningful acts that contribute to eradicating the COVID-19!

In closing, the Takeaway

For now, the proven solutions are—wear a mask in the public and get vaccinated. Do so with care and hope. Without doubt, the ultimate result will come with JOY!

Please share this message if you share the same cares and desires. Big Thank You!


Image credits: Pixabay, Clipart-LibraryCancerPreventionDaily

The Power of Preventing Cancer: Vigilance at Your Control

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Vigilant and Cancer Risk_PixabayWhen a doctor delivers a cancer diagnosis to you or your loved one, it’s like a punch coming from nowhere that hits you really hard. The big C word brings more “c”s with it, chaos in life, crisis in health and finance, and crying in physical or emotional pains. That’s why we all try to avoid that devastation.

There are ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones from cancer damage. This is not a myth or far-reaching statement; in fact, there are evidence-based numbers revealing that 40 to 50% of cancers can be prevented simply through lifestyle changes.

To begin with, you need to be vigilant. Take a few examples:

Food is medicine until food and drink that are unhealthy or mixed with carcinogens creep through the entrance to your body, assisted by misinformation or a false sense of your body’ needs or naively directing a blind eye on what’s in it.

Breath brings life, and so we take daily breathing as a blessing or for granted. That’s until environmental pollutants or toxins flowing in the air that we breathe are found in the blood or body fluid samples.

Consider work. Are you flooded with deadlines, pressures, and/or abuse of any kind? Those are stress builders, as well as obstacles for your getting a good night’s sleep.

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Cancer arises from a complex process involving genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, and their interactions. Cancer-caused changes are not immediate or visible, but rather gradual or subtle while we cruise along on what may seem to be a comfortable and convenient voyage. Yet, cancer may silently and slowly become a part of our body and our life.

Whether cancer has a loud or a quiet voice or no voice at all, it merits attention. We should give cancer our gift of curiosity and sensitivity, as well as focused and committed shields against its arrival.

There is a blueprint for cancer prevention. The first step is to assimilate that blueprint. The next step is taking action to follow it, one stride at a time.

The bottom line is: You can prevent cancer. It is within your own power.


Image credit: Pixabay

Protect Your Heart, Prevent COVID Heart

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Covid heart w-ECG_pexabay & CPDYou want a good, young heart, right?

What if your heart became a target of our enemy—coronavirus?

You’re in terror or at least concerned. And I’m here to help you.

Heart health is more critical in the COVID era than ever. This is why I’d like to deliver several key points for everyone through real life stories and tips.

Yes, these apply to virtually everybody; from healthy to frail populations, to cancer survivors with cardiovascular disorders who then contracted COVID-19, and to children, with specific strategies for each group.

Why does your heart deserve urgent and special attention?

Cardiovascular manifestations or lasting effects have emerged as one of the most significant and fatal complications of the COVID-19, although the primary target of coronavirus is known at the respiratory tract. COVID-19 affects the heart in both short-term and long-term.

This is because the virus can enter the human heart and cause damage, period. Notable and wide spectrum of injuries include myocarditis, acute cardiac injury, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats), cardiovascular clots, heart failure, cardiac arrest, … etc., leading to higher mortality.

LV Large Thrombus to insert in text_Covid myocarditisLook at this chest CT image—a large thrombus (a blood clot, indicated by red arrow) in the left ventricle of the heart (reported by Dr. Hudowenz’s team)

The case is about a 48-year-old man who presented at the clinic with typical COVID symptoms like fever, fatigue, breathing difficulty and coughing up blood, but actually had COVID associated myocarditis and other cardio-pulmonary damage.

(Fortunately, the intracardial thrombus was resolved through anticoagulation therapy, and the patient recovered.)

 What are the best and safest ways to protect your heart?

Let’s start with the most vulnerable population.

Cancer patients with cardiovascular disorders and also contracting COVID-19

COVID-19 can damage the cardiovascular system, which is one of the disturbing concerns for cancer patients or survivors already managing cardiotoxicity developed during their treatment, esp. chemotherapy. When adding one more layer—old age, elderly cancer patients will be at a greater risk for sustaining worse outcomes. It’s understandable that medical care for this population has been uniquely challenging in times of the pandemic.

Both cancer and COVID coexisting cardiovascular complications are full of complexity. Case-by-case evaluation and treatment are more appropriate. That’s why I emphasize not to delay your cancer treatment and care.

To preserve your heart function and maximize cancer treatment, it’s crucial to continue vigilant monitoring, optimal treatment, and care for quality of life while practicing COVID safe measures, particularly with more contagious variants around.

Thus, telemedicine is so advantageous at this time. You receive necessary care for personalized treatment and its related toxicities without an in-person visit, which can minimize your exposure to the ill people and the virus.

The good news is—COVID vaccination can prevent and protect you from serious ailment and death! So, consult with your doctor or oncology team for your COVID-19 vaccine recommendation based on your specific case.

Also stay connected with your family, friends, and support system through various ways.

Aging folks and those with comorbidities or health issues

COVID-19 harshly affected older adults and people with chronic diseases. You know that you or your loved ones in this group are at a high risk for life-threatening consequences once getting COVID-19.

Despite common COVID-19 manifestations resulting from the viral spread by contact and droplets, it’s wise to take into account your unusual signs or symptoms. So, you can be benefited from timely medical attention. The following story tells you why.

Kaur et al. reported that a 43-year-old man with diabetes and hypertension experienced acute right leg pain and difficult breathing. At the ER, clinical examinations, electrocardiogram (ECG), CT and lab evaluations showed various abnormalities including positive coronavirus testing. He was intubated, and given therapies; among which was anticoagulation to reduce the blood clots in the limb. Sadly, he died from cardiac arrest 2 days later.
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Evidently, there are similar cases. The point is that acute limb ischemia may exhibit as one of COVID manifestations, in which the blood supply to an extremity is blocked. Again, take advantage of telemedicine for safety and catching early signs before any disease strikes.

I’d also emphasize that whether aging or suffering from comorbidities, these conditions are often accompanied by chronic, low-grade inflammation, imagine COVID driving a higher level of inflammation. To mitigate inflammation and improve complications, lifestyle changes (including diet, exercise, sleep, weight management) would be one of priorities. (though I won’t go beyond the scope of this post and there are plenty of tips available )

Of paramount importance for protecting your heart is to control your blood pressure. Undoubtedly, stress and anxiety, particularly higher in the midst of COVID, can impact your blood pressure. Paradoxically, some folks disregarded appropriate care or skipped appointments due to fear or disinformation. Alarmingly, hypertension can be asymptomatic but potentially fatal, and lead to heart attack and heart disease that are not always reversible.


Cardiovascular impact on children cannot be ignored, because most cases of pediatric COVID-19 mortality presented with heart oriented multi-organ failure.

The outbreak also altered otherwise healthy behaviors of diet, daily routine and lifestyle. One of safeguards for heart is physical activity.

As the pandemic persists, children’s wellbeing deserves our attention as always. Parents, schools and communities need to be creative yet vigilant, figuring out how to let kids stay physically active while implement safety measures and precautions.

Safe locations to engage in physical activities can be parks or fields with proper social distancing without crowded environments, and our homes including the backyard. Family members can enjoy many activities with their children, such as running, jogging, bicycling, stair climbing, jumping, or gardening, or Tai Chi and Yoga. Household chores are good for children as long as age-proper, such as cleaning, doing laundry, vacuuming, sweeping floors, yards or drive ways, and mowing the lawn or carrying groceries. So, you get the picture. The goal is to avoid kids and teens being occupied with mobile devices, electronic games or social media and for extended hours of sitting.

One thing particularly imperative is personal hygiene; parents need to practice healthy hygiene with children and cultivate healthy behaviors for children’s long-term benefits.

Healthy individuals

Finally, if you are healthy and COVID-free now, cheers and keep doing the great job.

At the moment, I’d like to stress two points, essentially for everybody. First, exercise regularly and moderately, not going for high-intensity and long-duration or those activities with high risk of injury, because not only may they weaken your immune system, consequently increasing a risk of respiratory tract infection, but also potentially trigger over-burdening of our health care system or even increase your risk of exposure to the virus. And next, never let your guard down, because COVID-19, plus new variants surfacing, can hit anyone at any time without discrimination of age, race or health status.

A bonus tip—heed your genetic susceptibility. If you have a family history of cardiovascular disease, particularly any close family member(s) who have died of heart disease young, monitor your risk for developing a heart condition.

Extra point – Preventive care with COVID vaccination

Remember—anyone can get infected and re-infected. That’s why the vaccine’s winning game comes into play, not only can it protect you from the infection, but also lower your risk of becoming severely ill with COVID-19 and dying.

As recent variants exist in the world including the US, it made an extremely infectious coronavirus more threatening.

The more virus transmission spreads in our communities, the more opportunities this virus can mutate, leading to more variants. The more frequent variants arise and stay, the harder we control them. Consequently, the more danger COVID will pose to our heart.

So, go for vaccination to protect yourself and your family, and grab the life-saving reward!

Take home message –

Cardiovascular involvement is a significant risk factor for poor outcomes of COVID-19 at all ages. So, safeguard your heart health and stop the virus transmission.

The greater you become aware of heart problem in the COVID era, the greater you value your heart health. The good news is—heart disease is largely preventable!

If your New Year’s resolution is failing, and February Heart month ended on the calendar, one thing you can always do is to take special care of your heart today for your better tomorrow.


Image credits:   PixabayCancerPreventionDaily

Transform Your Wellness in Uncertain Time

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Colorful Shapes for Ideas_CPD-Pixabay_2021A new year always marks a new, better beginning. we have new hopes in renewed energy, expecting new accomplishments and new happiness. Yet, 2021 is still an uncertain year; at least for sometimes, we cannot anticipate to return a full sense of normality.

The COVID-19 outbreak, the economic crisis, as well as racial tensions and consequential violence all bring a profound change in our daily life and affect our overall well-being. I’m concerned and wonder, just like many of you, when will most of us get vaccinated? what is the job and finance outlook for many folks experiencing economic hardship? How can our nation’s deep wound be healed? The challenges are in all shapes, but so are solutions.

Whatever you view our situation as a nation in turmoil or in transformation, a welcome opportunity to transform ourselves presents itself in front of us, especially for our health and wellness. I’m going to highlight a few important points.

First, lay the foundation for your health and well-being with three pillars—physical, emotional, and mental—and foster each support. The three pillars function like a tripod that establishes stability and connection. So, personalize your vitality and preventive care around each support. I won’t go through more details, as you can get some ideas from COVID-19 Era Wellbeing and Beyond: Perspectives for Year 2021.

Second, I’d like to talk about a circle of love and support as reinforcers for mental health. Mental health problems are not something new, but the pandemic lockdown and social distancing have exacerbated previous concerns of depression, loneliness and social isolation. This is one of the urgent and critical public health issues in 2021. An underpinning point is that loneliness and social isolation are linked to poor health outcomes, not only in elders but in people of any age. So, developing a circle of love and support is a great promoter of sustainable mental well-being. Even you have a very small family or are alone, you can still make a new friend or re-connect with old pals and your community. Seek for professional help when in need.

Don’t forget school kids and teenagers who are increasingly struggling with distance and disruption created by the pandemic. Their anxiety, loneliness, and social isolation may affect their grades now and result in potential trauma in the long-term. We need to steer them away from an avoidable drive down to a dark path as early as possible.

At this vulnerable time, one area of mental health involves how well your mind processes information and understand facts and data, which is an issue that has been too often overlooked or overwhelmed by disinformation in recent years. However, opening or shutting that flood gate is under your control. So, challenge your ability to detect and assess misinformation and falsehood. Remember that negative beliefs or perceptions influence your behavior and condition physically and emotionally. Consider gaining a fuller or richer understanding of another culture(s), maybe reach out to someone and exchange different worldviews, and maybe find a new meaning in your life.
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My point is that your worldview, spirituality, and personal growth can be an important element in lowering a risk for various diseases and in facing either physical illnesses or psychological sufferings. In other words, the mind and body are closely connected. Therefore, it is essential to illuminate the unattended dark and dusty corners of your mind with newfound knowledge, joy, laughter, and appreciation. All is an integral part of your well-being.

Third, strategize and manage by applying a series of squares/boxes (or areas). One can use boxes and bins for storage or office organization. We can also use them metaphorically to help in the quest for good health. You can do this by envisioning boxes that carry several risk factors of a specific disease, then tackling those areas through resources or actions. Alternatively, target lifestyle factors or areas that you want to improve. For instance, risk factors (boxes) for susceptibility to, severity of, and death due to COVID-19 include old age, obesity, pre-existing chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, lung disorders, chronic kidney diseases, and smoking, to name a few. Do you know—conversely—how COVID-19 can be a risk factor for other health problems? Research and clinical evidence show that this contagious virus can enter the cell and subsequently the body, damage the heart, brain, or multiple organs, causing lung injury and hypoxia as well as systemic inflammation resulting in overreactive immune response (or cytokine storm). There are things you can do to avoid or minimize these damages, and to prevent the transmission of infection, especially from the new coronavirus variants.

Finally, beyond doubt, with heightened fear and stress, some used-to-be top killers are sneaking into our lives. When most of us likely remain homebound for some time due to the pandemic, various health perils are prone to elevate. Unattended yet subsequent components could be high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and harmful cholesterol levels; all damage blood vessels and lead to increased probability of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke. So, pay attention to and prevent noncommunicable diseases (NCD), because people with NCD are vulnerable to the devastating impact of COVID infection. Also, climate change is evidently an imminent threat to our well-being in several ways; as detailed in The Climate Crisis Is a Health Crisis and in Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention.

Understandably, change is often not easy or comfortable. However, if you’re determined, you can embrace the process of change. Start with baby steps. The new year could be a nice, fresh point to start. So, gear up!

To your renewed health, happiness and well-being in 2021.


Image credit:  PixabayCancerPreventionDaily 

COVID-19 Era Wellbeing and Beyond: Perspectives for Year 2021

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Happy & Healthy 2021_CPDAs the end of the year approaches, what are your thoughts?

After all, 2020 has been a tough and unique year for us. For many, many families and friends, it has been very difficult this time around. We end the year with heavy hearts. In an article published on JAMA December, 12 this year, Dr. Woolf and colleagues eloquently capture the sad picture “COVID-19 has become the leading cause of death in the United States (daily mortality rates for heart disease and cancer, which for decades have been the 2 leading causes of death, are approximately 1700 and 1600 deaths per day, respectively). With COVID-19 mortality rates now exceeding these thresholds, this infectious disease has become deadlier than heart disease and cancer, and its lethality may increase further as transmission increases with holiday travel and gatherings and with the intensified indoor exposure that winter brings.

This should make us all pause and think through how to plan protective and preventive measures for a safe festive season.

Despite all the suffering and pain this year, I hope this blog message helps to wake some folks from any sense of helplessness or hopelessness. It’s crucial to have an empowered mindset in the Year 2021.

I’d like you to consider these few key points of action along with your reflection.

    1. For your physical wellness, practice Wellness Plus. The “Plus” is to emphasize strengthening your immune system. Start with any small step and build on your current healthy habits on a daily or weekly basis. Doing so can be as small as adding one immune-boosting food to your breakfast, exercising 10 minutes more each day, or getting an extra hour of sleep. Then stay on it. The secret is to integrate “at-home-fitness & wellness” into your daily routine.
    2. For mental and emotional health, find ways to reduce stress. Stress is a silent killer, with several leading causes of death being stress related. Specifically, chronic stress can accelerate cancer growth and lower body resistance to bacterial or viral infections. Who among us doesn’t have stress? Even if never before, I’m sure you had it this year. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological wellbeing of virtually everybody is considerable, though it may vary in scope or form. The key is to manage stress. Take advantages of natural resources and ask for help. Among great stress-relief techniques are having gratitude for what is good in your life and looking around to see where you can sow seeds of kindness, joy and love. 
    3. For overall wellbeing, keep and preserve hope, let your dream and joy be rekindled. I understand deeply how you feel if you lost loved ones, lost a job or the house, or maybe have had to endure a serious illness… In the midst of all difficulties, HOPE is not only important, but also imperative. At the end of the day, your physical, emotional, family, career and finance wellbeing are interconnected. Remember—dark days will pass, and a bright path is ahead. Long drought seasons will be replenished with blessed showers or rains. Having a purpose and positive outlooks can help. It may sound easy to say, but this is a life truth.

From CancerPreventionDaily, stay safe and enjoy peaceful, relaxed Holidays!

Best wishes for a spectacular 2021.


Image credit: Pixabay; CancerPreventionDaily

Holidays with Cholesterol- and COVID-Conscience

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Veggie plate w-Fruits heartThis holiday season is unique in the unprecedented way that our health, life and family are affected while the COVID-19 pandemic has spiked out of control across the US. That’s why I’m bringing the role of cholesterol into the picture.

Here are what we know about cholesterol:

  1. Almost everybody has the knowledge that cholesterol is bad for your heart (especially those low-density lipoproteins or LDL), because when “bad cholesterol” is excessively high in the blood and produces buildup or plaque in your arteries, it can slow or stop blood flow to vital organs, leading to heart attack or stroke.
  2. The accumulation of cholesterol is a common feature of cancer or malignant tissues. Moreover, cholesterol synthesis is tightly regulated in normal cells for physiological functions but dysregulated in various cancer cell types. Then, cholesterol dynamics in adherence and migration of cancer cells plays a critical role in cancer progression.
  3. Recent studies have shown that hypercholesterolemia (i.e., a high blood cholesterol level) is one of risk factors for hospitalization and severity of COVID-19 in diverse populations of patients infected with coronavirus.

Let me elaborate a little more on how bad cholesterol impacts severity and fatality of COVID-19.

This is possible given several high-risk patient populations associated with coronavirus infection including those with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke and cancer. After all, a high cholesterol level is a risk factor in all of these chronic conditions.

Following key points further support the possibility

a) Alterations in cholesterol level actually occur during other viral infections such as HIV and hepatitis.

b) Membrane cholesterol is an important component to facilitate viral entry into host cells. Because a virus cannot replicate or reproduce itself until it enters your cells, higher membrane cholesterol levels can enhance the virus entering your cells, and enable serious infection.

c) Recent studies have also found that patients with severe COVID-19 have significantly lower HDL cholesterol (i.e., high density lipoproteins or “good cholesterol).

Surely, this virus or the disease is new, so is scientific research at this stage. Nevertheless, careful consideration of these findings can only help you.

So, how do these new findings translate to your benefits?

1)      If you’re on medication such as Statin for your cardiovascular disease, medication adherence is important.

2)      For holiday meals, pay attention to food intake, avoid fatty foods, use other alternative ways to eat less fat, sugar, and refined wheat to lower cholesterol and prevent chronic inflammation.

3)      Focus on lifestyle modification and immune strengthening. (e.g., add more exercise, refrain from tobacco and alcohol, ensure stress relief and enough sleep, in addition to healthy diet.)

As I’ve always emphasized, it’s very important to know your numbers when it comes to cholesterol.

If your awareness and effort are insufficient in this regard, you can start with modifying holiday foods to avoid or minimize cholesterol bump after holiday. Never too late to stay healthy. For instance:

  • Make cranberry sauce yourself to reduce sugar amount in processed can products.
  • Make mashed potatoes with less milk and less/none butter. Then mix with gravy from roast chicken oil or other flavorful item/ingredient to adjust the taste.
  • Replace dinner rolls with whole grain version, because refined wheat would be converted to blood sugar.

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You get the idea.

At this point, you may also be wondering if you should take cholesterol-lowering drugs or supplements? This is a valid thought. However, remember that diet and exercise are proven ways to reduce cholesterol. Unless absolutely necessary, you may get a prescription after consulting with your physician, which needless to say it’s a complex issue. As for cholesterol-lowering supplements, data are not conclusive and formulations are not regulated. So, the best resort advisable is nutrient- and antioxidant-rich foods instead.

Cancer remains a major public health concern too. Controlling dietary fatty components as well as intake can prevent cancer and fight coronavirus infection.

Collectively, it is worth reflecting on your lifestyle and strategizing your plan to optimize your wellness while enjoying Thanksgiving and the coming holiday season.

May abundant love to you and your loved ones, along with cholesterol- and COVID-awareness, bring you safe and joyful holidays!


Image credit: pixabay

From Dilemma to Deadly Disease: How Do You Deal with It

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Balance Covid and CancerDo you have a loved one or friend suffering from cancer? How are they doing, particularly regarding wellbeing and cancer treatment aspect during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Also, are you one of the folks whose cancer screening is due or who may experience something uncomfortable, concerned yet reluctant to schedule a hospital visit?

I’m asking these questions because if the answer is yes, you are not alone. This is the reality and challenge we face now.

A dilemma is confronting us. Staying away from the hospitals may delay a critical treatment or a timely diagnosis, which could worsen cancer progression and prognosis; yet visiting the hospital may increase a risk for the coronavirus infection, which can lead to a potentially dangerous or destructive outcome.

So, I’m going to address this struggle and solutions to help you make a better decision about your health.

Balance current situation with long-term gain

Let’s face it. Oncologists have warned that delayed cancer screening and diagnosis during COVID-19 will result in thousands and more avoidable deaths in the coming decade.

The experts’ insight is clear. Although fearing of COVID-19 risk is understandable, there is also unintended consequence in cancer. I cannot emphasize enough that cancer develops through a multistep process over years. Regardless of what’s going on around the world and how many things we put on hold, malignant growth does not stop.

That is why detecting and treating early lesion(s) are critical. Cancelled or delayed cancer screenings suggest some undetected cancers because screening benefits are undeniable. Then undetected cancer that actually exist translate to the delay or loss of interventions, consequently allowing the cancer to grow or metastasize.

So, weigh in benefits and risks, or pros and cons, make cancer care or screening a priority and take COVID-19 precautions at the same time. Fortunately, it can be done safely.

The best example that early detection and treatment save lives is late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer journey, during which she went through successful treatments with colon, lung and pancreatic cancer since 1999. We can take a brief note on what she taught us.

Learn from Justice Ginsburg’s cancer battle

First, we see hope and inspiration from advanced medical therapies, from her personal battles and survivorship. It’s truly extraordinary that Ginsburg fought five bouts of cancer last two decades and lived well to 87 years old.

Second, we learn her resilience and commitment to life, health and work. Ginsburg’s rigorous exercise routine, her dedication to the job she loved, exceptionally she rarely missed work while undergoing cancer treatments, her time with family and friends, all helped her combat cancers.

Finally, we can ascertain that early diagnosis and treatment matter, as they can steer cancer course towards cancer-free direction. In Ginsburg’s case, every time doctors found a new cancer by accident came as a result of her routine checkups or treatments for other conditions. Then immediate surgeries and therapies restored her health. You can view it as luck or timely discovery or both.

Because she recently died from complications of pancreatic cancer, let’s extend to the next point.

Zero in preventing pancreatic cancer
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Pancreatic cancer is one of the most malignant and lethal diseases. It is highly invasive and can widely metastasize to various organs of the body. It’s also resistant to most treatments, with a poor prognosis (up to now a five-year survival rate is lower than 9%).

But when it comes to pancreatic cancer, it’s easy to permit a blind spot. This is because the disease rarely displays specific early signs and there is no acceptable screening test available at this time.

Even though one may experience some symptoms such as abdominal pain, stomach ache or lower back pain, jaundice, or bloating and weight loss, these indications can easily be brushed off in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. And worse, when these sufferings or concerns are presented, individuals already have an advanced pancreatic cancer that’s untreatable or unresectable.

More alarming is that incidence of pancreatic cancer has been increasing in recent years. Based on scientific projection, by 2030 it will end up second deadliest cancer in the U.S. next to lung cancer.

All the above-mentioned aspects, therefore, make the urgent need to understand causes and risk factors of pancreatic cancer. More important, the key is prevention and early detection.

After all, genetic factor is about 10%. Be watchful and eliminate the blind spot. Focus more on modifiable risk factors. Here are actions you can take:

  1. Trust your instinct and science. Don’t put off cancer diagnosis or cancer-related visits. You can always consult via Telemedicine first if any need or troubling concern arises.
  2. Open to necessary hospital/clinic visits. Don’t let fear and anxiety overwhelm you. Hospitals have made stringent protocols to ensure the safety of both patients and staff. I personally witnessed it at different hospitals from recent experience with my family member’s illnesses.
  3. Go for genetic testing if you are a high-risk individual, such as having a family history of pancreatic cancer, other cancers or certain familial syndromes, and hereditary pancreatitis. It can detect a cancer-causing mutation that drives pancreatic tumor growth. Moreover, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations trigger not only breast and ovarian cancer but also pancreatic cancer.
  4. Beware changes in your body (including subtle ones). Don’t ignore symptoms that may indicate something is wrong.
  5. Pay attention to elderly people. The risk goes up with aging, because ~80% diagnosed are 60 years old and up.
  6. Control diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, and obesity, especially childhood obesity—all are well established risk factors.
  7. Live a healthy lifestyle. No smoking, no heavy alcohol drinking, no high fat and high sugar food, and minimize red or processed meat consumption. Be physically active.
  8. Maintain a good oral health. Emerging evidence has linked poor oral hygiene or poor periodontal health to a higher risk for pancreatic cancer. This relation between a chronic oral infection and carcinogenesis should be no surprise, given that chronic inflammation and bacterial/viral infection are underlying mechanisms for cancer development.
  9. Build a powerful immune system. Make it your strong defense and preserve from diet, exercise to mentality and sleep.
  10. Protect yourself, your family and your community whether it’s fighting against carcinogens or the coronavirus. This is a personal responsibility. Before having an effective and safe vaccine to prevent COVID-19, wear a mask when out in public, watch your space at least 6-feet apart from others, wash your hands frequently, and avoid close contact with people who are sick.


The fear of COVID-19 has influenced some people’s decision to cancel or act on cancer screening or treatment. However, one should make effort to prioritize cancer screening, diagnosis and care while taking precautions to minimize COVID-19 risk. And become vigilant about pancreatic cancer.


Image credit: Scientists & CPD



Hypertension Can Be Asymptomatic but Potentially Fatal

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

BP Measure & Heart_pixabayWhen is the last time you checked your blood pressure? How is your child or children’s blood pressure?

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a multifaceted issue, and I’d like to address why it matters in several brief, yet key points.

In case you are not aware, high blood pressure is redefined at a reading of 130/80 rather than 140/90 mmHg, according to 2017 guidelines from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology.

It’s important to pay attention to the new normal—i.e. the reading should be lower than 120/80 mmHg, because when systolic (top) number is 120-129 and diastolic (bottom) number is lower than 80 mmHg, your blood pressure is referred to “elevated status”. So, if your reading exceeds 130/80 mmHg, read further.

Hypertension a common risk factor for various cardiovascular and other chronic illnesses. It often remains overlooked in the absence of symptoms. However, hypertension is a silent killer.

Hypertension is a primary risk factor for cardiovascular mortality (heart attack and stroke), and can bring about end-organ damage including chronic kidney diseases and renal failure. Even if people survive a life-threatening emergency, many face challenges of disability and complications that reduce the quality of life.

Hypertension is positively associated with some types of cancer, specifically renal cell carcinoma and breast cancer.
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Hypertension is becoming more common in children and adolescents but is under-diagnosed among this population, including those with a normal weight without a family history of hypertension. This is not surprising given the obesity epidemic, which presents alarming statistics—more than 1/3 of youth are overweight or obese and nearly 20% of children/adolescents has obesity. The relationship between hypertension and obesity has been clearly established; both can cause severe long-term health consequences.

As we live at a moment of crises, the compounding effect of COVID-19 reached an out of control point. A recent research published on European Heart Journal (2020 June; 41:2058-2066) reveals that patients with hypertension have a two-fold increase in the risk of dying from COVID-19 compared to those without hypertension. Antihypertensive treatment has lowered the mortality risk significantly compared with those left untreated.

The good news is that high blood pressure is a modifiable risk factor, and many hypertension-associated problems are preventable! So, focus on prevention.

The top strategy for preventing hypertension is lifestyle modification starting from a young age. Treating primary hypertension in children is almost exclusively a matter of an improved dietary and behavior regimen, including a more nutritional diet with reduced sodium intake, increased physical activity, and healthy weight. Pharmacological intervention is secondary strategy if your physician indicates it is needed.

A take-home-message: Watch your blood pressure, control your blood pressure to prevent acute cardiovascular events and help reduce the COVID-19 burden.


Image credit: Pixabay

Many Thanks to Readers’ Favorite for the Award & Honor!

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

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Rethink Obesity and Reshape Your Health

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Raised Garden Beds_A.H.steadI had a conversation with a friend regarding the pandemic and weight among other topics. My question is—How is your weight affecting you physically, emotionally, or medically?

If this sounds relevant to you, read on.

First, I’m highlighting three quick facts about obesity:

  1. The prevalence of obesity in U.S. adults reaches 42.4% (pre-COVID), based on the CDC.
  2. The obesity rate of young adults aged 20-39 is 40%.
  3. Obesity is an established risk for chronic diseases (e.g. heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, stroke, etc.), and has been linked to severe complications and clinical outcomes of COVID-19.

Now combine the reality of the pandemic. The lockdowns or self-quarantine and teleworking—by less exercise and more stress—exacerbate obesity epidemic, at least weight gain becomes increasingly common among many folks.

Let’s focus on one of the weight control solutions right at your home.

If you have been living in a confined world, getting less active in the outdoors or gaining “lockdown pounds”, you may wish to create your own “little paradise” in your garden.

The health benefits are abundantly clear, just mentioning some of them:

  • More movement to get physically active for weight control
  • Family activity to prevent the kids from overweight and obesity
  • Stress relief and mood enhancer
  • Close contact with soil that benefits the gut microbiome.
  • Eat nourishing veggies or fruits of your own without chemical toxins.
  • Connect with nature and enjoy your surroundings.

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Let me add a critical note on gut microbiome.

We know that the gut microbiota can contribute to human metabolism, immune defense and so on. Disturbances of gut microbiota not only disrupt your gut barrier and immune function but also have an impact on your weight and obesity.

Due to a modern lifestyle, most of us leave behind the contact with soil (plainly the “dirt”), hence causing the loss of diversity of beneficial microbiota in the human gut, which has led to some negative health consequences including obesity and diabetes. In contrast, research showed that our ancestors had the highest richness of the gut microbiome because of their hunting-gathering lifestyle.

Flowers & Plant on hands_Sm_PixabaySo, what actions can you take to reshape your health?

In August to early fall, you still have time to plan something green and healthy, with benefits of getting physical activity, fresh air, and the gut microbiome as players in your team.

Whether you have a big or small backyard garden, you have many ways to do so including but not limited to the following:

  • Select your favorite seasonal veggies, fruits or flowers and plant them.
  • Use elevated / raised garden beds or planter boxes , if you need more space or more variety. They look fantastic and this site offers a lot of great information too!
  • Add other varieties such as a little fountain or water flow, providing serenity.
  • Include a bird feeder or bath for bird watching, which is really joyful and meditative. As an article in New York Times puts it—“The birds are not on lockdown, and more people are watching them.” Certainly, you can also adore eBird.
  • Any other favorites, lawn chairs, a table under a tent, etc.?

Now that I threw a few ideas based on my “playing with dirt” and experience, but I’m not in any way near a gardener. So, if you ask a Pro gardener, you’ll get an ocean of suggestions or options for sure.

But the point is —

Whether you’re planting veggies, fruits and flowers or watching birds chanting and water flowing at your backyard, you are in touch with nature, thereby escaping from the pandemic anxiety or quarantine fatigue to enhance your well-being.

Not only can you indulge in your little paradise anytime, but you keep moving because gardening is not one-time labor.

So, take a few minutes from your busy or demanding life, appreciate nature, the tranquility, the beauty of greens or colors, the sound of water, the singing birds, along with healthy weight, beyond harvesting nutritious crops.

Is it a small joy of your life? I bet it’s the unique rewards of your “little paradise”!


P.S. If you don’t have your own garden, participate in nearby community garden.

Image credits: Aaron’s Homestead , Pixabay