Monthly Archives: April 2014

Cancer Prevention Associated with Uterine Fibroids Removal

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

stop-sign-1334670-mDo you have loved ones or friends who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, a benign (i.e. non-cancerous) growth in the uterus? Read what I am about to say carefully and share with other ladies.

Recently, the FDA warned against a procedure known as “laparoscopic power morcellation” to remove uterine fibroids or perform hysterectomy, because it could unintentionally spread hidden cancer beyond a woman’s uterus and into other parts of her body. Evidently, some tragedies have been reported.

Here is the reality. As many as 3 out of 4 women have uterine fibroids sometime during their lives, but most are unaware of them because no signs or symptoms show up. Some women experience minor symptoms that can be ignored or lived with. Your doctor may discover fibroids incidentally during a pelvic exam or MRI near pelvic area or prenatal ultrasound.

Let’s look at the impact. “Power morcellation” procedure has been performed for fibroids removal or hysterectomies on more than 50,000 women each year. The FDA estimates that about 1in 350 women undergoing a hysterectomy or fibroid removal has an unsuspected type of cancer called uterine sarcoma.

Here are a few important points you need to know:

1. Uterine fibroids are not associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never develop into cancer. However, there are rare uterine cancers that can be malignant or aggressive types such as uterine sarcoma and leiomyosarcoma.

2. If you have trouble symptoms such as heavy monstrous bleeding, vaginal pain or trouble with urination, etc, visit your doctor or specialist and seek for help.

3. Like virtually everything, there are pros and cons for “power morcellation”. Although it’s minimally invasive, less painful and done quickly in out-patient settings, risk of the procedure is too high – it could kill you!

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-          Know your family history, because heredity plays a role in developing fibroids, esp. among African Americans.

-          Exercise regularly, because it can reduce your risk for many types of cancer.

-          Eat less red meat, consume more fish and green vegetables.

-          Maintain a healthy weight. Research showed that obesity can increase your risk of developing uterine fibroids by two to three times.

5. Remember: Uterine fibroids can shrink or even disappear naturally, especially after menopause as hormones decline.

The bottom line is – when it comes to considering removal of uterine fibroids, take extra caution to weigh benefits and risks.


Image credit: by linder6580

Care for Human Environment Every Day

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Green-Earth-eu-1382312-mApril 22 is the Earth Day. However, I want to write this blog in advance, because I encourage everybody to “save our planet” or “go green” now. Don’t put off or celebrate it as a “one-day event”. Every day should be earth day, which should be the way we respect our planet.

Nowadays we often hear the “Green” buzz, but questions are – how much progress have we made and how much does each of us individually contribute to that progress?

We, humans, talk about “environment” and interact with the environment through various ways from protecting and caring to the worst – abusing. In fact, we should think about “environment” as human environment, because human and the “environment” are co-dependent, right?

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Let us make Earth Day every day by making GREEN our second nature and our shared value.


Image credit: by Ten_a

Increase Awareness of Head and Neck Cancer

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

HeadNeck-Ribbon_RRSNearly 65,000 people in the United States will develop cancer of the head and neck each year, and nearly 13,000 of them will die from it. What makes these figures especially tragic is that most of these cases are preventable! If caught early, head and neck cancers are also curable!

Are you and your loved ones aware of the facts about preventing head and neck cancer? If yes, great! If not, it’s time to increase your awareness. The basic thing you need to know is that a healthy lifestyle and early detection are critical. Today, let’s focus on these two keys.

Healthy lifestyle and habits

  1. If you smoke, quit. Period. Don’t even try to switch to any other unsafe alternatives such as smokeless or spit tobacco. Tobacco use is the most preventable cause of head and neck cancer. Tobacco is a known carcinogen that causes many types of cancer.
  2. Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. 75% of all tumors of the mouth and throat are associated with tobacco and alcohol use. Tobacco and alcohol are a deadly combination!
  3. Keep a healthy and balanced diet, which is essential for your overall wellness.
  4. Maintain proper oral hygiene daily, take good care of your teeth, and see your dentist annually or semi-annually.
  5. Practice sun protection.
  6. Consult with your doctor if you find a suspicious lump or sore or a discoloration on your head and neck area that doesn’t heal for more than 2 weeks.

How do you detect head and neck cancer early?

First, you should know that head and neck cancer includes cancer of the:

  •   Oral cavity (lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, salivary glands, palate, and mouth floor)
  •   Tonsils
  •   Throat or pharynx
  •   Voice box or larynx
  •   Neck
  •   Lymph nodes in the head and neck area
  •   Nasal cavity
  •   Sinuses
  •   Ear

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Next, you should watch for symptoms or warning signs of a cancerous growth, including:

  1. A sore, swelling, or growth in your mouth or tongue that doesn’t go away.
  2. A lump in your neck. Cancers that begin in the head or neck usually spread to lymph nodes in the neck before they spread elsewhere. So, a lump or lumps could be the first sign of head and neck cancer, or of lymphoma or another blood cancer. It may be painless but it also may continue to enlarge.
  3. A change in the voice. Not all voice changes are caused by cancer, but if your voice changes or if hoarseness persists for longer than two weeks, visit your physician.
  4. Persistent nasal problems. Watch out for an unexplained bloody discharge, chronic sinus trouble, or an obstruction, especially when it lasts for several days.
  5. Blood in your saliva or phlegm. If it lasts for several days without an apparent reason, see your doctor.
  6. Persistent pain when swallowing food or liquids. Swallowing difficulty may be caused by cancer of the throat or esophagus. Do not delay getting a diagnosis.
  7. Decreased hearing or persistent earache. Constant pain in or around the ear accompanied by swallowing trouble could be a sign of infection or of cancer. This is particularly serious when it combines with one or more of the problems mentioned above. Make sure to consult with your doctor or a specialist.
  8. Changes in the skin. Skin cancer is the most common head and neck cancer. Basal cell skin cancer often occurs on sun-exposed areas like the forehead, face, and ears; and of course, it can occur almost anywhere on the skin. A mole that changes size or color, or that starts bleeding, may be a sign of serious trouble. A black or blue-black spot on the face or neck, especially if it changes size or shape, should be seen by a dermatologist or your physician as soon as possible.

Here is the take-home message: Head and neck cancer can be prevented. Healthy habits and early detection are two of your best strategies for prevention.


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Take Actions and Steps to Reduce Air Pollution

By Hui Xie-Zukauskas

Air pollution full_1358341713BillBishopjan10-14Beijing1Are you concerned or scared about breathing in smoggy, hazy air in some big cities in China? Do you really consider the air in the United State is dirt-free? This post helps you realize the pressing need to control air pollution.

Air pollution has become the world’s single biggest environmental health risk, linked to around 7 millionor nearly one in eight deaths in 2012” – according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Generally speaking, there are two types of air pollution. Outdoor pollution comes from car exhaust fumes, industrial fumes and coal-burning, while indoor pollution comes from tobacco smoking, wood or coal stoves, and other sources from paint fumes, hair spray, air fresheners, cleaners to mold and dust.

Most people are well aware of lung diseases and lung cancer as major health risks of air pollution. Actually, air pollution has also been associated with deaths due to cardiovascular causes; particularly, a big indoor pollution-related killer is stroke. Moreover, WHO’s cancer agency classified air pollution as a carcinogen last year.

Although the government should invest in research and technology renovation to use renewable and non-polluting energy sources, we all can contribute our own part to promoting clear air and a healthy environment. Here are 12 things you can do:

  1. Plant trees.
  2. Support mass transit system or bike to reduce the use of single-passenger vehicles.
  3. Check and maintain your car to ensure minimal or lower exhaust fumes.
  4. Keep your lawn well-maintained, and try to use non-gasoline-powered landscaping and gardening equipment.
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  6. Recycle, recycle and recycle to conserve energy and reduce production emissions.
  7. Do chemical-free house cleaning; avoid using chemical pesticides and fertilizers in your yard or garden.
  8. Reduce paper documents, and avoid junk mail.
  9. Save electricity. Less electricity consumed means less power produced and fewer air pollutants resulting from burning of fossil fuels.
  10. Use energy-saving or energy-efficiency appliances and heating/cooling systems at home.
  11. Reduce landfills by taking care of waste treatment and taking responsibility for a green community.
  12. Change the air filters from time to time as recommended, vacuum often, and get fresh air frequently to minimize certain indoor pollutants.
  13. Go for local produce!

Remember: it’s important to quit tobacco smoking and test radon gas at home. Also, check out EPA site for more guidance.

Collectively, these small daily choices we make often impact our lives and earth in big ways in the long-term. These conscious practices and efforts can keep our air cleaner, our environment greener, and our bodies healthier.


Image credit: By